Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"M-My heart...." He whimpered like a beaten dog, tears falling down his cheeks, "My physical injuries are nothing...but I can't bear to live with myself now! My father would be so ashamed and my mother will be stricken with such grief! I have dishonored them, Irohahime-dono!" He sobbed.
Irohahime held Daisuke tightly, pulling his head against her chest and letting his head gently. "But you'll continue on anyway... You have to, I won't let you take your own life." She whispered to him, resting her forehead against the top of his head. "You have me, Daisuke-san. I love you and I'll protect you forever." She promised. "Just stay with me."
Irohahime nodded and kissed his head over and over, comforting him. "I promise I'll never leave your side, Daisuke-san."

((Wanna start out with Aki?))

"My Lady. A letter came for Master Sanada, but I can't find him." A guard said. Akihime accepted the letter and thanked him, heading off to find Yukimura. As she walked through Dragons Reach, she opened the letter and began to read. Her eyes widened and tears filled her eyes as she halted mid step. She let out a shriek of agony and dropped to the ground, throwing the letter away as if it housed a deadly virus, breaking into loud body shaking sobs.
Many of the nearby guards had rushed to Akihime when she collapsed, her cry surprising them, and caused them to fear she had been injuried somehow. "Akihime-dono! Are you alright?" Two guards kneeled down to assist her, while two more were sent off to find Yukimura in a panic.
She blubbered and sobbed, unable to form a full sentence. She wheezed and screamed in anguish, the skies darkening - as if Kynareth, too, was heartbroken and weeping.
Eventually Yukimura was found and summoned away from the council he was attending when he heard that Akihime had taken ill, the guards not really knowing what to call it, since they had no clue what was going on.
"Akihime?" Yukimura moved over, worried lines creasing his face as he kneeled before his wife, gathering her in his arms. "What's happened? Are you hurt anywhere?"
Yukimura remained crouched where he was, not registering that he was crying until his tears completely blurred his vision. "He's... Dead?" He almost sounded angry, but his voice was a weak kind of quiet tone. "How did this happen..?"
Akihime could barely form a complete sentence, the only words that could be understood were 'Stormcloaks', 'ambush', and 'quick death'. She sobbed into her husband's chest, the dark clouds now pouring heavy rain.
Yukimura slowly gathered himself to his feet, giving Akihime's shoulder a slightly squeeze, before he started for the exit of Dragonsreach. After walking what appeared to be calmly through the downpour of rain, Yukimura finally made it to the house he owned, closing the door and letting out a storm of his own. He nearly destroyed the entire house, except for Daisuke's room, knocking over tables and throwing objects that were on them to the floor.
After rampaging until he was breathing hard and leaning against the wall, he finally spoke. "Sasuke, come here." His voice was different, he was different. With the news of his sons death, a darkness had plagued his heart and changed his morals, a dark glint in his eyes.
Yukimura didn't answer right away, he didn't know why he had called Sasuke, he didn't know who had killed his son other than a nameless Stormcloak. Then it hit him. Daisuke had been in Riften days before his attack. His heart ached and his anger swelled. "Date Masamune." He growled, turning his eyes to the assassin. "Make him feel the same pain of loss Akihime and I feel. Make him regret his decision to allow my sons death." He growled out, and though he had no hard evedence that Masamune was to blame for his sons death, he knew in his heart it had to be him.
Sasuke didn't bother fighting the smirk that spread across his face as he bowed his head lower, "As you wish, dana. Date Masamune will suffer for all time, even as he passes into Sovngarde."
Yukimura smelled heavily of alcohol, but in fact he hadn't touched a drop, he had just splashed some on himself during his rampage. "Go now, and don't return until what must be done has been done." He ordered.
Sasuke nodded and disappeared, eager to fill out his master's order. The front door opened and Akihime wobbled in, soaked from the rain as she sobbed weakly. "Yukimura-sama..."
Yukimura turned to face Akihime, his face slack except for his eyes, which held only darkness; but when he saw his wife, he moved over to comfort her, holding her gently.

Minehime had always been by Daihachi's side, so of course when there was a celebration of the full moon, she was there enjoying drinks, making merry and drinking with everyone else. She had a good buzz already, and had eaten all the food she could want, having a grand time with her shield-brother.
Daihachi had just enjoyed cider during the festivities, the other Companions drunk and having a laugh or brawling in the mead hall. Sasuke watched from.the rafters, knowing that it would be difficult with Daihachi there, but he would manage.
After having a few bottles of mead, Minehime was beginning to grow stuffy, finding the atmosphere a bit much and the room a little too hot. Standing up, she hollered across the hall to Daihachi. "'M gonna get some fresh air! Keep my seat warm for me!" And with that, she jogged to the door and went out to the back deck, taking a seat in the cool air to clear her head a bit.
Daihachi moved to follow her but was quickly dragged into a brawl. Sasuke took the opportunity to sneak towards Minehime's tankard and pour a good bit of poison into it before sneaking back to the rafters.
After getting her head cleared, Minehime returned inside to her seat, and upon seeing Daihachi in the friendly brawl, she grabbed her tankard and moved over to watch the fun. In order to save her drink from being spilled, she downed the entire mug, and set it aside. Barely registering the sickly sweet taste in her drink, she watched and cheered with the rest of the companions.
Soon the poison kicked in, and Minehime only registered it as being drunk, but when a terrible pain ripped through her gut, painful enough to make her stumble, she moved to sit down in one of the chairs. She didn't even make it to the chair before she began to vomit violently. Anyone could've brushed it off as her simply being drunk, but what was most alarming was the amount of blood in her vomit, in fact, it seemed like she only vomited blood.
Daihachi rushed over from the brawl, Vilkas and Farkas moving to help her to the Temple of Kynareth. In everyone's drunk stupor, Daihachi moved and sniffed the blood, snarling when he smelled poison.
The entire way to the temple, Minehime vomited blood, groaning in pain and stumbling as the two older men helped her to the healers. "S-Somethings wrong... Everything hurts..." She whimpered.
"You'll be alright, lady Minehime." One of the Companions said as they took her to Danica. Daihachi was heading his way towards Dragons Reach, knowing that Sasuke would have an antidote in his alcove under the kitchen.
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