Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Though Nana was put under a paralysis spell, when she was handled roughly and loaded into a cart she woke instantly. She couldn't move a single muscle, which kept her from even opening her eyes. Laying limply in the cart she did her best to try and move, but it was futile.
She was eventually brought to the embassy, where she was taken to a side house which led down into a torture room. As she was brought into her cell, the spell wore off and they were able to clasp her wrists into the cuffs nailed to the wall, keeping her arms above her head and out of any striking range she may have hoped to gain.
As soon as Nana was able to move her body again, she nearly jumped to her feet, eyes shooting open and struggling against the metal bars. "What the fu-" She stopped short when she saw the Embassy's attire and multiple High Elves.
Nana felt rage and despair welling within her, but kept quiet as the Mage had ordered. She had no idea what she was in questioning for, and she was already set in her mind she wouldn't tell them what they wanted to know.
After a few moments, the door to the interrogation room opened and the ambassador, Mori Motonari, stepped into view. The tall Altmer stood in a more regal variant of the Thalmor robes, where the robes were meant to be black they were gold, the borders dark and matching.

((Who should play Motonari??))
A heavy frown fell on Nana's face and she clenched her fists, glaring death at Motonari as he approached her cell where she was shackled. "Motonari." She hissed out. "What do you think you're doing?"
"I heard that Chosokabe survived the attack on his fleet." He said, voice holding the usual fake intrigue it always did, "How fortunate for him. But, unfortunately, that makes him a criminal of the Empire and the Thalmor. I want to know where he is and the only one to know that better is you, Nana-dono."
A disgusted look crossed Nana's face and she bore her teeth at Motonari. "And what in Oblivion would lead you to think I would betray my husband?" She growled out.
"It would be in your best interest to tell us where he is. Your home of Dawnstar will be returned to you and you will be made its new Jarl." He stated.
"I'm not an ice-brained fool, Motonari, Dawnstar will never be returned to its true people, and the only Jarl fitting to rule there is my husband." She didn't break eye contact, voice steady. "I will not betray my husband."
Motonari made a noise of disappointment. "It's a shame you feel that way." He stated and turned, snapping his fingers and signalling the other Thalmor there to begin her torture.
Nana clenched her teeth to prepare for the pain to come, but even over the two excoriating hours, she still refused to speak of her husbands whereabouts.
"Then you might as well kill me already.." Nana wheezed out, the poison administered to her cut working a bit more strongly than she had anticipated. "I'm not talking.."
They grumbled and left her cell, locking it behind them before leaving the interrogation room entirely. They would be back again the next day, continuing to torture her to get her to talk, but it was in vain.
Nana had been poisoned, burned, stretched on a rack, and even electrocuted with magic, but nothing would loosen her lips, not even the threat of death.
By the end of the second day she had been stripped to her undergarments, partly because her clothes had been destroyed, and the other part to further humiliate her; being indecent around other men and women.

"Kanbe-sama!" A hold gaurd entered the holds strong keep and approached the Jarl. "Lady Motochika's horse has returned, but with no sign of Lady Motochika herself."
Motonari returned, looking rather disappointed by her sealed lips. "It would just be easier if you told us where he was hiding." He stated, "You would be free to go home with none to halt you."

Kanbe scowled heavily, "Missing? This can't be good.." "Nana's missing?" Motochika had entered the keep to see if any work needed to be done, trying to keep his mind off of his growing worry for Nana to return. Kanbe stood and moved towards him, "I will send everyone readily available to find her; every Forsworn camp, every Dwemer ruin, the entire Reach will be combed."
"I have no home to return to, if I give up my husband.." She swallowed the dry lump in her throat. "Go fuck yourself, you asshole.." She growled out, then mustered enough saliva to spit in Motonari's face, flashing a weak grin of satisfaction.

"Right away my Lord." The guard bowed his head and set off to the barracks to gather the others to aid in the search for Nana.
One of the Thalmor reacted negatively to her action and slapped her hard across the face. Motonari wiped away the saliva and made a disapproving noise, "Very well, if this is your final choice, I will send Justiciars to find him. He will die, alone, like a dog on the road." He said lowly.
Nana scowled the best she could through the pained expression on her face, her entire body ached and burned, but she was lucky still to have not suffered any lost limbs or broken bones.
"Motonari-sama!" Two Thalmor entered the dungeon with victorious looks upon their faces. "Chosokabe has been spotted wandering along the roads just a few miles from here, stopped currently at his wife's campsite."
Nana cursed softly and pulled at the restraints. "Damn you, Motonari, you bastard..!" She spat at him.
"And sir, what about the woman?" One of the mages asked, sneering in Nana's direction. "Shall I feed her to the troll?"
Motonari waved his hand, "Leave her. She will be the perfect leverage for Chosokabe." He stated as he left, "Make sure she stays put until I return."
"Motonari, you're a sick bastard..!" Nana hissed out with the most bravado her exhausted body could muster. "Can't you just let him live in peace..?! You have Dawnstar!"
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