Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Hand delivered...like you asked. I could only get the right one, though. Your favorite son, Daihachi, got in the way again." He answered, moving over slowly.
Yukimura scowled at the "favorite son" comment, but said nothing. Watching Sasuke limp over with cold eyes, he felt no pity or concern for the injuried assassin.
Sasuke, still a little dazed, didn't realize his knees gave out until he was on the floor looking up at Yukimura. "D-Dana, could you give me a hand?"
Yukimura would've normally rushed to Sasuke's aid upon even seeing a few cuts and bruises, but now he didn't even move, not tearing his gaze away from Sasuke. Then he turned, and headed toward the bedroom, closing the door behind him as he went, leaving Sasuke on his own.
Sasuke's eyes widened slightly, "D...Dana...?" He looked confused and actually hurt that Yukimura would brush him off so easily. "Sithis, this is bad..." He muttered, "Nori...I need a hand here...can you help me get to Babette?"
As if on que, Nori dropped down from the second floor rafters, moving over to Sasuke. "It's no fun when you always know when I'm around." Helping him to his feet, she kept him standing by wrapping one arm around his waist, and draping his arm over her shoulders. "You shouldn't be surprised with his actions. You've let him become too consumed by the darkness we walk in. Even I've been consumed a little too much. Not everyone can remain the same once plagued by darkness."
Sasuke kept his gaze down, "Yeah...I know...the Void has touched Dana, if only slightly...he's not the same...he'll stay that way if something isn't done soon." He said. He then laughed dryly, "I was so caught off guard, I forgot to tell him Daisuke's alive..."
Nori was quiet as she moved from the house and left for the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary. "Maybe it's best if you don't tell him." She said, keeping her eyes trained ahead, moving as fast as she could while carrying Sasuke.
"Don't say that." She muttered quietly, picking up her pace and hurrying to Dawnstar.

((Bring Masa in?))

Masamune finally made it to Solitude, it still taking at least a day even with his warhorse. Making his way to the Blue Palace, he told the guards he had come to speak to Akihime. The Oracle didn't even need summoning, Akihime came out from the hallway that lead to where Minehime was resting. She took him to see her, informing him that she was still asleep and recovering. Daihachi stood quickly when Masamune entered, "Masamune-sama, I-" "Don't...it's ok, I don't blame you.."
Minehime was still unconscious in bed, having barely moved at all, sleeping heavier than a log. Her wounds were beginning to heal completely, but some where being especially stubborn and refused to close. Her eye, though wasn't infected, had caused her to suffer a small fever, but that was to be expected with how hard her body had to work.
"Talos..." Masamune whispered as he stepped closer, gently petting Minehime's head. "She's healing rather nicely, my Jarl. She should be able to leave in a couple days time." Akihime told him.
A white cloth had been wrapped around her head and over her eye, the pure white bandage stained red over her missing right eye. When he touched her head, she relaxed slightly, letting out a slow sigh, but remaining asleep.
"Daihachi." Masamune's voice was strained, but the lad stood at attention, "I want you to find that son of a whore assassin that did this to Mini and kill him. It could be quick, it could be slow, I don't care, just kill him." He stated. Daihachi nodded, "Of course, my Jarl." Daihachi answered. "You'll come pray right after, right, Daihachi?" Akihime asked. Daihachi smiled and nodded, "Hai. I'll pray to Stendarr when I'm done." He replied.
((Sure! But what about Sasuke?))

Minehime had slept for two more days, and on the third woke. On the fourth day she returned home with her father, having the slightest of difficulties riding her horse with only one eye, but she managed. Once back home in Riften, she was nearly smothered to death by her mother while she completely healed, and was only freed from her mothers overly worried behavior when Masamune stepped in.
Once her parents allowed her to pick up her sword again, which wasn't for many weeks, she seemed to miss her target often; cutting to shallow, or just completely missing the dummy all together. With a frustrated grunt, she swung again, trying to get a better judge on how close the dummy was, only for her sword to get stuck halfway into the dummy, she had moved too close.
"Do you want assistance, Minehime-dono?" It was Kojurou, coming back from hunting with Jin. His wife had picked up the bow again as if she had never lost her arm, which made him extremely happy. He made a point to go out with her to keep her arm from jamming from not using it.
Minehime froze, looking over at her shoulder at Kojurou and Jin, her cheeks flushing hot. She took a step back from her sword - still stuck in the dummy - and turned slightly. She still didn't have an eyepatch yet, just a cloth wrapped around her head to protect her empty eye socket. "Yes please." She muttered, clearly embarrassed. Jin nudged Kojurou, holding up the rabbits and pheasants. "I'll get these inside, take your time." She said, then headed inside to deliver the food to the chefs.
Kojurou moved and removed Minehime's sword from the dummy, handing it to her, "I will warn you that this will take time, and I will not be gentle. I will treat you as I treated Masamune-sama when illness claimed his eye."
Minehime's face grew serious, and she nodded. "I just want to be able to swing a sword correctly again." She stated, gripping her sword tightly. She was still sore in a few places, even after the wounds had healed, but it was more she couldn't get the distance of her target right.
"Then I will help you." He told her, "We will start with simple retraining of the sword. I know Masamune-sama was very adamant about positive reinforcement when you first began training, but this will not be the case with me. I will force you into the correct stance, I will berate you if you preform incorrectly, and I certainly will not reward you if you preform to the letter. Your reward when this is through will be dinner and sleep so you can return and start again in the morning. Do you understand, Minehime-dono?"
Minehime had a lump in her throat, only having heard just how scary Kojurou could get, never actually seeing it before. She nodded firmly. "I understand." She agreed, bowing her head to him. "Thank you for training me."
Kojurou nodded and began to begin her training; starting with a basic swing one hundred times with no breaks. Shigenaga came out to see what Minehime was doing and instantly felt bad for her. His father's training regimen was unforgiving.
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