Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Minehime's eyes bulged with the amount of pressure he was applying to her neck, starting to kick and thrash as her consciousness was stolen from her. She never imagined it would take just a short amount of time before she would fall unconscious while being strangled, having never been choked in her life. Her movements became jerky, her feet slowly sliding out from beneath her as the life began to leave her terrified eyes, a forced raspy gurgling coming from her mouth as her eyes closed and she slumped forward.
As the life left Minehime, her pulse begain to slow, her lips tinting blue, and her body falling completely still. Minehime's eyes closed fully and her heartbeat faded until it could no longer be felt, her body lifeless.
Sasuke smirked and dropped her, only to be tackled to the ground by a massive wolf. Daihachi had entered the Great Porch and witnessed Sasuke strangle his Shield-Sister and lost control, turning into a werewolf. He snapped and slashed at the assassin and Sasuke fought back as much as he could, stabbing Daihachi and disappearing while the Companion was reeling with pain. When Daihachi saw Sasuke was gone, he moved quickly to Minehime and nuzzled her, whining softly.
Minehime's body was slumped over on the ground, with dark bruises around her neck, mouth slightly open, but she wasn't breathing. The young woman seemed to be simply sleeping, a peaceful, relaxed expression on her face, but there was no heart beat within her, and she wasn't breathing.
Daihachi forced himself to change back, gathering up his clothes quickly and putting them on before shouting for help. He tried to resuscitate her, panicking.
Daihachi's cries went unheard, for on that day, they were holding a vigil in Daisuke's honor. Minehime's chest only moved when Daihachi was breathing for her, but she still lacked a heartbeat.
A good two minutes passed, and still Minehime hadn't woken, but then her chest swelled as she took a breath, coughing and wheezing. She scrambled slightly to get onto her side, gagging before vomitting, shaking hard and continuing to retch.
Daihachi moved away to give her space to breathe, relieved that he had revived her. "Daijoubu, Mini? I'm sorry I couldn't get here quick enough. It'll be a while before Sasuke tries anything again."
Heavy tears fell from Minehime's eyes, getting out a few more gags, before she latched onto Daihachi's chest. "D-Did he just...?" She asked in a weak, raspy voice, barely able to speak.
"You're safe now, Mini, I promise. But, yes...he did just try to kill you." He answered gently, frowning, "Do you want me and Farkas to escort you back to Riften?"
Minehime nodded her head yes, doing her best to collect herself, but she was clearly shaken. "Please? Just for a while.."
After spending her five days in the stocks, Jin avoided even being in the same building as Masamune, always a hateful scowl appearing on her face, fear flickering in her eyes as she left. She no longer had the arm her husband had made for her, losing it just as quickly as she had gotten it.
Megohime did her best to smooth things over between the two, knowing there would be hell to pay if anything were to happen. Luckily, Minehime had returned home to Riften just three days after writing to her father, showing no formalities as she nearly tackled her father in a hug. "Zu'u los hofkiin, bormah."

(("I'm home, dad."))
Masamune embraced her and pet her head, "Nii los pruzah wah koraav hi tahriik, yunkliin.." He replied.

(("It is good to see you safe, hatchling."))
Minehime's embrace became tighter, the usually brave, happy young girl now scared for her life. The bruising on her neck was dark with small hints of yellow, but other than bruises, she had no other injuries.

((Shall we start the Tenkai plan~?))
After Daisuke's humiliating defeat, Irohahime stayed by his side every moment she had the chance to. When heavy rainstorms started to hit the mountainside where they resided, Irohahime did her best to nail planks of wood over the small windows in the middle of the storm. Soaking wet, Irohahime worked quickly in the windy, pitch-black night, finishing her work and heading back inside to Daisuke.
Irohahime moved over, removing the heavy cloak she wore and dropped it on the ground. Wrapping her arms around Daisuke, she pressed her ear against his chest to listen to his heart. "Please, Daisuke-sama... I am here for you, do not fret." She soothed.
He ran his fingers through her hair and nodded deafly, "Hai...I know...but I can't help but lingering on the heartache I must have given my mother and father.."
Irohahime had become increasingly worried for Daisuke, she always had to coax him into eating and sleeping and he didn't seem to improve much at all. "Please, Daisuke-sama, you need-" She was interrupted by the clear sound of knocking at the door, making her stiffen slightly.
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