Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Thank you, really." She said softly, looking down at her wine. "If there is anything I can do in return, just ask. I can make potions and tonics if you need any."
The following day, Irohahime puttered around the Imperial camp collecting slaughterfish scales as the soldiers caught them. The week following that, Irohahime and Daisuke wrote back and forth after he had left the Rift, it being unusually quite while Minehime was away training in Whiterun.
Her hunger was returning however, and she figured she'd take advantage of the slow day to contact the Brotherhood Assassin for more corpses.
Irohahime scowled, tossing the larger coinpurse at Sasuke. "I need another body." It sounded like an order, and it mostly was because of the hunger, but it even took effort not to bite into the assassins own neck, his Bosmer-Nord blood smelling rather appetizing.
"I'm not asking for food, I'm asking for a freshly killed body." She forced out through her teeth, her front fangs fully elongated. "I've already summoned you, you have your money, now I need a body."
Sasuke scowled heavily before disappearing to find her a suitable offering. He returned a few moments later with a child no older than ten, dropping him at her feet, "Here."
Irohahime had an appalled look on her face, looking up from the newly dead child to Sasuke, clenching her fists and letting out a breath through her nose. "Leave, you got your money." She growled, not happy to have to feed off a child, but too hungry to wait any longer.

Irohahime crouched down, sitting back on her heels beside the child's corpse. She frowned softly, reaching to close his eyes, before turning his head to expose his neck - which was bruising quickly - and bit into his neck. A blood frenzy nearly overtook her as she fed, drinking his blood in large gulps, her vision going red and her hearing fading out, so when the locked door behind her was broken open, she didn't move, blood dribbling down her chin and onto the front of her dress.
She barely even noticed the sting in her abdomen, a familiar blade sticking out of her gut from her back. Masamune stood behind her, gripping his sword so tight it was shaking, a look of horror and disgust on his face.
Irohahime stopped, feeling a pressure in her middle that bloomed into full blown agony. She let out a pained scream and spun to attack whomever had stabbed her with her dagger-sharp nails, but stopped short when she saw her fathers face. Her nails were inches from his throat, her mouth gaping open, and her eyes widening. "O...Otou-sama.." She whispered, shock clearly shown on her face, which was covered with blood; her fathers sword still run through her back and out her stomach.
"Don't you dare call me that." He spat, voice cracking as he fought a wave of hot tears, "You disgusting creature, whore of Molag Bal! How dare you do this to me, to your mother!"
His words hurt more than the sword stuck through her middle, clenching her fists and lowering her gaze, tears blurred her vision. She pulled herself free from the blade and stood, staggering as she placed a hand over the wound to heal it. "I'm not a whore." Her voice was quiet and raspy, her lip quivering as she spoke, having to bite her lip to steady it. "I did this for you and mom!"
"You have done nothing but shame us! If you weren't my kin, I'd slice off your head right now!" He spat before looking away, "I can't even look at you anymore."
Irohahime scowled, tears slipping down her cheeks, unable to bring herself to look at her father.
As expected, Irohahime was taken to Riften jail, locked in a cell with shackles around her wrists. She sat on the floor, with no where else to sit, she didn't have a choice. She had did her best to wipe the blood from her face, but it was still rather visible, and now just smeared across her face. She say in solitude, waiting for her trial, surprised she even got one.
"Thank you." Irohahime murmured, soaking the cloth in the bucket of water before wringing out the extra water and cleaning her face. She kept her back to Shigenaga, not being able to stomach looking at anybody for the time being. She could feel him staring, and growing irritated, she spoke up. "Has Minehime returned from her training already?" She asked, eager to change the subject.
"I see." She dropped the rag in the bucket, letting the blood soak into the water and out of the rag; it was time to cut to the chase. "And what of my father? What has he decided?"
"He has decided that instead of giving you a trial that you will be locked inside Fort Dawnguard, where the newly formed Dawnguard will watch you." He told her.
Irohahime felt her heart sink, she was to be locked away? That was worse than death. Being locked away in solitude, more than likely underground, she couldn't do it. "When?" She asked weakly.
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