Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Irohahime quickly moved to the bedroom, entering the room and closing the door quietly behind her. She feared the worst; the Dawnguard had found them and she'd be taken away again.
Still not entirely sure she wasn't in danger, Irohahime pulled a veil over her head, holding it closed, making sure most of her face was hidden, especially her eyes. Cautiously stepping out of the room, Irohahime instantly scanned the room, gluing her eyes on the priest.
The tall lanky albino of a man was adorned in nothing but white and grey armor. He smiled behind his mask and bowed, "Greetings, miss. I only seek shelter for a couple of days. I have been travelling for a very long time and just wish for some rest." He explained politely.
Giving the man a quick once-over, Irohahime looked to Daisuke for a decision, not wanting the man there, but not wanting to turn him away either.
Daisuke waved his hand to show that it would be okay, "You can stay as long as you need...there is a guest bed down in the basement." "Arigatou." The monk bowed again and moved into the hall and down the stairs.
Irohahime waited before the door at the bottom of the stairs closed and she turned to Daisuke. "What if he finds out?" She whispered urgently.
Irohahime nodded and moved back to the bedroom, but not after giving Daisuke a gentle kiss on the cheek. Hurrying into the comfort of the bedroom she shared with Daisuke. Pulling out her coffin, she crawled inside, then with the help of the simple pulley system she had rigged up, and scooted herself underneath the bed once more to slumber.
During the night, Irohahime awoke to the distant noise of shuffling, but paid it no mind and fell back into her deep sleep, arms crossed over her chest.
After helping her out of her coffin, Irohahime sat at the table with her mug of blood mixed with a few herbs to mask the scent, sipping slowly, and keeping her eyes downcast.
Irohahime lowered her gaze once more and gave a brief nod to the monk, giving her greetings the silent way. She never set down her mug, keeping it close to herself as she sipped the drink.
"By the way, dear lady, your coffin is absolutely stunning~" Daisuke tensed before a dark scowl crossed his face, turning sharply and pointing the kitchen knife he wielded at the monk, "Leave."
Irohahime dropped her cup, spilling blood all over the floor by her feet, an expression of horror on what little of her face was visible. Before anyone could even blink, Irohahime was at the door, lowering the wooden plank into place, then turning to face the monk. Her veil now on the floor where she had been sitting, her glowing eyes glued to the man. It was very clear he was not going to leave.
"He can't leave! He knows too much now!" She lowered her arms to her side, hand crackling with lightening. "If he leaves, both the Dawnguard and my father will show up within the hour."
"Lying won't help you." She seemed hesitant to kill, probably because if she spilled blood she'd lose t and go on a blood frenzy. "Please go back down to the basement, I don't want to destroy the house."
He bowed and obeyed her, moving out and back into the basement. Daisuke dropped the knife and covered his face, body shaking, "Divines, please forgive me..."
After the two had gone down to the basement, the entire house was dead silent.
"I don't want to have to kill you, but I cannot take the chance of leaving Daisuke-sama again, you understand... Right?" She asked quietly, looking down at the floor with a saddened expression.
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