Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

((Shiyt, ok!))

When Masamune reached Fort Dawnguard, he forced his way through to the dungeons, ignoring the shouts and urges to him to see Isran. Before he hit the dungeons, Isran grabbed him, "You can't go down there." "And why not?" Masamune growled. "She's..." "You better finish that sentence with something to impky that she's still down there.."
The rest of the Dawnguard looked rather nervous, but eventually stepped aside to let Masamune pass, some of the newer recruits looked just about ready to piss themselves.
Isran released Masamune's arm and allowed him down into Irohahime's cell. Not soon after, the tower shook and the echo of Masamune's Thu'um reached them from deep within the stone tower. Isran prepared himself for the verbal thrashing he would soon receive.
What Masamune found where his daughter should've been contained in a cell, was an empty one. It appeared to have been uninhabited for weeks, and even the blood crusted torture rack was old and gathering dust.
Masamune moved back up the stairs like a daedra free from Oblivion, eye slitted and filled with unyielding rage. "Where is she?" "I don't know." "You mean to tell me that you are unaware of a vampire loose here in Skyrim?!" The tower shook again and Isran closed his eyes. "A recruit freed her and we have been trying to find her since."
No one dared to make eye contact with Masamune, all of the men and women within the fort keeping a safe distance away from the angry Jarl.
That day, Irohahime had been cooking while Daisuke remained down in the basement still. A soft frown was on her face as she cooked, making a vegetable type soup with tomato as a broth and cuts of venison inside, along with carrots, beats, potatoes, and onions. Scooping some into a bowl, she set the bowl down on the table, hesitating before making a small cut on her wrist. Letting a few large drops of blood fall into the soup, she mixed the blood in so it wouldn't be seen, then quickly wrapped up her wrist, and headed down to the basement to give Daisuke his lunch.
Daisuke had laid offering after offering before Stendarr's shrine, hoping the Divine would give him a sign of forgiveness or show him how to repent for betraying his parents and Skyrim. He was in silent tears, the guilt eating away at him like maggots eating a corpse.
Daisuke was wrapped in a semi-warm embrace, Irohahime's arms wrapped around his middle, the side of her face resting against his back. "I've made you lunch, please, eat something my love." She said in a soothing voice.
She released Daisuke, but remained at his side, gently stroking his hair and wiping away his tears. Her head weighed heavy in her chest, and she averted her eyes as he begain to eat.
There was an ever-faint metalic taste to it, but he chalked it up to the tomatoes and continued to eat. Her cooking gave him some comfort, a very faint smile tugging at his lips.
Irohahime leaned against his shoulder as he ate, knowing fully that her blood would not only help his mental state, but extend his life as well. She hated watching him suffer and refused to do so any longer.
She kissed his cheek gently, then stood and moved up the stairs to finish the household chores. Sweeping inside and on the small porch, she remained in the shade the best she could as she worked, deciding she'd pick herbs later on in the day.
A few days passed and no word had returned regarding the monk. Daisuke seemed to perk up a lot since then, spending kess and less time praying and spending more time with Irohahime.
((You wanna bring in Masa?))

Irohahime felt guilty for not telling Daisuke what she was doing, but she was glad to see he was in better spirits. It was another cloudy day and that meant Irohahime could be outside without much worry, so she busied herself with gardening that day, smiling softly.
It was peaceful that day, Daisuke watching Irohahime affectionately. He became alert, however, when he heard hoof beats. He shot up and grabbed his sword, thinking it was Mitsunari. He was alarmed when he saw that it was Masamune.
Irohahime stopped her gardening, turning her head, her smile fading quickly. When she saw her father, her eyes widened and she quickly dogs for cover, moving behind the barrels that held vegetables, hiding in fear.
Masamune halted his horse and stared Daisuke dead in the eye, "Where is she?" He demanded. Daisuke brandished his sword and glared, "You are not welcome here. Leave." He came off more aggressive than he should have. He knew better than to speak to a Jarl like that, but he was overly compelled to lay down his life to defend Irohahime. Masamune looked annoyed, "Irohahime. Come out now and I won't shout your pet to pieces."
Irohahime began to shake uncontrollably, but slowly came out from behind the barrels, gripping the skirt of her dress. "I'm not hurting anyone, I only drink from animals, please, leave us be..!" She begged voice sounding as terrified as she looked.
Masamune dismounted and started making his way towards her. "Get away from her!" Daisuke charged forward, blinded by rage, but Masamune moved to the side and kicked him in the back into the ground.
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