Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Nana was soon loaded inside the carriage and the man followed after her, the driver getting the horses moving and setting off. Ren quickly followed, going down to Katla's farm to hide his cart before joining back up with Motochika to tail the cart, fidgeting with his quiver strap.
Ren pulled his bow off his back and glanced behind Motochika to make sure they were far enough away. "Ok, we should be good now." He said softly, but just then, the door to the carriage burst open, and Nana jumped out, the front of her shirt completely covered in blood. Stumbling as soon as she hit the ground she sprung up and sprinted down the opposite path, the driver and other Thalmor elf taking up cross bows, aiming for Nana.
"We have to move now!" Ren notched an arrow and started to run toward the carriage.
Nana moved as fast as she could, but the bolts that were fired at her were faster, two hitting her; one hit her in the shoulder and one in the leg, but that didn't slow her down. What did slow her down - what made her drop to the ground like a stone - was the bolt that buried deep into her side.
The driver took notice of Motochika and Ren, and began to fire at them, the Thalmor guard going to grab Nana, clubbing her in the head with the crossbow when she tried to fight him off. Laying dazed on the ground, Nana was an easy target, being picked off the ground and hurriedly dragged back toward the carriage.
The guard was blindsided by Motochika, being slammed up against the side of the carriage and landing on the ground with a pained wheeze, the driver falling flat on his back with an arrow through his eye. "Is she ok?" Ren called, jogging over to where Motochika was. Nana groaned softly and tried to roll onto her side and under the cart, still trying to get away.
"How do you know my name?" Nana sounded tired and scared, but was in too much pain to fight anymore, being pulled closer to Mototchika, she looked up at the rugged-looking bearded man. "Who even are you?"
He frowned faintly, "Nana, it...it's Motochika...you're my wife...! I made your wedding band from the bones of a Slaughterfish and a Horker tusk...!" He was amazed that even really remembered that through his pounding head and rushing adrenaline.
Nana's head dipped and she tried to shove Motochika away, clearly upset by his words. "I watched my husband die! He's dead along with the rest of my family!" She snarled, though the very band he had mentioned, remained on Nana's finger.
"Motochika-san, I think we have a problem..!" Ren called over from the spot a few feet away, fiddling with one of the bolts that had been lodged in the ground. "These have something on them, not poison, but it smells like trouble..!"
Ren moved over to help search for he antidote, but found nothing of the sort. "I can't find anything, and I've never seen a poison like this before, we need to get her to a speacialist." Ren frowned worriedly. "Where do we go?"
"Yeah, but we can't take her to Solitude, um, hang on!" Ren turned around and jogged back to get the cart quickly before returning. "The next closest place is Markarth, right? We can take her there! Here, put her in the wagon, but don't pull out any of the bolts, they could've hit an artery or two."
Ren followed along side the cart to keep an eye on Nana, jogging to keep up with Motochika's pace. By nightfall, Nana was unconscious and had a fever, making her sleep restlessly. "I can give her something to help the fever stay down, but I can't give her too much." Ren said as he poured a dark, murky liquid into her mouth.
"Motochika-san, I don't think there's much I can do.." Ren said shakily; Nana looked bad, she looked really bad. Being both underweight and worked to exhaustion, Nana's body was already weak, and the poison made it all worse.
Ren acted as the standing guard for the cart, while Motochika pulled it to Markarth, their only problem being a few Forsworn along the way, but the eventually made it to the stone city. "I'm not really familiar with Markarth." Ren admitted as Motochika picked up the very ill Nana out of the cart. "So I don't know where the healers are."
"We'll ask around.." He answered, glancing about. He ignored the awed stares and murmurs of a Jarl in the Hold, moving to the first merchant he spotted, "You. Where is your alchemist?" "Sh-She's in the Hag's Cure, Jarl! At the very end of the Hold!" The Redguard answered nervously.
Nana's entire body was feverishly hot against Motochika's, though she was still shivering quite hard. "You're a Jarl?" Ren looked confused, but followed Motochika anyway, not about to abandon his friend.
Ren got the door for Motochika, letting him take Nana inside, closing the door behind himself once he got inside.
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