Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Yukimura made his way toward the main hall, heading straight for his lord. "Oyakata-sama." He bowed before him, humbling himself.
Yukimura bowed lower. "Please forgive my absence my lord! But something dire has come up, I am requesting permission to leave to deal with such an issue."
"My safety, Oyakata-sama?" He frowned softly. "You just welcomed my safety not minutes ago, did you not?"
"Sasuke informed me of thugs that were seeking to eliminate you. You are not allowed to leave until the threat passes." He answered. Sasuke stood a ways away, smirking slightly to himself.
Yukimura blinked and looked at Sasuke, mouth hanging open slightly. "Oyakata-sama, even if there were bandits out to harm me, I don't think I should be hiding behind the castle walls. I'd much rather take them on as a man than hide from them as a coward." He just went along with it, deciding it would be easier to not explain Akihime's vampirism.
"But mercenaries, Yukimura! Men trained solely to kill you! Sasuke found you unconscious on the road, no doubt they had caught you by surprise! What if they had succeeded in taking your life!? They already captured Akihime, no doubt torturing her for your whereabouts. Sasuke has sent his finest to go save her." "Never you worry, we'll get her back." Sasuke stated, but it was less than sincere
"Thank you, Sasuke." Yukimura gritted out, shooting the man a glare. "But I was merely exhausted from my travels, I have rested now and I'm quite alright..!"
Yukimura clenched his fists tightly, nodding sorrowfully. "Hai.." He said quietly before standing and leaving the room.
Yukimura sat in his room, frowning worriedly as he tried desperately to think of a way to help Akihime.
"Maybe you can forget about comrades easily... But that is something I just can't do." Yukimura murmured.

((Yeah, that stung a bit~))

Sasuke made a face and shook his head, "Left the Brotherhood for this...starting to think that was a bad idea..." He muttered to himself
((Well, Sasuke is being a douche~))

Yukimura hung his head and racked his brain, worry stealing his appetite.
((True~ tiny skip~!))

A few days passed and Sasuke stalked Yukimura everywhere to keep him inside Whiterun. The young Cub had already tried numerous times to escape but had failed each attempt; either caught by a guard or one of Sasuke's initiates.
Yukimura sat in his room, tired and running out of time, if Akihime didn't feed soon, she'd be unable to go anywhere. "Do you honestly think she would turn me?" He said aloud, knowing Sasuke was either hiding in the room somewhere or outside the room.
"I wouldn't put it passed her." Sasuke answered, "It happens without either party knowing what happened. Why do you think I shoved a cure disease potion down your throat the other day? I still have to protect you...even if you hate me."
Yukimura thought about his answer for a minute. "I don't hate you... But I don't agree with how you're trying to protect me... I am the Tiger of Whiteruns Vassel and though I may be important, I do not need to be kept under lock and key." He hesitated before adding. "And... I don't believe Akihime-dono would do such a vile thing... She has a kind heart, even after turning, the only one she was worried about was me.."
Sasuke made a noise, looking out the window. It would be dusk soon. "You should get some sleep, Master. I'll...talk to Lord Shinge-..." He was cut off by screams of terror and various yelling of the guard. He rushed to the window and looked out to see what was going on. Akihime was walking slowly through the streets, her hair free and untamed as it trailed behind her, eyes glowing brightly as she threw guards off her and scared away the residence of Whiterun. "Bloody hell." Sasuke growled lowly
Yukimura heard the screams and grabbed his swords, not bothering to stop and look out of the window to see what was happening, all he knew was the town was in trouble. Racing outside, he moved as fast as he could toward the person -or thing- everyone was running from, drawing his swords. But when he saw Akihime, he froze, all color draining from his face. "Akihime-dono?"
Her eyes landed on him and she hesitated, "Sana...da...san..." "Master Sanada, get away from her!" Sasuke and his initiates rushed forward, the ninja brandishing the Blade of Woe. Her body grew tense and alert, but her eyes were frightened and weary. "So...tired...Sanada...san...tasukette...." She took a step forward, only to gasp and hiss when Sasuke appeared between her and Yukimura and cut her with his dagger. She stumbled back, covering the wound in her side as blood leaked through her fingers
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