Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Minehime let out a choked laugh, slowly removing her hand from her sword and pressing it weakly against his snout. "Gu-I.... I guess I need... Need more p-practice, huh..?"
Minehime had her arm around Daihachi's shoulders, holding onto him tightly, her head lolling every now and again as they walked. Minehime stumbled a few times, nearly tripling the both of them, but managed to stay on her feet with Daihachi's help.
When two blood-covered children limped into the keep, Minehime was barely able to look up at her father, exhausted and ready to drop. "Tou-san..." She gave a faint grin, before she was whisked off to the healer.

Nana was happy to be out on the Fugaku, working down in the boilers, doing repairs and inspections. She was sweaty, covered in grease, and totally and completely focused on the task at hand. Regardless, she was happy, even in the sweltering heat of the boiler room.
Masamune nearly lost it. "What in Oblivion happened!?" He yelled. Daihachi lowered his gaze. "I'm sorry, Jarl...we were swarmed by bandits. I did the best that I could.."

Motochika walked around the deck to make sure everything was in tip top shape, smiling faintly.
Minehime had help scrubbing the blood from her swollen face, revealing the damage that had been done. Her bottom lip had a deep split down her chin, and her nose was broken; her cheeks were bruised and both of her eyes had a nasty shiner to show. A small split separated her left brow, which would require stitches - as well as her lip.

Nana finished up her job in the boiler room, heading up on deck to get fresh air. "All repairs have been made, Captain." She grinned like a fool in love when she saw Motochika, slinging her tool belt over her shoulder rather than carry the heavy thing around her waist.
Nana kissed his jawbone, leaving a smudge of black on his cheek, and laughing when she noticed it. "Black isn't really your color, love." She said with a cheeky grin, wiping some of the black grease from her nose and wiping it across his forehead.
Nana laughed and gave Motochika a light shove, turning to leave, then everything went white. Nana opened her eyes, laying dazed on the deck of the Fugaku, which was now half gone and on fire. Blood dripped from the gash in her hairline, groaning as she sat up. Her ears were ringing and she foul just barely make out screams and wails, looking down to see what the heavy weight on her legs was. Motochika lay against her legs, the mast of the ship collapsed on top of his unmoving form, keeping her pinned. Then realization and the sounds around her came rushing in like a wave. Her head stunt and her legs ached from the weight on top of her, struggling to push the mast off of Motochika and herself; the only thing that saved her live was that Motochika had been standing in front of her. "Motochika!" She shook his arm roughly, spotting the Imperial ships that had surrounded their bay through the smoke of the fires. "Motochika, you have to wake up!"
Motochika had been rendered completely unconscious, moving like a sack of potatoes when she shook him. Mitsunari and his men continued to fire on the dazed ship, planning on taking over quickly.
Nana groaned and grunted with the effort of trying to move the solid piece of lumber, but to no avail. Seeing as she couldn't free Motochika or herself, she did her best to shield her unconscious husband from the canon blasts, praying that Nobuchika and Morichika had left Dawnstar with as many citizens they could take.
Soon, the canons had ceased firing and Mitsunari as well as his army had boarded the Fugaku. He made his way towards Nana and Motochika as his soldiers dealt with the remaining pirates.
Nana ground her teeth and clenched her fists, watching her end approach, her weapon stuck beneath her, and Motochika's anchor was no where to be seen. "You're a cowardice bastard, Mitsunari." She growled, doing her best to put herself between Mitsunari and her unconscious husband.
Nana turned back to her husband, shaking his limp shoulders. "Motochika, you need to wake up now." She whispered frantically, knowing she would be no match at all for Mitsunari, that being if he would even give her a chance to fight.
Mitsunari pushed the mast off with his foot and kicked Motochika aside, "Toss him into the sea, let his precious ocean decide his fate." He stated and the soldiers grabbed Motochika, dragging him to the side of the Fugaku.
"No!" Nana scrambled to her feet, ignoring the pain that flared in her twisted ankle when she put weight on it. She balled up her fist and punched one of the Imperial soldiers off of Motochika, moving after the other man who had ahold on the pirate. "He's already down! You bastards! Leave him!"
"No!!" Nana struggled hard against Mitsunari, watching Motochika fall and slip beneath the waves and not resurface. Tears made her vision blurry and she bit back a sob, sinking to her knees, shaking hard.
Nana felt numb the entire ship ride back to Solitude, sitting in the corner of her cell, waiting for them to drop anchor at the docs. Thankfully, she didn't see hide nor hair of her sons, and most of the townsfolk were absent in the lock up. Being yanked to her feet, she limped after the guards, heavy shackles around her wrists. She was searched for any more weapons before locked up in a cell by herself, slowly slumping to the floor.
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