Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Minehime had gotten used to her fathers fits, so it really didn't startle her when the chandeler came crashing down, but Megohime hated when he did that. "Otou-sama, please, Daihachi would never hurt me, he's he one who saved my life that day, please allow him refuge." Minehime pleaded.
"Your father is a cowardly piece of dragon shit." "I know." "If he wanted to blame me, he should have challenged me to honorable combat!" "I know, my Jarl." "I'm going to beat the crap out of him when I see him next." "With all due respect, Jarl, you'll have to do it before I do." Masamune leaned back in his throne and sighed angrily, grumbling rather colorfully in Dovah before looking to Daihachi. "There is a house for sale here in Riften. It will be yours if you establish yourself in my Hold." He stated, "I will have Kirava let you stay in the Bee and Barb until then." "Arigatou, Masamune-sama." Daihachi bowed deeply.
Minehime bowed to her father deeply as well. "Thank you, Tou-san!" She thanked he father, but Megohime had something else to say.
"Does Yukimura still try to take my daughters life? How far will be go to satisfy himself, and do we have to worry about him coming to this hold?"
Daihachi looked to her with a stern gaze, "Megohime-dono, I swear to you that no matter how hard Yukimura will try to take Minehime's life, I will protect my Shield-Sister until I can no longer draw breath." He responded. Masamune smirked and looked to Megohime, "That's good enough for me, what do you think?"
Megohime still wasn't one hundred percent on the entire situation, but gave a slight nod. "Fine." She said stiffly. "But Shigenaga will still accompany Minehime when she leaves the keep."
Megohime's scowl remained on her face, but never the less, she agreed and fell silent. "Ano, Otou-sama? Daihachi and I were wondering if it were to be acceptable to set up a Companions outpost here in the Rift?"
"A Companions outpost?" Masamune asked. Daihachi nodded, "Basically it would service as a medium between the Rift and Whiterun. People could come and request the Companions' service without having to traverse all the way to Whiterun." Daihachi answered. Masamune made a thoughtful noise and waved his hand, "Very well. You would have to fund for the outpost's construction yourself." He stated. Daihachi nodded again, "Of course. Thank you, Jarl Masamune."
Minehime grinned and nudged Daihachi excitedly, a giddy laugh escaping her; they'd have their own outpost, and though it'd be missing their family back at Whiterun, they still had eachother.

((You can start your plan with Aki whenever!))
Daihachi bowed to Masamune and left with Minehime to start planning stuff.


A week or so passed and Akihime was summoned to Solitude for divinations. She exhaled shakily as she fixed her ceremonial robes and jewelry.
((I don't know what to do really! I don't have anyone I can play! ヾ(´༎ຶ╻༎ຶ)ノ゙ ))
((I thought Yuki was gonna tell her not to go, but I'll skip!))

A couple days after Akihime had gone to Solitude and had not returned yet, a courier moved to Yukimura with a letter, "Sanada Yukimura?"
((I couldn't tell if she was already in Solitude or not! ヾ(´༎ຶ╻༎ຶ)ノ゙ ))

Yukimura was stuck inside with paper work, which had doubled since the war had started, so Yukimura often had to take it all on by himself. Most of the paper work mainly was made up of citizen complaints, and requests for more hold guards than soldiers.
"Hai." He answered, not looking up at the courier.
Yukimura stopped immediately what he was doing and took the letter, opening it and reading the letter.
"Sanada Yukimura. The Oracle, Akihime, is being held under arrest for lying about the state of her divine powers. She is being held here in the Blue Palace and shall await for you and Jarl Shingen to retrieve her. More will be explained when you arrive.
- Otani Yoshitsugu"
The letter read.
Yukimura's blood ran cold and he crumpled the letter slightly in his hands, jumping to his feet as he made his way to find Shingen. He ground his teeth angrily, he should've never let her go alone.
Shingen was conversing with his steward when Yukimura came looking for him. He noticed his housecarl's anger and furrowed his brows, "Something wrong, Yukimura?"
"Akihime's been improsoned." He held out the paper for Shingen to see, sounding clearly upset, and for a good reason; his wife was in prison.
Shingen looked over the crumpled letter and frowned, "This is troubling. We will leave immediately, saddle the horses." He said as he stood, strapping his massive battleaxe to his back.
"Hai, Oyakata-sama." He said, bowing to Shingen before leaving for the stables to saddle both horses.
It took them some time to get to Solitude, but once they did so, Yukimura dismounted, ready to raise hell.
Shingen went with Yukimura to the Blue Palace, where Yoshitsugu and Mitsunari were waiting with Akihime. She was bound with leather straps and not forcibly restrained, though she did look absolutely terrified. When Shingen and Yukimura approached, she lit up at the sight of her husband. "Yukimura-sama!" "Be still." Mitsunari said firmly and she humbled herself.
Yukimura strode ahead of Shingen, but not by far. "What is the meaning of this, release her immediately, have you no respect for the Oracle of the Divines?"
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