Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Sasuke was anxiously playing with the Blade of Woe, eyes narrowed as he stared at the wall. He had a feeling something was wrong, something was going to happen and it was going to be bad. The Porch was empty, which was odd considering the guards were always there wandering around or using the dummies. It's like there was an unseen barrier keeping people out. "Nori." He kept his gaze forward, "If something happens to me, if I am killed, I want you to lead the Brotherhood. Keep Cicero under control, because he will lose the last shreds of his sanity. Babette will teach you how to summon me from the Void should you ever need my aid."
This brought Nori back from her slumber. "What?" She said dangerously, eyes peeling open to look at Sasuke. "What are you going on about? You're not going to die." She said, but it sounded more like an order.
"We'll see, won't we?" He commented bemusedly. The door to the Porch opened and he looked, not surprised to see Daihachi step in and shut the doors behind him as well as bar them closed. "Sasuke." He called, "It's time." The assassin looked to Nori before jumping down from the beams. "No transformations, Daihachi-sama. That's unsportsman-like." Sasuke said. Daihachi looked to the Blade of Woe, "Then you can't use the Blade. Unenchanted, steel-on-steel combat. Like a true Nord." Sasuke scowled heavily, knowing that was meant as an insult. But he shrugged and tossed the Blade of Woe to Nori before unsheathing his Ebony dagger. "All's fair, Daihachi-sama." He stated.
Nori caught the Blade with ease, tucking it into the loop of her belt for safe keeping, and pulling her Ebony bow off her shoulder. Notching an arrow, she kept the bow string undrawn, watching the two with a nervous feeling.
Daihachi unsheathed his Skyforge steel sword and rushed towards Sasuke, swinging downward along his chest. Sasuke blocked with his dagger and pushed the blade back, using quick movements to try and get past Daihachi's expert swordplay. Daihachi deflected every slash and swipe Sasuke made, knowing the assassin was just trying to tire him out first, but that wouldn't be for a long while. They continued like that for what seemed like a while, deflecting and slashing and missing each hit before Daihachi finally became annoyed with this dance they were doing. He mocked a side swipe to get Sasuke to block to the right before bringing his sword up and slamming it down over Sasuke's fingers. Sasuke sucked in a hard breath, the dagger clammering to the ground, and he quickly reached for the dagger to block any other attack Daihachi had coming. But it was too late, as soon as his good hand wrapped around the hilt of his dagger, Daihachi had plunged his sword deep into Sasuke's chest - straight through to the hilt guard. Sasuke's eyes widened before softening and slowly closing. "Dana trained you well, Daihachi-sama..." He muttered hoarsely. Daihachi clenched his jaw and pushed the blade an inch deeper, earning a grunt of pain from Sasuke. The assassin chuckled, "I guess I deserved this..." He muttered, "Don't blame dana too harshly...he isn't in his right mind..."
Nori stared at the scene before her in disbelief, her vision slowly becoming blurry. Drawing back her arrow, she let it fire, hitting Daihachi dead on in the shoulder. Dropping down to the ground, she tossed her bow aside, pulling out her dagger and rushing at Daihachi to try and separate the two.
Daihachi growled lowly in pain and held Sasuke up by the throat with his left hand before punching Nori hard in the face with his right. "Your toy is a little excitable, Sasuke." He sneered. Sasuke laughed weakly, "Yeah, she has some kick. L-Listen...Daihachi...leave her be. She has some final wishes of mine to fulfill." He said. Daihachi scowled and literally ripped his sword from Sasuke's chest before dropping him onto his back. "Any other final wishes before I send you to Sithis, Sasuke?" He asked. The half-elf closed his eyes and coughed up a sizable amount of blood. "Forgive dana. Change him to the way he was. Let my death fix the darkness I foolishly nurtured inside him. Tell him...tell him that being his guardian was the greatest decision I ever made..." An image of Yukimura as a fiery young lad flashed in his mind and he shamelessly let a single tear fall from his eye. "I just wish I could have done better by him..."
"Shut up!" Nori got back to her feet and charged Daihachi again. Her nose was gushing blood, and tears were falling down her cheeks. She wasn't about to let Sasuke get killed, she wouldn't allow it.
"Nori...please, just stop..." Sasuke wheezed. Daihachi punched Nori again, even harder this time, "Stay down, dammit!" He snarled. His body began to stretch and grow, transforming into his Beast Form. He stood over Sasuke and flexed his claws, gold eyes shining with a bloodlust. Sasuke kept his eyes closed, accepting his fate.
A dagger was hurled through the air and stuck into Daihachi's leg, Nori again, struggling to her feet. Spitting out some blood, she staggered forward again, wielding the Blade of Woe. "Leave him be.." She wiped the blood from her split lip and staggered forward again.
Daihachi wailed and turned on her, moving swiftly even with the dagger in his leg. Raising his massive paw, he slashed hard across her chest and stomach, three long deep gashes breaking through her armor and into the muscle tissue.
Nori managed to stay on her feet for the initial attack, but after slowly looking down at the fatal wounds, she dropped her blade and fell to her knees. After she slumped onto her side, blood started to pool around her, her breathing shallow and weak as she stared weakly at Sasuke, tears still streaming down her face.
Daihachi made his way to Sasuke, standing over him once again before plunging his claws into the assassin's chest. Sasuke lurched forward, eyes wide with searing pain, and let out a cry of agony. Daihachi snarled, before turning his paw to the left and ripping out Sasuke's heart. Sasuke's body convulsed before falling still, his head lulling towards Nori, his red eyes now blank and lifeless. Daihachi breathed heavily, slowly reaching with his free hand and closing Sasuke's eyes for him before moving to the balcony and disappearing over the edge.
Nori did her best to drag herself toward Sasuke, finally close enough to reach out to him and pull him closer to herself. Resting her forehead against his, she began to sob, holding him tightly regardless of the fact that she was losing conciousness fast.
Not much later, the door to Yukimura's practically abandoned home opened and Daihachi slowly stepped in. His eyes were hard, glued to his father as he kept something behind his back. He and his clothes were covered in blood, the teen taking slow steps towards Yukimura.
Yukimura sat in the cold, dark house, unmoving but still awake. It was very clear he hadn't eaten or slept, let alone move from the spot he had been stuck to for quite a while now. His face was gaunt, and bags were black under his eyes, which were devoid of life, and staring past his son. There were also clear tear marks on his face, and his eyes were bloodshot. "Akihime..? Is that you...?" His voice was hoarse, and something seemed off, but he no longer radiated darkness.
"Oh.. Daihachi... You're finally home, thank the Gods, your mother and I were worried sick when you left.." Just hearing his sons voice again brought tears to his eyes again, but he still didn't budge an inch.
Daihachi gnashed his teeth together, "What a load of garbage. Kaa-san left you because you were ruining her life. Do you even know what you were doing?! You wanted Mini dead!" He stopped and shook his head, "It doesn't matter. I brought you something; maybe now you'll actually be proud of me."

((OhGodIactuallyfeelreallybadforwhathe'sabouttodobutitsgonnahelpYukigetbetterinaway! DX ))
"Daihachi.. I was always proud of you... You became a companion, you chose an honorable path... That's all I could've asked for my children..." He dropped his head into his hands, shaking visibly. "I've done terrible things that cannot be undone... When I die my soul will travel to Oblivion, were I will remain alone... Please, don't let your mother be alone.." He begged.
Daihachi actually debated just turning and leaving, but he knew that it was too late to walk away now. He had done something unspeakable, took away the last thing Yukimura truly had in this world. "Tou-san..." He grimaced and looked away, "Sasuke..." He stopped, the words catching in his throat. Don't show weakness, Companions were not weak, warriors of Hircine were not weak. But his father was so broken now, maybe Sasuke's death really did take away the darkness like he wished.
"Please, Daihachi...! I have wronged both you and your mother, please keep her happy..!" He began to sob, almost collapsing out of his chair, shaking harder. "I'm so sorry, Daihachi... I'm so sorry...!"
"Fuck..." He cursed under his breath before shutting his eyes tight and dropping the small blood-caked pouch on the ground before Yukimura. "The consequences of your actions have resulted in this..." He clenched his jaw and steeled his voice, "Sasuke is dead. By my hand. I have brought you his heart to prove the deed has been done. Masamune-sama demanded I kill him for torturing Minehime to near death and taking her right eye. Had I not intervened, his third attempt on her life would have succeeded. He first attempted a poison, of which I cured. Then, he attempted strangulation, in which I stopped. He had me arrested when we were visting Kaa-san in Solitude so he could kidnap her and snuff her life a final time. All this because you couldn't man up like a real Nord and face your problems appropriately!" He was shaking. He loved Yukimura so dearly, even after everything that had been said and done, but this is what Sasuke wanted, in a sense. "Sasuke asked me, as a final wish, to tell you that being your guardian...was a decision he did not regret making..."
Yukimura slowly slid it of his chair and onto his knees, gently scooping up the bloody bag and holding it close to himself. "Thank you.." Was all he muttered, cradling the bag and remaining on the floor.
"You should...go see Kaa-san in Solitude...she might be able to help you..." He said, though it sounded awkward. "She misses you, Tou-san...."
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