Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

He frowned and pet her head, gently cooing to soothe her. "I will always forgive you, my love. I only hope that you can forgive me...I can still remember almost nothing of before finding you in Solitude..." He said gently. He frowned, thinking back on his slain offspring, his mind either refusing to accept it or something telling him that they still lived, "I'm sure someday we will see our children again..."
((Oh God, I can't remember what it was! Dx I only remember it had something to do with her dampened powers...! Weeeeh!))

Sasuke approached Yukimura silently as he stood a ways from Akihime, who sat in the grass picking mountain flowers and thistle. "Dana," He said lowly, so Akihime wouldn't hear, "Forgive my long absence, I was caught up in Brotherhood business. But the contract has been fulfilled; Masamune's daughter has been dealt with." He did not know Daihachi had revived Minehime, he did not know Daihachi had returned her to Riften and had yet to return, he did not know that he had failed his master a second time. But what he didn't know didn't hurt him or Yukimura - at least in theory.
Yukimura made a slight noise, turning to face the assassin; he was completely different now, his eyes were cold, cold and hungry for blood. He wanted more, he wanted Masamune to suffer more. "Where is her corpse as of now?" He spoke quietly, making sure not to let Akihime overhear.
Sasuke shook his head, "I'm not sure, dana...probably returned to Riften by Daihachi-sama.." He replied. Akihime shuddered at the sudden wave of hate, anger and bloodlust in the air, chalking it towards the tundra winds, "Yukimura-sama, it's cold today...maybe we should go home?"
Yukimura turned to Akihime, studying her face for a mere second before nodding. "Hai, come, let's return home." He turned and stepped closer to Sasuke, whispering. "Bring my son home, and make sure if the Date have already reviewed the body, that they'll only be able to bury the head." He said, then moved back to his wife.
Sasuke disappeared before Akihime noticed he was there, the Oracle standing and turning towards her husband, "Have you heard from Daihachi, Yukimura-sama...? I haven't seen him in a couple days.."
Yukimura moved to his wife, placing a hand on her frail shoulder, gently moving her toward Whiterun. "He is safe, I have Sasuke trailing him." He said, walking back with Akihime.
Akihime frowned softly and took his hand, "You seem different, my husband...are you still grieving...?" Her voice was weak and full of heartache, but she tried to keep a brave face for Yukimura.
Yukimura pulled on a rusty smile, sadness and something dark held in his eyes. "Rest easy, Akihime, I'm fairing alright." He gave her a slight nod, resting his forehead against hers briefly.
"And I love you, too." Yukimura said softly.

Nori had been watching Sasukw search high and low for a short time now, eyes following the ginger everywhere he went. "Daisuke isn't in Dragonsreach if you're looking for him."
"Oh, forgive me, they practically have the same name, so it's hard to tell them apart." Nori waved her hand dismissively. "Daihachi is in Jorrvaskr, upset about Minehime-dono - obviously - but he'll get over it quickly. They are shield siblings after all."
"Hm. That's strange, because when she left for Riften, she looked very much alive." Nori stretched out her leg, rubbing a cramp from her neck.
Sasuke froze before turning to her sharply, "Alive!?" He echoed angrily. This wouldn't do at all, if Yukimura found out, there would be a whole plain of Oblivion to pay for. He swore loudly as he rushed off, thinking of a way to keep Daihachi from returning home. Said young man had left Jorrvaskr and was heading home to be with his still grieving mother; things had been tense with his father so he generally avoided him when he could.
Nori grunted and returned to her job of watching the dragonflies dart about on the Great Porch.

Yukimura had had a sinking feeling in his gut since he spoke to Sasuke, he felt something was off, and he wanted to know for sure. Siting at the fire, he waited for Daihachi to return, watching the flames flicker and dance.
Akihime was holed up in her room designated for prayer, trying to commune with the Divines as she usually did. Daihachi stepped through the door and glanced up briefly to see who was in the living area, quickly lowering his gaze when he saw it was his father and trying to get to his room before Yukimura could initiate a conversation.
It was already too late for Daihachi, Yukimura had spotted him the moment the door opened. "Daihachi." He called, his voice calm, but the sense of dread hanging in the air around the two. "Come here for a moment."
"Minehime, I heard she returned to Riften suddenly, has she fallen ill?" Yukimura tested, his face exposing nothing, but his posture a bit rigid.
Daihachi rubbed the back of his neck and made a soft noise, "Well...kinda? I don't know if you can call strangled ill..." Talking to Yukimura made him uncomfortable, he wanted to be as short and quick as possible to get away from him.
Yukimura's grip tightened on the armrest, but he nodded, then answered. "It's good she made it home safe." Was all he said, then stood, and heading to the front door without another word.
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