Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Megohime swung a leg over him, sitting on his lap and leaning over him. "I'll stay, but, I don't wanna stay in a cell." She said softly. "And I don't have to call you Masamune-sama."
Megohime placed a hand on his cheek, leaning down and kissing him. "Hai." She said softly.
Megohime grunted softly, resting her head against his before getting off him and sitting on the beds edge.
Megohime grabbed her dress and pulled it over her head, tying the corset strings before pulling on her panties.
Megohime pulled on her boots and pulled her hair up with a cloth hair tie, feeling her neck. "Y'know, you didn't make these exactly hide-able."
"Not at all." She said, turning to face him, a small smirk pulling her lips up. "But don't you think it'd be much better if they were somewhere no one but us could see~?"
Megohime sniffed softly. "I guess a loud man can't help but be loud in even the most quiet of ways." She said, though her tone had traces of teasing in them. "Marking his territory I suppose."
Megohime made sure her dress wasn't to wrinkled before opening the door and turning to face him. "I'll leave you to your big boy duties." She said, heading down the stairs.

Yukimura and Akihime still bunked in the inn in Winterhold, they'd be leaving in the morning, but outside, a slender woman crouched against the cliff side, watching a man who seemed to be hanging around the inn ever since Yukimura and Akihime had arrived. Wearing a heavy cloak and light armor, a Hannya mask covered her face, leaving only her snow white hair visible, wind blowing it wildly around her shoulders.
Sasuke made sure to stay out of Akihime and Yukimura's sight. He wanted to know why they would just leave their horses at Whiterun and come here. It bothered him deeply.
"You're meddling too far into their buisness. Leave." A voice spoke, now right behind him, a small figure standing a foot or two away.
"It wasn't a request." She replied, dark grey eyes barely visable behind the mask she wore. "You're stepping out of line, Sarutobi, and you're getting involved in business you don't belong."
"You know my name but I don't know yours, pretty female voice..." He said teasingly, "But again; I can't leave...its my job to protect Master Sanada..."
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