Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Nana was taken to Solitude as well, but not with Motochika. After walking barefoot through the snow for some time, she reached the cobblestone roads of Solitude, being led to Mitsunari himself.
Mitsunari sneered and took a step back when they approached, "You again?" He growled, "Why is she here?" "The Ambassador had her brought along with Chosokabe." The Thalmor replied. Mitsunari made a face, "Fine, take her to the dungeons."
Nana said nothing as she was dragged away, her mouth dry, and the scars on the side of her face throbbing in pain. What would be done with Motochika?
Later, what seemed like days, after Nana had been locked up and left to herself, Motochika was brought into the dungeon on locked up beside her. He was unconscious, covered in bruises and shock burns.
Nana scrambled to her hands and knees and crawled over to the wall where Motochika's cell was. "Motochika..!" She gently tapped the wall, not able to see him all that great, with only a single missing brick being her window into his cell.
Nana was able to squeeze her arm through the small gap in the wall and reached out for Motochika. "Here, love." She could feel her lip start to quiver again, but let out a breath to steady it. "We're in Solitude's prison."
She felt his large hand incase hers before his lips trailed slowly across her knuckles. "I'm so sorry, love. I didn't want to lose you again, we had just been reunited. I asked Kanbe to keep Morichika and Nobuchika safe and away from any Legion soldiers that came looking. Please forgive me for getting us both caught in the Empire's barbed net..."
Hot tears slipped down Nana's cheeks and she squeezed his hand tightly. "It isn't your fault, none of this ever was, or will be." She said in a hushed tone. "Just remember I will always love you, Motochika."
Nana laid in her cell with her hand in Motochika's for quite some time before two guards came, unlocking Nana's cell and entering. "Stand up." One ordered, trying to yank Nana to her feet, but she refused to let go of Motochika's hand. "Don't touch me!" She hissed, kicking at the guard, who started to pull harder. "If you don't let go, I'm going to cut your damned arm off!"
"Leave her alone!" Motochika snapped, "Or you'll deal with the Ogre of Dawnstar!" "You have no authority here, traitor. Shut your damned mouth before I cut out your tongue."
Nana let out a cry of pain, before her hand was torn away from Motochika's and through the small hole in the wall, earning her a few good scrapes along her arm for her trouble. "Shut up, Mighty Ogre, you couldn't stand even if you wanted to..!" Both guards errupted in laughter, dragging Nana away.
It wouldn't be hours before Nana would return, both guards having to drag her motionless body into her cell, where they dropped her roughly on the ground. Nana lay on her side, back toward the small hole in the wall that allowed Motochika to see inside her cell.
"Nana!" He moved quickly and peeked through the hole, heart wrenching in two, "Oh, love, what have they done? Speak to me, lass, tell me you're ok...!" He begged.
Nana didn't respond or move to indicate she was at least still alive, but upon closer inspection, frost could be noticibly seen coating her entire body, even small chunks of ice in her hair.
"Nana, please forgive me..." He pleaded softly, "I swear to you, I will get us out of here...we will go as far away from this place as possible, just the four of us. We'll leave this bloodstained land and petty Empire far behind..."
It would be another two hours before Nana finally began to stir, slowly sitting up, shivering hard, and barely coherent. Turning her head around she took in her surroundings, skin pale and lips blue. "M-Motochika..?" She croaked, her clothes still damp leaving her freezing in the cool cell underground.
Slowly dragging herself across the floor, Nana carefully held onto Motochika's fingers, curling up beside the wall to stay close to Motochika, were she would soon lose consciousness again.
For the next few weeks, every day, Nana was be dragged off to Gods know where for hours at a time, only to come back either poisoned, unconscious, half frozen to death, shocked into catatonic states, or even burned so badly all she could do was lay on the cold ground and cry. When they started to creatively mix drugs however, Nana would often come back unresponsive, and on more than one occasion, would almost choke on her own vomit.
That week had been particularly rough on Nana, leaving her unable to walk from the mixed poison and drugs, and for the last three days, she'd return with almost her entire head wrapped in gauze dotted with blood. "Motochika.." Nana had her arm through the small gap in the wall once again, holding weakly onto her husbands hand. "Please try to get out of here.." She was very weak at this point, her voice just above a whisper. "Please try to get back to Morichika and Nobuchika.."
"Not without you, Nana." He said firmly but his voice was quivering, "We're going to get out of here together. We'll sail far away with Mori and Nobu, away from the Empire. We'll go to Solstheim and become fishers and open a fishery and it'll just be the four of us..." He told her, trying to give her hope.
"That sounds nice.." She said softly, crying once again, but the wraps on her head instantly soaked up her tears. The sounds of footsteps approaching made her tighten her grip on Motochika's hand, shaking like a leaf. "I love you, Motochika.."
The sound of a metal door unlocking could be heard before Nana's hand left Motochika's, being dragged to her feet and taken off to whatever hell awaited her.
"No!!" Motochika jumped up and rushed to the bars, "Leave her alone! Please, for the love of Talos!" This was certainly unlike him, a broken and helpless man ripped from the mighty Ogre, wanting desperately to keep his wife safe. "Please, she doesn't deserve this...!"
"Ah, shut it already!" A guard snapped as he moved out of sight, taking Nana with him, leaving Motochika alone in his cell.
Hours upon hours passed, and Nana still hadn't been returned, which was unusua, since she was usually only gone for up to two hours at a time, and it was bordering four.
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