Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Minehime didn't find it too difficult to have to practice her swings, it was something she did regularly to ensure she kept in top shape. Of course, doing that many swings did become a little strenuous.
When that finished, Kojurou told her to practice all basic swings on the dummy without stopping until he returned from helping Jin maintain her arm. He returned inside and Shigenaga stayed with Minehime to encourage her.
Minehime did as she was told, practicing basic swings only, her focus on the dummy. One again, having an actual target seemed to be her downfall, and she either missed completely, cut too shallow, or much too deep.
"I don't think you should focus on the cutting, Minehime-dono...just the swings." He said gently. He stood and moved behind her, putting his hands over hers and guiding her swings slowly to hit against the dummy, "Like that.."
Minehime felt her face flush when Shigenaga put his hands over hers, something that never happened. "O-Oh, yeah.. Thanks." She had been getting frustrated with not being able to hit, and had admittedly started to just hack at he dummy in her frustration, but Shigenaga helped her pull back.
"No, it's ok! I'm just.." Her tone went quiet. "It's embarrassing having to do this all over again.." She admitted.
Minehime nodded, thanking him before returning back to her training. It seemed like almost a full hour before Kojurou returned, and by then she was sweating, but managing to make good hits.
Minehime sheathed her sword and hoisted the sheathed weapon over her shoulder, hanging onto the strap. "Hai..!" She said, bowing her head to Kojurou, before heading inside to clean up for dinner.
Minehime removed her training clothes and moved over to the water basin in her bedroom, wiping herself down with the wet cloth, glancing up in the mirror for a moment. Seeing the white cloth around her head, she froze, staring at herself in the mirror. Tears stung at her eye, but she quickly wiped them away. She had stopped cutting her hair, which in turn his her empty eye socket, but made her look more wild, like her father. Turning away from the mirror and redressing, she left her room to attend dinner with her family.
Masamune pat the chair beside him for Minehime before they all ate. Daihachi, though he was Thane, did not eat with them. He was away, hunting Sasuke, watching him and memorizing his routine.
Minehime had sat beside Masamune, and was enjoying her food when a thought popped into her head. "Otou-sama, where did Daihachi go to again? He left so quickly, I never got to say goodbye." She said, taking another bite, looking up at her father through her shaggy hair.
"He had some things to deal with in Whiterun. Companion business, he said. He told me he would return in a few days, don't worry, yunkliin." He answered, petting her head gently.
Minehime made a noise, but didn't pursue the subject any further. "I'll have to kick him in the ass for not saying goodbye, damn ice-brain." She said, taking a swig of water from her mug.
After dinner was over, Minehime bid her father goodnight, she went to take a bath, before heading to bed. She wasn't especially exhausted, but surprisingly enough, Kojouro's short first lessen made her tired.
The next morning would not be so forgiving. Kojurou barked and hollered at her all day, anapping when she messed up her footing and roughly correcting her with the sheathe of his Akaviri blade. Shigenaga would convince him to break for lunch, feeding Minehime meat and bread to keep her from collapsing while she trained.
Minehime scarfed down the food quickly, drinking the water Shigenaga had brought her as well, rubbing her sore ankles. "Thanks, Shige." She said, setting down the empty water canteen and inspecting her red and bruising ankles with a slight snort of a laugh. "Kojurou can still hit as hard as Oblivion, he's kinda scary."
"Yeah, Otou-sama is pretty terrifying...! He's the best one-handed and two-handed trainer in all of Skyrim, though. At least that's what Okaa-sama tells me.." He replied with a grin.
Minehime gave a soft chuckle of agreement, then hauled herself back onto her feet, grabbing her sword. "Thanks for the snack, Shige, I owe you!" She said, trotting back to Kojurou.
Minehime was a lot more sore this time, bruised up, but nothing too bad. After eating dinner and bathing, she returned to her room where she would quickly fall asleep.

Nori was resting in the rafters not too far from Sasuke, dozing off as there wasn't much to be done with her masters away.
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