Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Motochika looked distraught, walking slowly down the steps to leave the Keep. His head was pounding, images swimming through his mind of these two boys - his sons - growing up and training with him in the snow of their Hold and out into the sea as they accompanied him on fishing trips.
"Motochika." Nana touched his arm gently, having called out to him three times now, worried deeply about him. "You'll remember them soon enough, I promise, all that matters is we have our family back." She said, then a twinge of pain hit her heart. Her third and unborn child had never made it, slain even before it had left her womb, and with the scar to prove it. But that was something she wouldn't tell, not anytime soon at least.
Nana frowned heavily and tugged him along. "You shoul lay down, if you put too much strain on yourself to remember, you might make yourself sick."
"Aye, I'll fix you something to aid you to sleep." She said, kissing his shoulder as she led him to their home within Markarth.
Nana's expression grew sad. "Dawnstar is now under the rule of the Empire and Toyotomi, they think you're dead and have forcibly taken leadership over the hold." She said as they entered the house Hanbe's had given them, leading Motochika to the kitchen to boil some herbs for him.
Nana was quiet while brewing the drink to calm Motochika's nerves, only speaking again once she sat in front of him and handed him his drink. "You haven't failed, even Takeda Shingen would've been blindsided by the attack Toyotomi used." She muttered.
"The great Tiger of Whiterun would have fought to the death, I'm sure.." He said bemusedly. He looked to Nana and frowned, "I'm sorry if my whining is a bother to you. I know it isn't like me to wallow like a beggar, but this is so much to bear...I just want to remember."
Nana gently took Motochika's hand in her own two, kissing his knuckles gently. "There isn't anything to be done about it now but wait for the moment to strike." She said. "They attacked like cowards and then sunk you in the sea, you may have lost your memories but I'm just glad that I didn't lose you."
Her cheeks flushed red, smiling softly. "You flatter me, my husband." She said. "Drink up before it gets cold, you'll feel better."
He nodded and drank the odd tea she had made him, shuddering at the bitterness but soon felt his nerves relaxing. He sighed softly and scratched the stubble regrowing from his shaved jawline, "I wonder how Ren is doing...I haven't seen him in a while.."
"The last time I saw the lad, he was trading with the merchants in town. I haven't heard any news that he's left though." She assured.
"I hope he sticks around...he could teach Mori and Nobu a thing or two about trading...it's good knowledge, really." He said. "Maybe some archery, too...man's damn good with a bow."
"I'll have to see his marksmanship myself; I think it'd be very beneficial for the boys to learn archery." Nana agreed. A knock at the door interupted what she was going to say next. "You may enter." Nana called out, the door opening and one of the laborers peeking their head inside. "Nana-dono, Hanbe-asana has requested your assistance."
"Of course, what does he need?"
"He has requested more Dwemer Gears, as well as any other parts you can find for the Holds maintenance."
"Absolutely." Nana stood, putting her hand on Motochika's. "I can collect them as soon as possible." She said, then turned to Motochika. "I'll only be a day or two, then I can come back for you and the boys, I promise not to be long."
Motochika nodded and leaned over the table to kiss her gently, "Stay safe, Nana. Those ruins are dangerous, and I can't bear the thought of losing you.."
Nana grinned lopsidedly, returning his kiss. "Some dusty old ruins won't claim me." She said, moving to gather her bag, readying herself for the long travel before heading out the door and to the stables.
Nana had made quite the haul on the first ruin she came upon, finding more than enough materials for a while, but now that it was night time, she set up camp and settled down for the night. Her horse grazed in the brush behind her as she warmed herself by the fire, her exhaustion weighing on her.
In the darkness of her campfire, shadows waited and watched. Black figures hiding in the brush silently, ready for the right moment to strike. She was foolish to go alone, regardless of how safe the roads were at night here in the Reach, away from the Forsworn.
Nana felt as though something was off, but repeatedly chalked the feeling up to just finding her sons, and her concern for her husband. As she dozed off, propped against a boulder, she closed her eyes, imagining the image of her sons, rejoicing on their safety.
When those watching were sure she was asleep, a paralysis spell was cast on her and she was carted off, her horse scared away as they carried Nana out of the Reach and towards Haafingar.
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