Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Bothela, an elderly looking woman with scraggly gray hair and red face paint rounded the corner, a slight scowl on her face. "What is it, there is no need for yelling." She sounded irritated, but it was probably due to the lack of sleep; there being dark bags under her eyes.
Bothela moved a step closer and examined Nana. "You three aren't fugitives or something, are you?" She asked, glancing up at Motochika.
She grunted with a nod. "Alright, you can put her on that bed there, but I don't see why you brought her in here; she already smells like she's at deaths door."
Motochika fought the tears that pooled in his eye as he moved Nana to the bed, lying her down, "Please just do what you can...I don't want to lose her again..."
The alchemist nodded, moving over to Nana. "We should start with these bolts first, I'm going to need you to tie this around her upper thigh as tightly as you can." She said, handing Motochika a long, sturdy piece of leather. Using a steel dagger, Bothela cut the trousers off of Nana, then went to collect herbs, potions, and gauze.
Nana didn't react at all when Bothela cutting the bolt from Nana's thigh, cutting away some of the infected flesh and cauterizing the wound. "How old is this wound?" Bothela asked Motochika.
The alchemist looked up at Motochika with a confused look. "Hm." She answered, then motioned for him to remove the leather strap from her leg. "We'll work on the shoulder next." She said. "This one didn't get too deep, so it should be a little better."
After removing the second bolt, Bothela let out a sigh. "The third bolt is lodged between two ribs, and has managed to miss her lung just barely. To remove it with the least amount of damage, we're going to have to break the two ribs it's stuck between. I don't have the strength to do this however, so unless you or your scrawny elf friend can do it, I'll have to remove it by force."
Motochika gulped but stepped forward, placing his hands over the ribs that needed to be broken and pushing down quickly with the needed force to break his beloved's ribs.
There were two loud pops as her ribs broke, followed by Nana's eyes shot open, and she jumped up with a guttural scream of pain. Now fully awake, Nana had a look of fear and confusion on her face, eyes wild.
Nana's vision was still hazy, and she staggered several times, knocking potions and herbs off the walls. "I don't know you.."
"She's running a high fever - and stop her before she destroys my shop!" Bothela snapped.
Her words broke his heart but he grabbed her and easily pinned her back down on to the tqble easily. "Then I won't try and convince you of who I am anymore."
Nana thrashed and kicked, but Motochika was much stronger. "Keep her still." Bothela said, then proceeded to cut through her flesh to remove the last bolt. Nana grunted and let out a muffled scream of agony through clenched teeth. Once Bothela finished and patched Nana up, Nana had finally calmed down, or at least had tired herself out. "Why are you doing this...?" She croaked weakly. "Just kill me already... Please.. I just want to go to my family.." Tears dropped onto the bed beneath her, Nana staring ahead brokenly. Her words were weird though, she hadn't just said husband, she said family.
Ren nodded nervously and moved over to the distraught woman, who lay stiff in pain. Bothela mumbled something about cleaning the shop again and went to make a few potions to tide Nana's pain.
Motochika moved through Markarth, more whispers of a Jarl swirling around him as he passed. He sighed and decided that the best place to get information was Markarth's Jarl, Kuroda Kanbe.
Bothela easily whipped up a potion to get Nana to sleep, and soon the woman was unconscious, sleeping deeply.
Motochika met up with Kanbe and was greeted heartily. The two men talked and Motochika explained what had happened so Kanbe took the time to help his friend remember.
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