Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"I can't sleep...I don't want to...every time I close my eyes, horrible images flash before me of Daisuke and I just...-" She hid her face in Yukimura's chest and sobbed weakly. Daihachi moved over and hugged both of them. "Yukimasa fought and died a brave warrior...we should remember him for his courage instead of mourning him for entering Shor's Hall." He said. Akihike smiled sadly and kissed his head, "Hai...you're right, Daihachi." She replied. Daihachi looked to Yukimura, "Don't blame anyone for this, Tou-san...he knew what he was signing up for.."
Something unreadable flashed in Yukimura's eyes, but he nodded regardless. "For now, leave us, Daihachi, rest." He said, laying Akihime down gently in the bed and tucking the blanket over her.
Daihachi made a face but nodded, kissing his mother and telling her he loved her before leaving. Akihime took hold of Yukimura's hand, "Don't leave me...onegai..."
Yukimura complied with his wife's wishes, staying with her until she fell asleep, and even after that, staying with her until morning.

In the morning, Minehime had regained consciousness and was eating, Danica giving her an exam before allowing her to roam freely once more.
Daihachi rushed to the temple as soon as he woke up, not even bothering to change out of his clothes the night before, "Mini! Mini!" He called, running as fast as he could.
Minehime, who had a bit of a hangover, growled lightly in frustration and threw a bread roll of Daihachi. "Not so loud, ice-brain..!" She seemed to be in good spirits, regardless of the incidents occurring the previous night.
Minehime picked up almost immediately that something was off with Daihachi, and she quickly grew serious. "What's wrong? You seem off today?"
Minehime froze, staring at Daihachi in shock, tears building up in her eyes. "He's dead..? H-How..?" She asked softly, her voice quivering slightly.
Minehime embraced Daihachi, crying openly at the loss of someone so close. "Gomenasai, Daichachi..!" She cried into his shoulder, shaking slightly.
Minehime collected herself and pulled away from Daihachi. "He'll be honored in Sovengarde." She said, wiping away her tears.
Minehime nodded in agreement, a solemn look on her face.
After paying her respects to Akihime and Yukimura, Minehime changed her clothing into casual wear, finally getting out of her armor, and heading for Dragonsreach.
Nori, like usual, gave Sasuke as much shit as she could before actually performing her duties. This changed however when she noticed Minehime had entered the Great Porch and that's when she took her chance to leave.
"Sasuke-dono?" Minehime called out, glancing around to try and spot the man, but had no such luck. She had gotten an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach as soon as she entered the area, but passed it off as frayed nerves from the night before.
Minehime jumped slightly when Sasuke dropped down right in front of her, calming her racing heart before speaking. "Last night when I fell ill, I distinctly remember seeing you in the Temple of Kynareth." It sounded like Sasuke had been found out and was being confronted on his attempt on her life. "Danica told me Daihachi had gotten an antidote from you, and I've come to thank you for saving my life." She bowed her head deeply to him, completely unaware that he had in fact been trying to kill her.
Minehime blinked and looked up at Sasuke in confusion. "I don't understand.." She glanced over her shoulder at the door, the dread in her stomach growing.
As soon as she took her eyes off him, his hands shot out and wrapped tight around her throat. "This isn't usually my style but this is what I'm left with. I have been contracted to kill you and I will do so."
Minehime's eyes went wide, and she instinctively tried to gasp for air as her airway was squeezed closed. Panic showed clearly in her eyes and she clawed at his wrists for a moment, trying to jerk away from him, before regaining her composure momentarily and grabbing for her knife strapped to her thigh. Raising the blade high, she quickly aimied it for his temple, grinding her teeth.
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