Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Take her to the stocks." Masamune ordered and the guards nodded, dragging her off. "No!" Kojurou shot up but Masamune kicked him back down, practically breathing fire.
"Kojurou!" Jin struggled against the guards, who dragged her out the front doors of the keep and to the stocks, where her newly gained arm was removed from her possession before she was locked into the humiliating display, waiting for morning to come.

Megohime had heard the commotion, and had come down from her room, still in her nightgown as she watched Masamune beat Kojurou across the keep and back, but made no move to stop Masamune really. She was drinking straight from a wine bottle, her cheeks flushed, but she was still coherent, leaning against the doorframe.
"I can't believe you went behind my back like that! You bastard! Was it really worth it?!" Masamune snapped as he beat Kojurou. In the struggle to protect as much of himself as he could, Kojurou's hand was smashed beneath Masamune's boot, causing him to wail in agony.
Megohime didn't seem particularly bothered by Kojurou's cries of pain, taking one more long drink before looking to Masamune. "Making your housekarl lame won't do you any good if you're already half lame yourself." She stated, hinting strongly that Masamune should stop while he was ahead. "Why don't we retire to our bedchambers for tonight?" Although seeming as though she were heartless, and condoned her husbands actions, she was just as scared - giving Kojurou a brief glance of pity before returning her gaze to her husband.
Megohime let out a steady breath as she entered the bedroom, closing the doors behind her and turning to her husband. Kissing his neck gently, she worked at removing his armor, letting her hands run over where the heavy metal had just been.
Megohime undid Masamune's shirt and kissed his chest. "You're tense, and I have needs that haven't been fulfilled." She muttered, pulling her nightgown over her head and tossing it onto the floor.
((Aaaand I'm just gonna hurry things along~))

The night seemed to pass rather quickly with Masamune and Megohime's love-making, which occurred many times until the both of them were completely exhausted.
Still awake to witness the sunrise, Megohime turned over restlessly, laying on her stomach with her arms propping up her head, chin resting in hand. "You know, you would've done the same thing if the situations were switched." She said softly, turning to look to her lover.
Masamune stared at the ceiling, chest rising and falling slowly. "Yeah...I know. But that isn't the point..." He replied, "I said not to go near her. But they disobeyed me."
Megohime made a face. "Jin only wanted her arm back, she's gone through a lot of shit, and you know she's too afraid of you to go against what you said."
"So you humiliate his wife to further prove a point?" She scowled. "Breaking his hand was punishment enough, don't you agree?"
Megohime let out a soft sigh, she had tried her best, but unless she got rough, her husband wouldn't budge an inch - not like using force would help her anyway. "Hai, hai.." She muttered and laid beside him, resting her forehead against his back.
((Oh boy~~))

Later in the day, around noon, Jin was still locked in the stocks, head lowered in humiliation; no one really poked or prodded her though, rather they pitied her instead, avoiding her like death. The cripple Housecarls' wife being put in such a humiliating display was something not many knew how to react to.

The day was especially cloudy, so Irohahime could risk going outside, and she did, sitting with Daisuke and enjoying the gentle breeze and beautiful view. She laid with her head in his lap, absentmindedly braiding a crown out of the flowers around them, a soft content smile on her face.
Irohahime's pale face flushed faintly, and she shifted her position, sitting up and leaning closer to him. Pulling back her hood slightly, she placed a soft kiss on his lips, pulling away with a smile. "You make a dead woman so happy." She said softly, placing a hand over his.
Irohahime smiled widely at this, placing a soft kiss upon his cheek before returning her head to his lap, resting outside while she could enjoy it.
Daisuke smiled faintly and gently pet her head as they enjoyed their time outside. He frowned, however, when he heard the sound of hoof beats and looked to where they were coming from.
Irohahime sat up quickly, a worried look on her face. "Do you think it's the Dawnguard?" She squeezed his hand nervously. "How did they find us already?" She asked, looking to Daisuke, unsure of what to do.
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