Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Yukimura had been so angry upon hearing the news Minehime wasn't dead, that he failed to notice his son was trailing him. Heading for Dragonsreach, he searched for the assassin, a scowl set hard on his face.
"If you're looking for Sasuke, Housecarl, he should still be on the Great Porch." A guard informed. Sasuke was hiding in the beams and rafters, dreading the moment Yukimura would find him.
Yukimura made his way to the Great Porch, entering and closing the large doors behind him. Walking out into the center of the walkway, he stood in wait, then looked up at the beams. He said nothingn at all, he simply waited, and though he could not see Sasuke, he knew Sasuke could see him.
Sasuke mentally cursed before finally sucking it up and appearing before Yukimura, bowing lowly to him. Daihachi slowly, carefully pushed open the doors and peeked in, watching silently. Sasuke said nothing, only kept his head down.
Yukimura stood in front of Sasuke, his posture slack, and his gaze cold. "Sasuke, look at me." He ordered, voice calm, something he probably didn't expect from his master after he had failed his mission.
Sasuke clenched his jaw and looked up at Yukimura, "Dana, I do not deserve any forgiveness for this failure. I won't ask for mercy, I will accept any punishment you have planned." He stated. Daihachi gripped the door hard, the wood splintering under the pressure as he tried to remain calm.
Yukimura didn't let Sasuke finish his last word, he didn't want to hear it. Slamming the back of his clenched fist against Sasuke's cheek, Yukimura knocked him down, then stomped hard on his hand. "You had one job!!" He snarled. "Are you telling me it was too much for you to handle?!"
Sasuke didn't fight back, he didn't yell, he didn't try to protect himself. He let Yukimura wail on him, staring up at the beams and focusing on other things like he used to when he was beaten as a child. "There was an miscalculation, dana." He answered, "I swear to you, she was dead when I left her here on the Great Porch. She had a protector."
Yukimura removed his foot from Sasuke's bruised hand, holding himself back from breaking it. "Then you kill whoever they are next time as well." He ground out through clenched teeth. "I won't accept any more failure, if you have to, slaughter Date's whole family, but leave him alive."
Yukimura was seeing red at this point, hand clamped around Sasuke's throat. "What?" It wasn't surprising that Yukimura could lift Sasuke off the ground, but it was a little surprising when he slammed the man back against the railing of the great porch. "What was that? Are you this incompetent that you'd even think to shit such words in my presence?" He growled out, clearly not at all amused by Sasuke's words.
Sasuke gripped Yukimura's wrist, smirk only growing, "Why would I lie to you, dana? I have no need to do such a thing to you. Daihachi and Minehime are Shield Siblings, dana. He will give his life for hers in an instant. If you're so disbelieving, please, ask him yourself." "Tou-san!!" Daihachi threw open the door, furious after what he had just heard. "It was you?! You hired Sasuke to kill Mini?! You would bring war to this land for something petty Date did to you?!"
Yukimura stood motionless for a moment, then turned to look at Daihachi. The only way to describe the look on his face was pure rage and hatred. "Date Masamune killed your brother." He growled, voice cold.
"Stormcloaks killed my brother. Lord Ieyasu and his men, this stupid fucking war killed my brother. I get it, you're mad. I'm mad, too! He was my only brother, and now he's gone! But blaming this on Date will get you nowhere! Lord Shingen would be furious with you if he found out, you would be put in jail! Does Kaa-san need that?! Does she need more grief?!" Daihachi snapped, body shaking with his rage.
Yukimura looked Daihachi straight in the eyes, a firm grip still on Sasuke. "Don't speak as if you're as important as your brother, you're not." He said, tone death cold, turning away from his son. "Go home, you're better needed there."
Daihachi snapped, his rage reaching a breaking point. "Not as important...?!" He echoed, voice heavy with hurt and fury, "I'll fucking show you who isn't important!" He yelled before letting his beast form take over. Sasuke gave a dry laugh before disappearing from Yukimura's grasp, actually glad to hear the Night Mother's whispers. Daihachi rushed at Yukimura and tackled him full force, slamming his massive hand over Yukimura's throat and digging his claws into the stone so he could not be moved. His eyes were feral and he bared his massive fangs down at his father, but he didn't attack any further. He only snarled angrily down at him, challenging him to fight back.
Yukimura didn't fight back, he just stared straight into the beasts eyes, Daihachi's fowl breath hot on his face. "Disgusting." Was all he said before two arrows found their way into Daihachi's shoulder. Guards had heard the commotion and had come to investigate only to find a werewolf attacking Yukimura. "Kill it!"
Daihachi whined in pain and removed his paw from the floor, rushing out the balcony of the Great Porch and climbing his way down to escape into the woods. One guard helped Yukimura to his feet, "Are you alright, Housecarl? It didn't bite you, did it?"
Yukimura only had red marks around his neck, which would turn into some nasty bruises later, but his skin hadn't been broken. "I'm alright, it didn't wound me." He said, glaring in the direction his son had gone. "Check the town to be sure it hasn't attacked any of the citizens." He ordered, brushing himself off and heading back to Akihime.
Daihachi had managed to calm down and return to Whiterun, no suspecting he was the werewolf that left Dragons Reach. He entered his home and slammed the door hard behind him, causing Akihime to emerge from her den. "Daihachi?" He said nothing as he headed to his room, where he grabbed a rucksack and threw his things into it. Akihime panicked and moved in quickly, "Wh-Where are you going? D-Daihachi, your shoulder, it's-!" "Kaa-san," His tone was low and strained, making her freeze, "Whatever happens, know that I love you very much. I'm going away for a while and I'm afraid I don't think I will return." Her eyes filled with tears and she shook her head. "N-No, Daihachi, please, don't leave...! Y-Your father and I-!" "Do not." He snarled with so much hatred in his voice Akihime about broke down on the spot, "Do not tell him anything. Do not look for me, do not try to convince me otherwise. I'm leaving, Kaa-san. It's better this way." He removed his Amulet of Talos and placed it gently in her hand, giving her a gentle squeeze and kissing her cheek before throwing what he had left in his pack and hurrying off before Yukimura returned, his father's stench inching closer to the house. Akihime shook hard before collapsing and sobbing loudly, her heart breaking once again. She had lost her second son now and she felt so powerless to make him stay. She begged and screamed for him to come back, even though she knew it was in vain.
Yukimura heard Akihime screaming from the stairway that led to the Dragonsreach, and he immediately sprinted toward the house to make sure his wife wasn't hurt. Bursting through the door, he looked around for Akihime, following the sounds of her sobs. "Akihime!"
"Yukimura!" She felt so helpless, refusing to leave the floor of Daihachi's room, clutching his amulet tight to her chest, "He gone! He left and I couldn't stop him! Was I not loving enough, Yukimura, what did I do to drive him away?! I don't understand!"
Yukimura moved over and knelt down in front of Akihime, clenching his fists, of course he had to stir up more trouble. "Akihime, Daihachi will come back." He was at a loss for words, unsure if he should tell his wife about his son or not.
She clung to him and sobbed into his shoulder, "He told me not to tell you, but I'm so lost! I'm a horrible mother, Yukimura, I couldn't help Daisuke or Daihachi! He said he's never coming back but dammit, I want our sons! I want to hold them both and cradle them like when they were children! It isn't fair, Yukimura! It isn't fair...!" She was a mess, a shattered woman with nearly nothing left in her life. If he did plan on telling her about Daihachi's lycanthropy, it would only break her heart more.
Yukimura was a bit agitated, but he still had feelings toward his wife, he still loved her and that wouldn't change even if his heart did. Holding her close and petting her hair, he soothed her. "Sleep my wife, you've mourned too much over the past days, you should take time to rest."
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