Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Please don't leave me, too...!" She looked terrified and desperate, holding onto him tighter, "Divines, I would kill myself if you left me as well! My heart can't bear anymore grief, Yukimura-sama...!" Her vision was fading in and out, the massive stress finally taking it's toll on her. She was physically and mentally exhausted to the point of collapse. "I won't...lose you, too...I love you so much..." She passed out against him, Daihachi's amulet clattering to the ground.
Yukimura held onto Akihime so she wouldn't fall to the ground, staring hatefully at the amulet, then picking Akihime up. Laying her in bed, he pulled the blanket over her and started a fire in the fireplace in their bedroom, tossing a bundle of lavender in as well, then moving to sit at the desk across from the bed.
Daihachi was well on his way to Riften, angry tears pouring down his cheeks. He wanted to just be a werewolf forever, tear up the forest and just let his beast consume him. His father, the man he had looked to for guidance, hated him and never cared for him like he did Daisuke. He felt sick but he didn't stop moving. It was good that he left, if he had stayed he probably would have killed Yukimura. But that would just destroy Akihime and he didn't want or need that. He would send word to Aela once he reached Riften and tell her that he would just set up a Companions outpost in the Rift. He remembered how proud Yukimura looked when he was told Daihachi had been accepted into the Companions and the tears fell harder. It had all been a lie. "If you didn't fucking die." He growled lowly, as if scolding his older brother, "if you didn't die, Tou-san and Kaa-san would be so much happier. And then I could've slipped away without making her cry. You selfish asshole."
Minehime's scent drifted through the air, able to be caught only by Daihachi's keen nose; she was out on a walk, the bruises still around her neck, but she was back on her feet with her sword strapped to her back. He couldn't quite see her yet, but she was getting closer, maybe a mile or two off.
Daihachi clenched his jaw and followed her scent as fast as he could. Shigenaga was walking with Minehime, refusing to leave her side unless she was bathing or using the restroom.
Minehime did her best to ignore Shigenaga, but she knew he had good intentions. Stopping when she heard the quickened footfalls and crunching underbrush, she jumped slightly when Daihachi came barreling out of the woods and onto the path before her, a little scuffed up and leaves stuck in his hair. "Daihachi?"
He stopped in front of her, panting hard from running, cheeks stained with his fresh tears. He bit his lip and dropped his pack, bawling like a baby as he ran to her and hugged her tight, unable to fight his intense sorrow any longer.
Minehime staggered back, but held onto him, a look of confusion on her face. "Daihachi, what's wrong? Why are you here by yourself?" She looked over her shoulder at Shigenaga for help, unsure of what to do, Daihachi didn't seem like he could speak much as of right now, crying as hard as he was.
Shigenaga frowned faintly and shook his head, not knowing what to do himself. "I'm so sorry!" Daihachi managed between sobs. "I should've known it was him! I didn't want to believe it, but it's true, I'm so sorry!" He told her everything, everything he heard his father berate Sasuke for; how Yukimura wanted her dead and how he blamed Masamune for Daiuke's death. "I was going to kill him! I was going to kill Tou-san for what he did! Please, Mini, I'm so sorry! You're my Shield-Sister! I'll always protect you, I swear!" Shigenaga looked appalled and ripped Daihachi away from Minehime, throwing him to the ground and pointing his sword at him.
Minehime felt the same terror grip her as when she had been attacked by Sasuke, but it was quickly overtaken by her heavy heart. She cared very much for her Shield-Brother, they had bunked together, eaten together, trained together, and even fought together. She shared his same feelings of being capable of killing for him and dying for him, so seeing him in such a ruined state broke her heart. The part about how Yukimura wanting to slaughter her family scared her to death, but right now Daihachi needed her, she'd wait until later to tell her father. "Daihachi, it's going to be ok, it's all goin-" That's when Shigenaga threw Daihachi to the ground, pointing his blade at him.
"Shigenaga!" Her nerves stood on end, and her eyes widened. "What the hell are you doing?!" She moved quickly and with purpose, smacking the sword tip away from Daihachi and standing between the two young men. "What the hell? Are you touched in the head, it's Daihachi!"
"His family wishes you harm, how can I trust him not to harm you as well?" Shigenaga replied sternly. Daihachi hiccuped and wheezed, covering his face as he sobbed. He looked so vulnerable, not like the tough ice-brain Minehime trained with. "I hurt Kaa-san's feelings...I broke her heart just as bad as when Daisuke died..." "For all I know, this could all be a ploy." Shigenaga looked around, scanning for Yukimura or Sasuke.
"Shut up, Shigenaga!" Minehime snapped, actually looking rather angry. "My Shield-Brother would never betray me! He comes to us for aid and you point your sword at him?" She definatly had her fathers anger. "Sheath your weapon now, or you will have to face me in combat!" And just like her father, she was hot-headed too.
Shigenaga scowled heavily but obeyed, sheathing his blade and stepping back. "I'm so sorry, Mini...I'm so sorry..." Daihachi hiccuped. "I was so angry...I wanted to kill him...I wanted him dead...and Kaa-san was so upset, I yelled at her and I ripped her heart out..." He tried to calm down, a Companion didn't cry. "I couldn't take it...will Jarl Masamune let me live in Riften? Can I make an outpost for the Companions here? I don't ever want to go home. I have no home. Tou-san hates me, he never loved me. He only wanted Daisuke...! He kept me around for Kaa-san's sake!" "Stop that right now!" Shigenaga snapped. "I understand your grief. But blubbering like a milk-drinker won't help anyone; not you, not Minehime-sama and not your honorable mother." Daihachi looked up at him and sniffed, wiping his nose on his sleeve. Shigenaga averted his gaze, scowling lightly, "Get up, Daihachi-san...we'll take you back to Riften where you can rest. My father and I will discuss your living arrangements with Masamune-sama."
Minehime didn't particularly like the "milk-drinker" comment, but only glared lightly at Shigenaga, moving over and grabbing Daihachi's pack and putting it over her shoulder. "Come on, we can go to the Bee and Barb to calm your nerves, Shigenaga can take care of the rest for now." She held out her hand for Daihachi to help him up, offering him a gentle smile. "Let's go, Shield-Brother."
Daihachi smiled weakly and took her hand, climbing to his feet, "Arigatou, Shield-Sister." He said. Shigenaga was still apprehensive about all this but took them back to the Rift regardless. He left Minehime and Daihachi at the Bee and Barb before going to find Kojurou. Said Riften's Housecarl was reattaching Jin's automaton arm, smiling faintly. Masamune had apologized to the both of them the only real way he knew how and gave Jin her arm back. "Let me know if it's too tight, love.."
Minehime jogged to the bar and ordered two large mugs of ale, paying and then returning to Daihachi at their table. "Here, have some of this." She set the cup in front of him, sitting down across from him and taking a swig of her own drink.

"A little tighter, if feels a little loose." Jin said softly, watching Kojurou re-attach her arm. As soon as it had been connected, it whirred to life, the soul gems inside glowing faintly with her magicka.
Nana looked up when the door opened, turning her head to see who it was. "Shigenaga, you're back so soon?" She asked, peering over her shoulder at her son. Though she didn't have a top on, she did have her usual wrappings around her chest and stomach, along with a sheet over her other shoulder for a bit more privacy.
Daihachi took it and.started to chug it down, not caring if it burned or if he would more than likely throw it up. He wanted to feel something other than his heavy depression.

Shigenaga stepped in and let out a yelp of surprise, turning his back quickly as he blushed from embarrassment. "S-Sorry to interrupt, Okaa-sama, but I need Otou-sama to help me discuss a small issue with Masamune-sama." "By the Nine, what did he do now?" Kojurou muttered. Shigenaga cleared his throat, "Sanada-dono's youngest son seeks asylum here in Riften."
"Drink a little slower, you can drink as much as you like, but you're going to choke." Minehime said, a soft frown on her face as she took a few more drinks.

Jin looked a bit upset when Masamune's name was mentioned, and the tension between his parents and Masamune became rather clear. "Go, I can finish adjusting it, Shigenaga needs your help." She said softly, brushing her knuckles against his cheek.
Daihachi set the mug down and coughed, "Sorry.." He muttered and ran his fingers through his hair.

Kojurou nodded and kissed her gently before standing and leaving to speak to Masamune with Shigenaga. The Jarl sat in his throne, listening to Megohime nag him with a small smile on his face, something he didn't think he would do for a long while. "Masamune-sama." He looked to his Housecarl and made a face, "What's up, Kojurou?" "Sanada Daihachi is seeking asylum." Kojurou answered. Masamune furrowed his brows, "What in Oblivion for?" "It's best if he tell you himself, Masamune-sama...it is most troubling." Shigenaga said.
Minehime gave him a small judge on the shoulder. "Don't worry about it too much, just try to last a little longer than I do." She teased, being not only a light weight, but with Daihachi being a werewolf, it usually took him twice as more to get drunk.

Megohime pouted slightly, but it was all in good nature - well, sorta. She was only just now finding it easier to smile as well, so she thought she'd keep some consistency and complain at Masamune for some trivial thing, it usually made him laugh. "Where's Minehime?" Megohime noticed that Shigenaga wasn't with Minehime, which always made Megohime nervous since Minehime came home with bruises around her neck.
Daihachi smiled, if only slightly, "Do I need to remind you of the time you challenged Farkas to a fight after you had stripped down to your under garments?"

"She is at the Bee and Barb with Daihachi, Megohime-dono." Shigenaga assured. Masamune waved his hand, "Bring them both here, I wanna know what's going on." "Hai." Kojurou bowed and went to fetch Minehime and Daihachi.
Minehime's entire face went red, and she swatted at him, clearly very flustered. "Shut up!" She hissed out in a whisper. "I had too much to drink, and you should've stopped me!" She sounded embarrassed, and anyone would be, getting naked and challenging another to a fight. And of course, Farkas won the fight.
Daihachi laughed a bit, "You had already started the fight by the time I got there.." He replied. The door opened and he looked, watching Kojurou move over to them. "Minehime-dono, Daihachi-san, Masamune-sama wishes to see the both of you." He said. Daihachi looked to Minehime and gulped.
Minehime looked to Kojurou, and nodded, expression stern. "Hai, we'll come immediately." She said, then turned to Daihachi. "Don't worry, Daihachi, Tou-san would've come himself if he were angry, you'll be fine." She said, standing and nudging her head for them to go to Masamune.
Daihachi followed her and Kojurou to Mistveil, where he stood before Masamune. "So. You want asylum?" "Not asylum so much as residency." Daihachi answered. Masamune narrowed his eye slightly. "Why?" He asked. Daihachi took a breath and told him everything and how his father was the reason Minehime had coke home with bruises. Masamune shook hard with rage and shouted at the chandelier, causing it to crash to the ground.
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