Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"The Empire wants him. I personally could care less for him. This is how it's supposed to be and this is how it will go." He told her and left the interrogation room.
Nana clenched her teeth and hung her head, waiting in silence for what nightmares would be to come. She only prayed that they wouldn't take Motochika.
It was hours before any of the Thalmor would return, hauling a screaming and cursing Motochika with them. "I'll kill all of you, I swear it! You spineless cowards will regret this!" "Shut your mouth, you filthy human." One of the Thalmor growled, punching Motochika in the stomach.
Nana picked up her head when she heard her husband, tears filling her eyes and her heart dropping into her stomach. "Motochika..!" She did her best to look at her husband, but was still secured tightly on the torture rack.
Nana's bottom lip trembled and she took a shaky breath. "You should've stayed in the hold, Motochika." Though she tried to put out anger, her tone was laced heavily with concern.
"I guess you got lucky for once, Chosokabe." The large Justiciar slammed his knee into the back of Motochika's knee, forcing him to kneel as his wrists were shackled. "Your wife has tight lips," He leaned in with a shit eating grin. "I'd like to find out if that's not the only thing tight about her, but Nords disgust me."
"You stay the hell away from her." Motochika spat, "Or I'll rip that tiny elf dick from your body." "Shut it, worm!" The other punched Motochika in the jaw and he only smirked, "Weak as fuck swing ya got there."
"Motochika please, don't!" Nana begged him, not wanting to see him be hurt for speaking out. When the door creaked open, Nana turned her attention to Motonari, who entered the dungeon.
Motonari moved towards Motochika and stood before him, "Hello, Chosokabe." He stated, "It has been a while." "Motonari." Motochika sneered before wincing in pain. Motonari made a noise, "I heard you lost your memory. That is unfortunate." "It has it advantages." Motochika spat.
Nana wiggled her wrist, trying her best to pull her hand through the cuff, but all she got for her troubles was a bit of pain. Glancing at Motochika, she gave him a look a fear, wishing she could alert him of his even worse fate to come.
"You're a wanted fugitive, Chosokabe. You will be turned over to Jarl Mitsunari and will be dealt with accordingly." "Yeah, no. As soon as you uncuff me, I'm taking that dagger attached to your hip and plunging it into your throat." Motochika replied. Motonaei rose an eyebrow, "We'll see."
A feeling of dread washed over Nana and she quickly continued to try and free her wrist, if she could get Motochika out of harms way then everything would be worth it, all the pain and suffering she had endured for years would be worth it's weight in gold.
"Eat shit, elf..!" Nana hissed through clenched teeth. She had to do something, anything to get Motochika even the chance to break free. "What is it with the Elves always bending over for others?" She growled lowly.
Nana ground her teeth in frustration and hopelessness. They had finally been free, they had finally found their sons, and she finally had her family back, and now it was being taken away again. Cocking her head back she spit a nice-sized wad of saliva into Motonari's eye.
Motonari scowled and wiped his eye before using Chain Lightning on her, sending a massive shock through her body. "Nana!" Motochika thrashed in the shackles and the Thalmor used Calm on him, causing him to stop.
Nana's scream echoed inside the dungeon, her entire body stiff as she was shocked, her eyes wide and full of agony. Even after the initial shock had ended, Nana continued to twitch for some time afterword, a small amount of smoke rising from her. "Please don't do this." She rasped, looking at Motonari with pleading eyes. "Please don't take my husband from me, I'll do anything.." Tears filled her eyes as she pleaded. "I'll give anything, just please, don't take him away from his family.."
Nana hung her head in shame, feeling her own desperation overwhelming, and disgusting her. "You shouldn't have come looking for me, you should've stayed with the boys.."
"So that you could live to see your children grow old and have children of their own!" Tears were falling down Nana's face at this point. "I finally got you back and now you're being taken away again..!"
"I would rather sacrafice myself to see you continue on, Nana." He told her, "Don't worry so much for me...they can't do much to me.." The Thalmor unshackled Motochika and her smashed his forehead into the nose of the one that grabbed him, causing him to stumble back. Motochika rushed the second but was sent flying into the wall by a dual Chain Lightning spell.
"Motochika!" Nana cried, struggling against her own captors as she was released from her shackles and forced onto the ground. She felt the Thalmor struggling to clothe her, no doubt to spare themselves a tainted image, not wanting to parade around a naked woman. After they had managed a shirt over her head and ragged pants on her, she was hauled to her feet and steered to the door. "Let go!! Motochika!"
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