Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Thank you, I'd like to see him now if your don't mind, these questions weigh heavy on my heart." She said, a softl frown on her face, smoothing out the wrinkle in her dress.
He nodded and hobbled along with her down to the dungeons. Motochika didn't look up when he heard the doors open, keeping to the wall with the broken brick slot, dreaming of hearing Nana's voice again. Mori and Nobu must have been so worried and scared, wondering where their parents were.
"This is him?" A familiar voice came from just outside the cell door, a small figure moving into view. Seeing the large man made Nana tremble with fear, and just at his appearance alone. "This is Chosokabe?"
Motochika perked up instantly and moved to the bars, overjoyed, "Nana! By the Nine, love, you scared me! I thought I-!" He stopped when he saw how terrified she looked. "Nana?"
Nana's mind couldn't grasp the words that were coming from Motochika's mouth, tears filling her eyes and a scowl forming on her face. "Don't... Don't you ever call me your love, I'm not yours!" She hissed out, clenching her fists to keep herself together.
Motochika looked confused, "Nana, what are you talking about, lass? Have they broken you? We're married! Your wedding band, I made it!" He pointed to her ring finger, only to see that the band was gone, "They took your band...?"
"Yes, I know, Yoshitsugu-dono told me everything." Nana said through clenched teeth. "After slaughtering my family, you forced me into marriage." Her eyes held so much hate, Motochika could almost feel it radiating from her.
He laughed lightly, though it was forced, like he heard a really bad joke. "What are you going on about, love? Forced you to marry me? I've known you since we were tadpoles! We fell in love, don't you remember?"
"Save your crazed words for the block. I've never seen you until the day you murdered my family and took me hostage. May the Gods have no mercy on you." She spat, then turned and left quickly, too upset to say or hear anymore.
"Nana, come back! Nana!!" He callee, glaring when he heard a dark chuckle. "Too bad, Chosokabe...your wife is long gone." Yoshitsugu stated before hobbling away. Motochika shouted and screamed curses at him, vowing vengeance.
Nana had stopped to wait outside the dungeon, collecting herself and taking deep breaths and staring at the far wall. "Forgive my yelling, Yoshitsugu-dono." She spoke once he came into earshot.
"You're very kind for letting me take refuge here until I get back on my feet, if there's anything I can do, anything at all, just say the word." She said, bowing her head to him.
He bowed his head slightly, "If I require anything of you, I will call upon you." He replied gently, "You should go rest, the interraction with Chosokabe must've drained you."
Nana nodded, straightening herself out. "Yes, I am rather tired, thank you.." She bowed one last time before heading to the Blue Palace where Yoshitsugu had given her a guest bedroom to stay in. As she entered the corridor that led to her bedroom, she passed Mitsunari, and when she did, she bowed her head to him. "Lord Ishida." She said softly.
Mitsunari sneered, but kept his mouth shut, not wanting to ruin the intricate hypnosis Yoshitsugu had put her through. He merely walked away to the Castle Dour to plan more attacks against Ieyasu.
Nana entered her room and laid down on her bed, Motochika's words echoing in her head. Still with no recollection of a single memory, she had nothing to go on but Yoshitsugu's words. He had said he was a close friend, but the man who had been sentenced as the murderer of her family seemed so genuinely happy to see her. She felt sick. Closing her eyes and rolled onto her side and did her best to fall asleep.
Motochika sat in his cell in silence, devestated that Nana had reacted the way she did. What did they do to her that made her act that way? Had the torture broken her that badly? His heart was aching in his grief, wishing he could just hold Nana and be happy like he wanted. They had been through so much, he just wanted peace.
Nana had thought about going back down to the dungeon to further confront Chosokabe, but was too exhausted to get out of bed, eventually falling asleep.

After a few days, Akihime returned, finally able to cure Nori of the beast that tainted her soul. She was exhausted, the stress of curing her friend and the small nagging fear of running into her husband while in Whiterun. Thankfully she had not seen Yukimura, but she knew he was in the Hold somewhere. She returned to the Blue Palace, where she was greeted with bows from the guard and those who tended to the keep. She meerly waved to them before heading to her room with a small trudge, wanting to lie down and relax for a time before her father foisted more duties on her.
Nori had been moved into Akihime's room per her request, and rested on a cot in the corner of the room. She had yet to regain consciousness, but color had returned to her face and she no longer seemed to be in any pain. A letter sat on Akihime's desk, addressed from her father, requesting her presence in Solitude.
Akihime groaned and trudged out of her room to go visit her father. She just wanted to sleep, to rest and try to hear the Divines in the silence of her room.
For the past few days, Nana had been glued to Yoshitsugu's side, helping him in anyway he asked her to, whether it be as simple as help him stand from his chair. When she was not by Yoshitsugu's side, she would often tidy up his workspace, putting books away and organizing papers. Whilst moving a large stack of books, she bumped into something that had not previously been in her path, causing the books to fall, and nearly knocking Nana to the ground, barely managing to catch herself before she fell.
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