Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Minehime nodded. "The roof's finished, we just have to saddle the horses." She said. "Why don't you finish up here and we can head out. I'll go saddle the horses, ok?"

Since Akihime had left Yukimura, he hadn't taken a step outside of his home, sitting alone in the dark, the only light source being the small fire before him. "Sasuke." He spoke calmly, knowing that his guardian had been in the room with him for at least an hour now. "I want you to make Date regret ever taking my son; make the little Date bitch pay." He was surrounded by a dark aura, his gaze dark.
Daihachi nodded and finished divvying up the money, putting the septiums for Aela in an envelope and sealing it before putting it in the master lock lockbox under the counter.

Sasuke appeared behind him, staring silently for a moment, "Anything you have in mind?"
Minehime worked fast to saddle two horses, barely remembering to throw some provisions into the travel bag as well.

"Make it slow." He said, his brows furrowing further, even going as far as wanting to do the job himself. "Take her eyes."
"I don't care what you do with them, use them for fishing bait if you so please." He said, waving Sasuke away.

Minehime had just finished saddling the horses when Daihachi came out to the stables. "Ready to go?" She asked.
The ride seemed to be much longer than it actually was, and when they reached Solitude, it was sunset, and a light drizzle had set in. Leaving the horses at the stables, Minehime headed up to the main gates of Solitude. "Let's get out of this rain." She said, yawning from the long ride.
Minehime was drying off by the fire, enjoying the warmth and the smell of baking bread. "You gonna get something to eat?" She asked, looking to Daihachi.

((Bring in the Sasuke!))
Taking a few sips of her ale before speaking again, Minehime looked to Daihachi. "Akihime-dono will be okay, I know it Daihachi." She said, even though it sounded a bit empty even to herself. "She can take refuge in Riften if needed."
Daihachi made a noise, "I doubt Jarl Mitsunari would allow that...she's told me that he's not very negotiable." He replied, "I appreciate it...I know Honeyside is for sale and she would love it, but she's a stressed out dope for coming here.."
"Do you need me to go with you to see your mother? I can if you want, we can buy a room later when we get back?" She said, unsure if he wanted to see his mother by himself or with Minehime; she didn't want to invade on a family matter.
"Alright, then let's go see her." She finished her drink and set it on the table, still a bit nervous, but composed enough to pull on a grin.
He nodded and shoved the version and cheese in his mouth, swallowing it down with little effort before downing his mead and standing, "Let's go."
Minehime followed Daihachi out of the Winking Skeever and toward the Blue Palace, hands in her trouser pockets as she walked. She got the feeling of being watched, but said nothing as she looked around, she just stayed close to Daihachi.
When they entered the Palace, Daihachi moved to ask for Akihime, stating that they were summoned. Soon, Akihime came jogging quickly from her room, holding her son tight. "Morinobu...!" She wept happily and Daihachi hugged her, "Kaa-san.." Akihime pulled away and hugged Minehime, petting her hair and muttering several apologizes.
Minehime felt her eyes prick with tears and she hugged Akihime back. "It isn't your fault, Akihime-dono." She said. "How are you doing, after everything that's happened?"
Akihime dried her eyes, stress wrinkles more apparent on her porcelain face, "Horribly...but for the Divine's sake, I will perservere. I'm so glad to see you safe...both of you."
Minehime nodded. "I am too. I wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for Daihachi." She admitted. "I'm ever thankful of him."
Minehime nudged Daihachi lightly with her shoulder, a slightly embarrassed look on her face. "May I ask why you've summoned us, Akihime-dono?" She asked, now a serious look on her face.
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