Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Motochika was trying to pick the lock of his cell with a lockpick he had found hidden under his mattress, probably left by the previous occupant. He was getting frustrated, lockpicking not a strong point of his. The pick was close to breaking but he was so close - so close to freedom and his hunt for his wife.
A sudden slam on the door broke the lock pick and startled Motochika, guard had come to give him his stale bread and water. "You're not fiddling with the lock are you?" She sneered, sliding the tray under the door. "If needed, we can break your fingers to keep you from fidgeting too much."
He reached through the bars and grabbed her by her tunic, "You're lucky you have that helm on or I would crack your skull over these bars like a rock warbler egg." He spat.
The guard struggled violently, slamming her gauntlet across Motochika's knuckles before stumbling backwards. "Scum." She hissed, then tossed another tray of food at the door, spilling the water and allowing the other bread roll to roll under the door. "I guess Lady Motochika won't really be needing this, so you can have it." She snarled.
The guard ground her teeth, restraining herself from opening the cell and beating Motochika, instead letting out a sharp breath. "Your wife kicked the bucket, you're on your own now." She said, then turned to leave.
Without another word, the guard stalked outside the dungeon, leaving Motochika to himself, the heavy door slamming shut behind her.

"Lord Yoshitsugu, Lord Mitsunari, the testing has proven a success." The stick thin Thalmor woman reported with a large grin. "See for yourselves, the woman once know as Lady Motochika is no more. Without the use of spells or drugs, she is a completely new and malleable person. She no longer has a single memory of who she once was, and her mind is a blank canvas. Tell her she is the Emporer and with little convincing, she'll very well believe you." Motioning to the small Nord who stood stiffly a ways behind the elf, Nana looked awkward and a bit nervous, but kept still in her place without guards holding her or chains restricting her.
Nana nearly jumped when Yoshitsugu moved closer, looking him up and down. "I'm sorry... I don't recognize you at all.." She said, brows furrowed heavily. She still had burns and cuts on her, but she had been cleaned up and dressed properly.
"Attack?" She echoed, touching a heavy bruise under her eye. "Is that how I was injured? Who attacked me?" Nana, though having given Mitsunari a brief glance, didn't seem to recognize him, her full attention on Yoshitsugu.
"Chosokabe Motochika. He attacked you while you were in Dawnstar, killed your husband the Jarl and your children. The Empire only recently reclaimed Dawnstar from him and arrested him." He replied.
Tears filled Nana's eyes, and other than the endless feeling of emptiness she was feeling, a heavy wave of despair crashed down on her. Sinking to her knees, she stared at the ground, holding back her cries of loss. "I had two children..?" She clenched her fists, taking shaky breaths. "A-And this- this Chosokabe, he killed my family..?" Her voice was quiet, struggling to keep herself together.
"We had our Priest of Arkay pray for them, my dear. I'm so sorry..." He told her. Mitsunari rolled his eyes and left the room, not wanting to listen to this nonsense. If he had his way, she would be dead, her head rolling off the chopping block before being dumped into the sea.
Nana hung her head, her tears falling freely. "Thank you for saving my life.." She said softly, wiping away her tears with the back of her hand.

Back in the Solitude dungeon, the soft patters of feet could be heard, but it was from skeevers, a small child had in fact made their way down underground and had been wandering just outside Motochika's cell, with no guard seeming to notice them. The child had thick black hair and dark eyes, wearing boys trousers and a ratty shirt. "Why're you in there?" The young girl asked, finally approaching the bars and peering inside.
Motochika glanced up before lowering his gaze, "I am in here because my wife was used as a trap, and now she is dead and I am alone...I gladly welcome any death they have waiting for me.."
The child pursed their lips, holding onto the bars and pressing their forehead against the cool iron bars. "Why would you accept death?" The young girl crouched down and put their arm through the bars, wiggling their thin fingers. "Wouldn't that be scary?"
The girl took Motochika's hand, her small hand soft and warm. "But wouldn't Nana want you to live on?" She asked, avoiding eye contact for a moment longer before looking straight into his eye with her dark stormy ones.
"Who the hell are you talking to?" A male guard slid a tray of food under the door for Motochika, water, bread, and this time a small amount of meat, though it looked rather dried out.
In he blink of an eye, the small girl was gone, and in the hand that had been holding the girls, was Nana's bandana.
Motochika's eye widened and he brought the bandana close to his chest, "No one...this damnable dungeon is taking it's tole on me..." He replied before grabbing the tray and pulling it closer so he could eat.
The man scoffed and left without another word, leaving Motochika to himself.

Nana had stayed close to Yoshitsugu since she had her memories wiped clean, remaining quiet and subdued as she helped him with daily tasks. "Yoshitsugu-dono..?" She asked quietly. "What will become of the man who murdered my family?"
"He is going to be executed soon enough. We have to wait for the return of the Oracle before then, however...she oversees all prayer and final rights.." He answered, "Shouldn't be much longer for her to return.."
"Would I be able to see him before the execution?" Her voice got quiet again. "I want to know why he did it... And what he did to me.. I still can't remember anything at all.."
Yoshitsugu made a small noise, "If that is your wish, then yes, whenever you desire, we can go and see him. Ask him anything you like." He told her. He was confident that no matter what Motochika said or did, it would not trigger a memory in Nana; she was a clean slate of marble now, perfect for the Empire and Mitsunari's will.
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