Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Minehime was still sitting where she had kneeled beside Daihachi, tears streaming down her face as she watched the fight. She was told by Masamune that her sister had been attacked and killed by a saber cat whilst collecting herbs and such. Finding out she wasn't dead made her feel a mix of happiness and sorrow.
Finding out she was a vampire was worse.
Irohahime hissed softly under her breath, the smell of wolf assaulting her nose. "He's a werewolf." She growled out, getting to her feet and getting ready to hit Daihachi with more boots of lightening.
"Fucking try it, whore. I'll rip out your throat with my teeth." Daihachi snarled. "Stop it!" Daisuke grabbed Irohahime's wrist with a gentle firmness and pulled her away, "Don't hurt him, Iroh-chan." He said firmly. He looked back to his brother and frowned, "What happened?" He asked. Daihachi stood and dusted himself off. "After we received word that you were killed, Kaa-san went into a horrible depression. For the first month, she refused to leave the bed. Then she wouldn't leave her den, she was constantly praying. Tou-san..." Daihachi glared at the ground hatefully, "Tou-san changed. He distanced himself from everyone and only seemed to care for Kaa-san, especially when she went into a fit of tears. He..." He shook and gnashed his teeth, "He told me I wasn't as important as you. I never mattered, Daisuke. I was the extra burden to carry." "That isn't true, Daihachi.." Daisuke frowned. Daihachi snorted, "It doesn't matter now. I left Whiterun behind. Riften is my home now with my Shield-Sister." He said. He turned and went back to Minehime, helping her stand carefully, "You ok? If you don't want to be near that...thing, then I understand and we can head back home..."
Minehime stared at the creature that used to be her sister, then at Daihachi with a pained expression. She nodded yes, gathering herself for the trek home. "We still have to get the bear that's attacking the cattle though." She said quietly.
Irohahime frowned heavily and turned away from Minehime, tears stinging her eyes. "Let's just go back inside." She said hoarsely.
Daisuke frowned and gave Irohahime's hand a squeeze as he followed her inside. Daihachi followed after Minehime, "I'm sorry, Mini...are you doing ok? Do you want me to go back there and rip her apart?"
Minehime was still crying hard, but wasn't making any noise. "N-No! Let's just get the job done, I just want to get home." She said, sniffling softly.
After making quick work of the bear, Minehime and Daihachi made their way back to Mistveil, where Minehime barged in and made her way to her father, still crying. "Hi los nokin! Hi nok wah zey, dii briinah los ni dilon ahst pah!"

(("You're a liar! You lied to me, my sister is not dead at all!"))
"Zu'u drey ni hon nii, Zu'u worax nii voth dii meyar ziin miin! Rek lahney ko strunmah voth- voth-! Druv drey hi nok? Hi fend lost fun zey vahzen!" She started to raise her voice, face stained with tears as she face her father.

(("I didn't hear it, I saw it with my own two eyes! She lives in the mountains with- with-! Why did you lie? You should have told me the truth!"))
"Hi drey ni qaariv wah nahkiv tol rek lost meyz riil. Zu'u jaaril hi. Hi drey ni praag rinis traas hin monah ahrk Zu'u lost." He answered calmly, not wanting to lose his temper at her.

(("You did not deserve to discover she had become a monster. I was protecting you. You did not need the same grief your mother and I had."))
"Daar los volz! Zu'u lost wah nahkiv dii bormah los nokin, ahrk tol dii nunon briinah lost ni hir tren nol het! Zu'u los ni kiir, hi fend lost fun zey!" Her voice steadily grew in volume, and soon grew loud enough for some of the silverware on the table behind her to rattle.

(("This is worse! I had to discover my father is a liar, and that my only sister was not four miles from here! I am not a child, you should have told me!"))
"Rek nok wah mii fah eruvos!" Masamune shot up in his throne, the keep shaking, "Gahviik ekmaar wah Deyra fah Talos mindok fos ahrk fahbo nau ol waan nid koros! Rek lost joriin krii ful rek vust kos kept nahlaas ahrk dii nahlot nau trun los gut volz?!" His own voice rose and caused the walls to tremble in fear and the sconces to nearly lose the light they held.

(("She lied to us for years! Surrendered herself to a Daedra for Talos knows what and continued on as if nothing happened! She had people killed so she could be kept alive and my silence on the matter is far worse?!"))
Minehime clenched her fists and turned her head away from Masamune. "Hi fend lost krii ek fod hi lost grozein." Her voice sounded strained, and small, like a sad child.

(("You should've killed her when you had the chance."))
Masamune moved towards her and held her tight, "Zu'u laan wah. Dii rahgot ag norok wey Dovahro yolos. Nuz Zu'u vust ni drun dimaar wah kuz ek laas. Rek lost dii mon ruz, ahrk Zu'u tul elskah ek. Lig mindoraan, yunkliin, tol nii los zok buruk poguk lafaan lost wah wahl fod nust los krilon voth tol poguk. Zu'u unad wah nibor ek ahrk kosmey tol rek lost neh dii mon dahik nii ahraan jos tol ven. Hi fen ahraan, ov zey. Nuz nii fen forveyk ko tiid." He pet her hair gently and rested his head atop hers, "Zu'u lokaal hi ful pogaas, Minehime."

(("I wanted to. My anger burned fiercer than a Dragon's flame. But I could not bring myself to take her life. She was my daughter then, and I still cherished her. Please understand, hatchling, that it is the hardest choice a parent has to make when they are confronted with that option. I choose to ignore her and pretend that she was never my daughter because it hurts less that way. You will hurt, trust me. But it will ease in time." "I love you so much."))
Minehime started to cry again, holding onto the front of Masamune's clothes. "But she was still my sister." She cried into his chest, angrily wiping away her tears.
He frowned, "And she was my first born...but there is nothing to do now. Any other action would be pointless. Just forget her. Irohahime is dead and she will stay that way." He told her. "Do you wanna go out and ride Voslaarum for a bit? That used to cheer you up when you were younger.."
She wiped away another tear and shook her head, taking a step back from her father. "We still have some jobs to be done, gotta keep the Companions post manned, other wise I wouldn't be a good Shield-Sister." She put on a sad smile, but she was trying to cheer herself up.
He made a noise before snapping his fingers and heading off, coming back with his half-moon helm. Approaching his last heir, he placed it gently on her head and smiled, "Looks good."
Minehime looked a little surprised, touching the helm lightly with her fingertips. "Are you... Giving this to me?" She asked quietly, looking up at her father; the helm was still a bit too big, but she still had some growing to do.
"I don't do much fighting anymore anyways. Besides, it looks better on you. Take care of it and it will protect you from any arrow that could possibly be crafted." He told her.
Minehime took the helm off her head and held it against her chest, bowing to her father. "Thank you, so much." Without lifting her head, she continued. "... What do we do if people start going missing or showing up drained of all their blood..?"
Sasuke had been sulking and licking his wounds for days, not wanting to show his face with such a wounded pride, but regardless, Nori's orders were to remain in Dragonsreach and keep things under control for the time being. Not what she really enjoyed, sitting around all day and just people-watching, but orders were orders.
But now she was bored. She was bored and no longer wanted to wait for Sasuke, so slipping away from her duties, she went to find Akihime, just to let loose a little.
"Akihime-sama, I have troubling news for you." A soft voice came from the alleyway behind Akihime - Nori's familiar voice - and she was hidden in the shadows.
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