Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"I know of your vampirism and I don't care. I wish to free you and take to you to a safe place. Please?" He offered his hand and smiled hopefully.
Irohahime's eyes watered and she took his hand, getting to her feet and clutching onto his arm. "Please don't let them hurt me anymore." She pleaded, not caring if this was a dream, or a lie, she wanted out of there, and he had saved her.
He pet her head gently, "I swear." He promised and pulled a cloak over her before sneaking her out. The Dawnguard that had been down there were unconscious, knocked out with a heavy sedative while the others above in the Fort slept for the night.
Irohahime struggled to keep up with Daisuke as they escaped, never have been the athletic type before, and she was still injuried now. However, she managed to keep up with his pace, limping and gasping as they ran through the forest of the Rift and away from her home and prison.

Nana had been hard at work on repairing what had once been the Fugaku, but was now property of the Empire; for hours she'd work non-stop into the night on the ship. Nana was always exhausted, never having enough strength or will to put up a fight or argue, but soon she began to act oddly, like she knew something she wasn't supposed to know. One day in particular, while she was working on the boilers - fixing the one that had been completely destroyed in the attack - one of the guards, noticing Nana was acting off, called for Mitsunari and one of their own engineers.
Daisuke stopped to take a break, handing her a vial, "Here...I took the blood of an elk I killed some time ago...it should help..."

Mitsunari stood with the guard and the engineer, "What is it?"
Irohahime took the vial filled with blood, uncorking it and downing it, wincing at its taste, but finishing it all regardless. "Thank you.." She said, resting against a tree.

Nana had been pulled away from her work temporarily, being ordered to stand by the wall away from the boilers. "She's been actin' off today, and somethin' ain't sittin' with me right." The guard reported, the engineer giving the guard an irritated look but moving over to inspect the boilers himself. "I already told you, I'm tired and hungry." Nana ground out through clenched teeth, eyeing the engineer.
The man only had to look at Nana's work for a minute before he noticed something off, something that would prove to be potentially fatal - to everyone on board. "This boiler isn't fixed to power the engines, it's rigged to flow backward and overload them - it'll blow the whole ship apart!" Nana scowled softly and made her move, making a dash for the lever that would start up the engines.
Daisuke nodded and sat a good foot away to give her space, "We'll continue when you're ready."

Mitsunari was on her in a flash, grabbing her tightly by the hair and throwing her down.
Irohahime nodded, glancing up at Daisuke, her chest tightening. "Thank you- I mean, if it weren't for you, I don't know what I would've done." She bowed lowly before him, tears coming to her eyes once more. "You saved me even though I lied to you."

Nana ground her teeth and struggled to stay on her feet, but was thrown to the floor with a heavy thud, the guard tackling Nana and restraining her arms behind her. "They're dead, aren't they!?" She snarled, struggling beneath the weight of the guard, glaring at Mitsunari with a wide, crazed stare. "My sons were dead to begin with, they never even made it to Solitude, did they?" She growled out through her teeth, tears of anger in her eyes.
"Lied to me?" He echoed, "When did you lie to me? Is it about your secret? If so, I understand...I wouldn't want anyone to know either...even though having such a predicament wouldn't last me very long..." He laughed softly, trying to make light of the situation. He wanted Irohahime to feel safe and wanted, having been thrown away in a tower by her father for so long.

Mitsunari merely stared, calculating what he could tell her to keep her compliant, "If it gives you any comfort, your oldest fought well and your youngest went quickly."
Irohahime's small hands found Daisuke's and she squeezed them gently, looking up at him. "You're too kind, Daisuke-san..." She whispered. "Please, stay with me, let us leave this society and find our home on our own." She proposed, reaching up to cup his cheek gently.

Nana felt her entire body grow cold and heavy, her mouth gaping open in a silent scream of agony, in which only a small noise of heartbreak escaped her. "No! No, no!" She screamed and kicked, tears completely blurring her vision, nearly throwing off the heavy man on top of her. "You bastard! Their lives weren't yours to take! Neither of them had aged twenty yet!"
Daisuke's face grew flush, eyes widening slightly. He gulped and nodded, taking her hand, "Hai. I promise to care for you and protect you with my life, Irohahime-dono."

Mitsunari merely turned away, signalling for them to take her away.
Irohahime nodded, smiling softly for the first time in months. "We should probably get going, I don't want to find out when they notice I'm not there anymore." She said, using the tree to stand up.

Nana was dumped in her cell, repairs on the Fugaku put on hold for the day due to Nana's attempt to take them all out. She sat slumped against the wall in her cell, sobbing quietly.
Irohahime and Daisuke hiked for hours, leaving the forest of the Rift and heading for the mountains that lay on the outskirts of the territory between Windhelm and Riften. The two climbed higher and higher, having to stop and take shelter in caves during the day, and travel at night.
Eventually, they reached nearly the top of the mountain, where the ground leveled out for a ways, and trees grouped tightly together, hid a small home. All the crops were dead, and the lights were out, no smoke rising from the chimney. "Maybe we can stop here for a while." Irohahime breathed raggedly. "The sun will be up in less than an hour, and it doesn't seem like anyone's been here for a while, no harm right?"
Irohahime limped inside, pulling a few cobwebs down from the wall and moving to cover the windows with some cloth she found under the sink after a few minutes of looking. "It's pretty shaded here, but still, I don't want any wanders to see my face." She muttered, moving over to help Daisuke drag the spiders out of the house.
"I understand completely." He replied, and after hauling out the spiders, he began to tidy up the small cabin in hopes of making Irohahime more comfortable.
Irohahime sat down in one of the dusty chairs, her body feeling rather heavy, and her teeth ached. She frowned softly and averted her eyes from Daisuke, that elk blood had only done so much, and right now she was hungry. Shifting in the chair, she cleared her throat. "D-Daisuke-san..? Is there any chance you could... Retrieve another elk for me?" She asked, shaking slightly.
Irohahime gripped at her throat lightly, salivating at the thought of blood, her teeth sinking into Daisuke's fleshy neck- she stiffened and let out a gasp. No, she shouldn't think of drinking from Daisuke, it could turn him, or worse. She shook her head and tried to steer clear of her thoughts, but they always came back.
It took Daisuke some time, but he finally returned with the elk carcass. He dragged it behind the cabin with a huff and went inside to fetch Irohahime.
By the time Daisuke had returned, the sun was just rising, bringing an eerie feeling over the cabin with it, a bloodlust coming from within. As soon as Daisuke took one step inside the cabin, he was slammed into by someone- Irohahime - who knocked him easily to the floor and pinned. Irohahime's eyes were glowing a nasty shade of red, saliva dripping down her chin.
Irohahime gripped his chin tightly, pushing his head to the side to expose his neck, opening her mouth and leaning down to bite into her neck. Then she was off of him, crouched in the corner with her hand over her mouth. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry!"
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