Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Irohahime's mouth opened on instinct when she smelled the blood, but quickly turned her head away, crying aloud now. "Please, Daisuke-sama, don't make me do this.." She begged him, guilt eating away at her slowly.
Irohahime flinched when droplets of Daisuke's blood fell on her face, and she was overwhelmed with hunger, and not wanting to be in pain. Grabbing his wrist and elbow, she brought the wound to her mouth and started to feed. Minding her fangs, she suckled greedily at the blood, whimpering softly as she paced herself so she wouldn't take too much.
His blood took effect immediately, wounds closing, bruises fading, and even a bit of color returning to her face. After a few more gulps, she released his wrist, although licking a droplet of blood off for good measure. Healing his hand, she remained laying on the ground. "I don't think I can really wall just yet, I feel woozy still." She murmured.
Daisuke scooped her into his arms without another word, carrying her back inside and laying her on the bed. He closed the curtains to keep out any light that might spill through and laid with her. "Do you want or need anything?"
She shook her head and nestled against his shoulder. "Just stay with me
, please?" She whispered, closing her eyes.

Nana had been awaiting her execution for quite some time now, having finished repairing the Fugaku, she was now of no use to the Empire. Laying on the small hay pile in her cell, she rested, already long giving up her struggle.
He nodded and held her close, relaxing considerably.

One of the guards approached and opened her cell, taking her arm and clapping her in irons before dragging her off.
Nana didn't struggle or even ask where they were going, she merely stumbled after the guard, doing her best to follow. They seemed to walk for a ways before she entered another building, one she had never seen; it was a large, tidy room with only two people inside, Mitsunari and a tall Thalmor man with a clean shaven face and a slight ale gut.
The Thalmor agent moved closer to Nana, reaching out and picking up her chin to get a better look at her face. "Hmph, she doesn't seem to be that young- tell me, is she complaisant? I don't want any test subjects that rather screaming their lungs out than keeping remotely quiet." He yanked her head to the side to look at the scars that marred half of her face, making a slightly disappointed noise.
The elf let go of her face and pulled her shirt up slightly to look at her hips, which were of course wide. "She's had children before." He stated, taking note of the scar on her stomach before letting go of her shirt. "I'll give twenty thousand at the most for her, only because she's been used before." He said, turning to face Mitsunari.
"I'll be taking her now, rather than later, since she doesn't seem like she'll do anything." He waved his hand, and his associate stepped forward with the amount of currency they had bought Nana for. Taking ahold of her chains, he gave a small tug and begain to lead Nana outside and to their carriage, which looked rather fancy, having four walls and a roof, complete with a back door and windows.
Nana didn't care either way, she'd either take her own life, or force a guard to kill her sooner or later. Being led through the streets she walked with her head down, her expression blank, eyes empty.

((Bring in the Chika~))
Ren kept close to Motochika, watching the busy marketplace while he loaded the cart full of supplies they had just bought. "Hey, Motochika-san, look at that." He motioned with his head toward the Thalmor, who had a small woman in chains, leading her through the city and toward the front gate.
"Motochika-san!" Ren moved over to Motochika, worried about his friend. "What's wrong, do you know her?"
Ren's eyes widened in surprise and he looked back at the dark-haired woman leaving the city. "Why is she in cuffs? And with the Thalmor?" He whispered.
"W-Wait!" Ren quickly abandoned his cart and chased after Motochika, quickly catching up and grabbing his arm to stop him. "We can't do anything inside the city, there are too many guards and only two of us." He whispered quickly. "We can follow them, wait until they're secluded and then attack." He proposed.
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