Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Irohahime didn't stop or slow down at all, sprinting back the way she had come, jumping over logs and dodging around trees. She wasn't about to get dragged back to Dawnguard.
Irohahime didn't stop for anything, wishing desperately that she had asked Daisuke to Coke with her, but all she could do at that point was keep running.
Irohahime nearly let out a scream when she was tackled to the ground. "Get off! I'm not going back there!" She tried to growl out, but her voice came out in a quiver instead; Irohahime's wrists were discolored, dark burn scars around each wrist that still hasn't healed fully.
"I'm not going to send you back, please...! I need your help, Jin won't speak to me anymore, she's incredibly depressed and has shut everyone out...I need you.." He pleaded.
Irohahime slowed her struggles, not quite believing he wouldn't send her back, but she felt he was telling the truth about Jin. "Why do you need my help?" She asked, still looking like a spooked deer.
"Jin wanted to visit you and ask if you could help her with her missing arm, but Masamune-sama refused her. She has since refused to leave her chambers and speaks to no one, not even myself. It is breaking my heart more and more every time I see her...I know you might have something, anything to help her, please...in return, I won't speak of this meeting and I will let you have your continued freedom. Masamune-sama still believes you are in Fort Dawnguard." He implored.
Irohahime thought about his proposal, then nodded, slowly shifting away from Kojurou for some space. "Yeah... Ok." She nodded again. "I can't return her flesh and blood arm, but I'm sure I can come up with a highly mobile prosthetic. I'll need a week though." She steadied herself, trying to calm her nerves. "I'll come back here in a weeks time, but please, come alone." It wasn't a request, or even a question, but more of a plea.
Irohahime stood in her spot awkwardly for a moment before simply heading back to her basket, collecting her spilled herbs and quickly leaving. If she were to make it back before the sun rose, she'd have to hurry.
By the time Irohahime had arrived at home, they sun had just risen, and so she burst through the door, slamming it shut behind her. Dropping her basket, she hurried to Daisuke, throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him, pressing her forehead against his chest.
Irohahime shook her head, not wanting to speak about her confrontation with Kojurou, still shaken up.

A few weeks after the ordeal with Ren finding Motochika, the Elf and the large Nord were still sticking together, traveling from Falkreath through Whiterun's territory toward the border between Riften and Windhelm.
"Oh! Motochika, I found some!" Ren had been searching for Tundra Cotten for nearly a mile now, and finally had spotted a small bush of some. Whiterun's Great Porch could bee seen in the distance, and Ren got a look of mild conservative and discomfort on his face. "Hey, you've been pulling the cart for a while now, I could take it if you want?" He asked as he moved over, seeming to not really want to stray too close to the balcony overlooking the tundra.

Nana had resumed working after a few days of solitary in her cell, and had been working on remodeling the Fugaku ever since. She had managed to pickpocket a small healing potion from one of the guards, but her face still had terrible scars. The left side of her face had only faint scars, but the right side of her face had deep, raw scars that didn't seem to want to heal; it was more than likely the side that Mitsunari had started with, the hot blade closing the wounds just after creating them.
She had been continued in Solitude for a few months, and it wasn't too long ago that she had figured out she was pregnant, but none of the guards really seemed to care too much, in fact, a few gave her extra food and water once she returned to her cell.
"Mitsunari-sama, some of the younger guard recruits are a little concerned about that one woman - the former Dawnstar Jarl's wife, they don't feel it's right for a pregnant woman to be working such long hours, even if she is a prisoner."

Irohahime had stayed inside the cabin for some time, working over a desk full of papers, scrolls, and notebooks, sketching out models of what looked to be prosthetic arms forged from dwarven materials, and automated by the users own magica.
After collecting all of the notes and construction designs, Irohahime collected them into a bundle and stood, collecting her cloak. "Daisuke-san! I'm leaving for a while!" She called out.
Motochika looked to him curiously, blinking slowly, "I'm fine. Are you alright? You seem tense.."

Mitsunari went rigid, "Pregnant?" He echoed.

Daisuke looked and frowned faintly, "Be safe..."
Ren stored the cotton in one of the bags on the cart, smiling sheepishly. "There's this real scary Bosmer I almost shot a while back, I was hunting and he appeared out of nowhere - almost put an arrow through his neck." He admitted.

"A-Aye... No one here has touched her though, so she must've been pregnant before being imprisoned here." The guard gave Mitsunari some room, worried he might take it out on him.

"I will, I won't be long, I just need to go out for a while." She said, giving him a small bow before leaving for the spot she had arranged to meet Kojurou in.
"I see...good thing he decided not to return the favor, eh?" Motochika smiled lightly.

Mitsunari marched to where Nana was working, grabbing her hard by the hair and dragging her away from the Fugaku.

Kojurou had been waiting, albeit nervously, where he had encountered Irohahime before, fidgeting with his coat.
"Yeah, the thing is, he actually caught the arrow in his hand, of course after giving me a real mean stare and breaking the arrow in half, he left but I tried to tell him it was an accident." He grinned giddily, but still seemed a bit skittish about the whole ordeal.

Nana hadn't expected to be suddenly grabbed and dragged away from her work, stumbling and nearly falling as she did her best to keep up with Mitsunari. "I haven't done anything wrong..!" She sounded scared and confused; a swollen bump formed under her shirt.

"Katakura-dono?" Irohahime had waited a few minutes to see if Kojurou had really come alone. She clutched a leather sack to her chest, inside containing the blueprints for Jin's new arm. "Everything you need to know is inside... How to craft the arm, how to maintain it... And I did my best to formulate something that would function with the smallest amount of magicka possible, but it still takes up a lot of magicka, so be careful." She moved closer, holding out the bag for Kojurou.
"Something about him made you uncomfortable, I take it..." He noted as they continued on their way.

The bump made Mitsunari even angrier, dragging her out and to a secluded section of the Fugaku, were he dropped her and reached for his sword.

Kojurou looked thrilled either way, "Thank you so much. Demo...Dwarven automatons use Soul Gems, couldn't we just use one of those?"
"Yeah, his eyes." Ren said, rubbing his neck. "He wasn't angry... But his eyes were pretty scary." Ren said softly. "But it's fine, he didn't kill me, so I assume he forgave me."

Nana stumbled and fell onto her back, eyes widening when she saw him reach for his sword. "I-I haven't done anything wrong!" She struggled onto her side before trying to scramble to her feet.

"The explanation is in the journal, it will function better with both the use of a soul gem and magicka; her magicka will power the soul gem, which in turn extends its lifetime and efficiency, but the gem will have to be replaced every two fortnights." She said, fidgeting away from Kojurou once she had handed him the bag.
Motochika nodded in understanding, "Maybe he felt that killing you would be a waste." He teased.

Mitsunari was much faster, unsheathing his word and plunging it into her swollen belly; there was no remorse in his eyes, only rage.

Kojurou took the bag greatfully and nodded, "Of course. Thank you. This means so much to the both of us. As I promised, you can continue to live freely where ever it is you reside now. I will not tell Masamune-sama we have met."
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