Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Motochika had only been out for a few hours, but suddenly a commotion erupted outside of Hanbe's chambers, and Ren burst through the door, with guards in pursuit. "Motochika-san! It's Nana! She's fallen very ill..!" He looked very worried, eyes wide and skin pale.
Motochika could've expected Nana to have destroyed the shop again, or even seize up, but it was nothing as dramatic as that. Bothela had rolled Nana onto her side and was still in the process of cleaning the vomit from her airway when Motochika came bursting in. The woman turned to Motochika with a grave look on her face.
Bothela scowled softly and turned her attention back onto Nana. "I already told you, she's on deaths door. It wasn't the bolt wounds, it was the toxin on them. She has an infection in her blood now, and she doesn't seem to be taking to anything I give her. She'll be dead by midnight tonight, there isn't much more I can do."
"No!" He moved closer but dared not stop Bothela from working. "Nana, please! I don't remember why I parted from you, but I'm sorry it happened! Please, Nana, you're the only clear memory I have, I don't want to lose you! Please, lass, I'm beggin' ye, don't die! Don't leave me!"
"This isn't a matter of will, my Jarl, she's going to die. Her blood has become a poison, and it's killing her. Your only options now may kill both of you, or simply, you can let her go." She poured some sleeping tree sap into Nana's mouth to keep her pain to a minimum, and keep her asleep. "I'll leave you to say your goodbyes."
Bothela stopped and made a face. "Well, it's not ethical, and it might just end up killing both of you, but you can give Nana new blood. It'll involve draining blood from Nana and having you directly replacing it, then repeating the process until her blood is clean enough to stabilize."
"Will my blood work?" He moved closer, wanting to try anything - whether it meant he died or they both did - he wanted to give anything to see Nana live.
"We won't know unless we try." She said with a concerned huff, not wanting to see either of them die. Ushering him to a chair, she begain to work on finding a vein on Motochika once he was close enough to Nana, so we could place their arms side by side. Pushing the long, sharp metal tube into Motochika's vein, she pushed the other end into Nana's arm, then moved to the ill woman's other arm, where an empty bed pan lay under her arm, where Bothela cut into Nana's wrist to drain blood. "You are aware this might kill both of you, yes?"
After a minute or two of letting blood flow freely from Nana's arm, Bothela healed the wound to stop the blood flow. "I'll return within the hour to start again." She said, then disappeared into the shop.
The treatment was repeated multiple times a day for two days, and Nana often woke in a haze, mumbling incoherently through her fever before unconsciousness took her again.
Waking once more, she looked around the darkened room, the only light coming in was the faint light that filtered under the door. She shifted slowly before sitting up, trying to remember where she was and how she got there, but only got bits and pieces.
Motochika was asleep beside her, weak from the transfusion. His chest rose and fell steadily, a snore rumbling faintly in his ribcage every so often.
Nana's gaze fell on the slumbering giant, and watched him for a brief moment before slowly swinging her legs off the bed and placing her feet on the cold stone ground. The moment she stood up, she collapsed forward with a surprised gasp, nearly smashing into the table beside Motochika as she fell to the ground. Pain throbbed in her leg, but it wasn't pain that had made her fall, her leg had simply given out.
Able to clearly hear him for the first time in ages, Nana's eyes filled with tears. Turning her head to look for Motochika, she was met with the shadow of a large man, who looked a little under groomed. "Motochika..?"
Nana shook her head, her tears falling heavily down her face. "But I saw you... You were gone for so long.." Her voice wavered, shaking.
His smile turned sad and he averted his gaze in shame, "I had forgotten everything...my injuries were really bad and I still can't remember much...all I remember really is you and our sons...I'm so sorry, Nana..."
Nana slumped over on the ground, her shaking growing more and more. "They're dead... Our children are dead... All three of them.." She whimpered softly.
"Three?" He echoed. His chest tightened at the loss of his heirs and he carefully moved to hold Nana tightly. "Oh, Nana...please forgive me...this wouldn't have happened if I didn't vanish..."
As soon as Motochika wrapped his arms around Nana, she broke down crying, clutching onto his arm. "I thought my entire family had been slain..! My husband, forgive my feelings of wanting to take my own life..!" She choked back her sobs; her bones could be felt easily, and she seemed as frail as glass.
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