Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Yes, about that, " Yoshitsugu began, "She has lost her powers." "Lost her powers?" Shingen repeated. Yoshitsugu nodded and hobbled closer, coughing a bit into his sleeve. "An Oracle is to remain pure to keep her connection with the Gods powerful. Because she decided to have children," He shot her a stern glance and she glued her eyes to the ground, "her connection to the Gods has weakened, dampened my mortal temptation." "Starting a family is not mortal temptation, Otou-sama...Talos started a family and his bloodline ruled Tamriel for hundreds of years, and he became a God.." Akihime mumbled under her breath. Mitsunari raised his hand instinctively to slap her for back talking but halted and clenched his fist tight before dropping it back to his side.
Yukimura looked like he was about to lose his sanity when Mitsunari rose his hand to strike Akihime, but kept himself were he stood. "In the letter you stated that she had lied, not that her powers had weakened, and as far as every holds rules are, that doesn't count as breaking the law."
"I can't..." Akihime looked ashamed, "I can't hear the Divines anymore, Yukimura-sama..." "She stated with confidence that the Eight still spoke through her but she could not give her divination. She lied." Mitsunari stated. Yoshitsugu waved his hand and a guard cut the straps binding Akihime after which she rushed to Yukimura and held onto him. "How long have you been unable to hear the Divines, Akihime?" Shingen asked. She bit her lip and hid her face in shame. "Since Daisuke was born..." She muttered. Mitsunari went rigid and nearly exploded with an angry fit but Yoshitsugu waved him down.
Yukimura held Akihime close to himself, even going as far as to move her slightly behind himself, a stern scowl still on his face. "Unless you're going to convict her of something other than lying, we're done here, correct?" His tone was cold, and his brows were furrowed deeply. "Do you also arrest the children within this city for lying? I wasn't aware that it was a crime punishable by arrest."
"Yukimura." Shingen's tone was a mild suggestion that he should watch his tone. "What you don't understand, Sanada, is that if we were to call on her for something of dire importance - say the protection of a hold from dragons or a maelstrom - and she were to give us a false reading, it would lead to the death of thousands. We didn't throw her in prison, we did not sentence her to death. Though physical punishment would be fitting for putting the lives of my men in danger." Mitsunari stated. Akihime gripped Yukimura's armor and rested her forehead against his back, "Onegai, Yukimura-sama...I want to go home..." She whispered.
Yukimura clenched his jaw and took a half step away from Mitsunari and Yoshitsugu, but kept his gaze on them. "Oyakata-sama, have we finished here?" He asked, his tone taught, but he kept himself calm- for the most part.
"Thank you for informing us of Akihime's situation. We will discuss a way to fix it." Shingen said and nudged his head to signal that they could leave. Akihime held onto Yukimura's arm, "I'm so sorry, Yukimura-sama...I-I should've told you before. I-I thought that maybe I would hear the Nine again before someone summoned me, but...but I was wrong...I have failed the Nine and Tamriel..." She muttered.
Yukimura had nothing to say to Akihime, he wasn't angry, or mad, or even a little bit upset that she had lost her Divine powers. Actually he was relieved, now it meant she'd be safer, if just a little.
"Come." He said softly, taking her hands and gently kissing her knuckles. "Let's return home."
Yukimura said little to nothing on the way back to Whiterun, and when he did answer it would be short replies, showing just how upset he still was over the entire conversation.
Akihime frowned heavily, Yukimura was usually a chatter box when it came to something that upset or offended him; always trying to state his opinions to her or Shingen. Shingen, too, was bothered by Yukimura's rigid demeanor lately. "Yukimura, are you well? You've been acting very strange." He said.
Yukimura took a moment to answer, but when he finally did, it was probably as expected of an answer from someone who lost their son and had just gotten their wife from jail. "No, I just need time." He said, but kept his gaze forward.
Shingen nodded in understanding and Akihime rode a little closer to her husband, "Do you want to pray with me later, Yukimura-sama?" She asked.

((Wanna do my idea with Daihachi and Daisuke after we wrap this up, hun~?))
Again, Yukimura hesitated, but finally nodded. "Hai." He said quietly, the look on his face only able to be described as broken.


Some weeks passed and Daihachi was pretty well known in the Rift and Riften for his helpful nature - and being a Companion helped out a lot as well, considering all the people that called on the Companions for aid. He was out hunting with Minehime while it was sunny in the Rift, tracking a bear that was bordering towards Windhelm. "He's super close, Mini, I can smell him."
"Well you're gonna lose him if you keep speaking up like that." She whispered back in playful teasing, following him closely, sword in hand, and crouched lowly.
Minehime stopped as well, not having heard or seen anything, so she wasn't sure as to why he had stopped. "What's wrong?" She whispered, peering over his shoulder to look ahead.
He suddenly darted off at top speed, like he was chasing something.

Daisuke was sweeping the porch, having spent less and less time praying now than he did before and spending much more time with Irohahime. "It's fairly cloudy out if you wanna come outside, Iroh-chan!" He called.
"Daihachi! W-Wait up!" Minehime jumped up and ran after Daihachi, not knowing what was going on at all.

Irohahime opened the door, pulling her hood over her head just to be safe. "Ok." She said softly, moving over to him and sitting in the chair on the porch.
Daisuke smiled at her and kissed her head through her hood. However, he became alarmed when he heard rapid footfalls approaching the nearby hill. He looked and stood protectively in front of Irohahime, waiting. His heart sank into his stomach when Daihachi stopped at the top of the hill, breathing hard. "D...Dai...suke..." He huffed. Daisuke didn't know how to react before rushing to his brother and hugging him tight, both laughing joyously. Daisuke cupped Daihachi's face and touched his forehead against his brother's, "Daihachi, it's so good to see you!" Daihachi, however, was on the verge of tears.
Irohahime sat frozen in her chair, another scent hitting her nose seconds after she saw Daihachi. It was Minehime. Seconds after she smelled her younger sister, she saw her crest the hill just behind Daihachi.
"What the shit." Minehime stood in shock, staring at Daisuke, the man she thought was dead, eyes wide. Then she saw her sister.
Minehime nearly collapsed, standing perfectly still as her eyes met her sisters.
Daisuke was overjoyed, holding his brother tight. But Daihachi's demeanor changed. He tackled Daisuke and started punching him, tears pouring down his cheeks. "You asshole!! You piece of shit!! You destroyed them, you destroyed our family!!" He snarled. Daisuke tried to protect himself but failed, taking every strike his brother dealt him.
"Get off of him!" Irohahime snarled, finally snapped out of her shock, and had jumped to her feet. Raising her hands, Irohahime sent two bolts of lighting at Daihachi, both striking him dead on in the chest. Minehime screamed in shock, watching her Shield-Brother go flying into a nearby tree, body smoking. The lighting wasn't enough to kill Daihachi, but enough to hurt like Oblivion, and get him off of Daisuke.
Running to her lover, she kneeled beside him, gathering him up in her arms. "Daisuke-sama, are you alright?"
"Daihachi!" Minehime had to avoid touching Daihachi, since everytime she did, she got a shock for her troubles.
"I'm fine...I forgot just how hard Daihachi can punch..." Daisuke replied. Daihachi sat up and held out his arms, watching them spasm from the spell fired at him. "I'm good, Mini, I'm good. Daisuke won't be in a minute, though!" Daihachi was on his feet again and rushing at Daisuke. The elder Sanada moved quickly and pushed Irohahime behind him, trying to defend from his brother's attacks. "How could you do that to them!? To me!? For some girl!! You piece of shit! I hate you!" "Daihachi, stop!" Daisuke grabbed his brother's wrists with considerable strength, "You don't understand..." "You're right! I don't! Kaa-san is a broken woman because of you! Tou-san tried having Mini killed because of you! He doesn't even consider me his son because you wanted to fuck a vampire!" "Daihachi!" Daisuke punched Daihachi hard in the face, knocking him down, "Don't you dare speak poorly of Irohahime like that!" Daihachi held his nose and hissed, glaring as his eyes turned from brown to silver.
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