Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Minehime started to come too when they were healing her, opening her eye to look around, having noticed she was no longer restrained on a cold metal rack, rather being in a warm bed. "Daihachi...?"
"In time for what..? You saved my life, didn't you..?" She sounded like she was still half asleep, but it was just from the potion she had been given for the pain, making her very out of things.
Minehime faded out for a moment, but quickly came back, focusing her eye on Daihachi. "Daihachi... You saved my life... I couldn't care less that my eye was taken.." Tears started to drip down from her remaining eye. "I'm just so happy you had my back when I needed you the most.."
He sat beside her and took her hand, "Of course, ice-brain...apparently I'm just a little late.." He tried to joke to lighten the mood, a half smile on his face.
Minehime was able to chuckle softly, but her eyes were already closed, the medicine fully kicking in now and allowing her some much needed rest.
His lip quivered and he dropped his head, grinding his teeth to keep from crying. Companions didn't cry, he told himself. He sniffled and moved to kiss her forehead as his mother always did with him when he was bedridden as a child, "I promise that I won't let Sasuie hurt you ever again. I'm going to take care of everything, Mini." He whispered.

Although he knew she could take care of herself, Masamune couldn't help but worry about Minehime; he didn't know if Yukimura had dropped the warrant on his daughter's life yet and he was much too busy to travel to Whiterun and deal with Sanada himself. He sat in his throne, scowling, hating the wait. Of all things he despised in this world, it was waiting for any sign of good or poor fortune.
Megohime always got nervous when Minehime left Riften, she being her only remaining child, she'd often even go as far as to drink in secret when he daughter left. Sitting beside Masamune, she wrung her hands nervously, eyes glued to the far wall, mind wandering.
Megohime nodded, but she didn't look convinced. "I'm going to send a carrier bird to her, I just want to be sure." She said, standing and walking briskly from the room.
As she left, the doors to the keep opened and a familiar assassin walked in. The guards became alert but he rose his hand, "I come with a gift on behalf on my dana." He said. Masamune eyed him, "A gift?"
Even though Masamune had given the guards the all clear, they all stood ready, hands either on the hilt of their sword, or just above it, eyes glued to the assassin.
Sasuke approached and held out a small pouch to Masamune. The Jarl took it and opened it, peering inside. He was horrified to see an eye in the pouch, but not just any eye; Minehime's eye. He instantly Shouted at Sasuke, sending him flying into the far wall before using the Slow Time shout. He made his way to Sasuke and grabbed him, hand wrapped tight around his throat as he punched him over and over. The Shout wore off and Sasuke was dazed to find find Masamune suddenly beating him.
Seeing as how Masamune was suddenly on the assassin and attacking him, the guards closed in as well, drawing their swords. One guard moved over to the dropped pouch and picked it up to peer inside, only to also recognize the Date clans Dragon eye within the bag. "You bastard!" Making sure to keep the eye out of harms way, the guards fell on him.
Sasuke was so caught off guard and so dazed that he didn't know what to do. Fists and blades were hitting him in every which way that he couldn't really react. He was fasing in and out and he actually became scared. He concentrated and vanished in a inky black shroud, Masamune smashing his fist into the stone ground and growling in pain. "Son of a bitch."
"Jarl, would you like for us to pursue him out of the city limits?" A few of the guards asked, all fearing Minehime's demise.
"Yes sir!" Half of the guardsmen hurried out the door and the other half remained in the keep at their post, the guard who had collected the pouch which held Minehime's eye returned the leather bag to Masamune. "She's still alive, my lord, I can feel it."

"Oh boy, what'd you fuck up this time?" Nori sat in the rafters, legs dangling over the edge, staring down at Sasuke.
Masamune only nodded, heading out to the stables to get his horse and head for Solitude.

"Sh-Shut up...where's dana?" He groaned, "This was as close as I could get with how wounded I am.."
"Still sulking in his house, you should probably get him to eat something as well, he hasn't been eating for a while, if you haven't noticed." Nori said, turning away from Sasuke.
Yukimura heard the soft thud of Sasuke falling into a cabinet, and turned to look at the assassin. "Did you get her eyes?"
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