Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Gomenasai, Shigenaga." She muttered, keeping her eyes downcast. "You don't have to tell Otou-san." She muttered, feeling a twinge of guilt.
"Hai! I promise!" She nodded, standing. "So... Does that mean I get to go out and hunt today?"

Back in Riften Irohahime kept to her studies, working hard on gaining the title of court wizard, which she hadn't been appointed yet, but she had been an apprentice for some time now.
Shigenaga sighed faintly, "Hai, as long as someone goes with you..."

The Keep opened and a young man entered, his long auburn hair pulled into a loose braid and dressed in Legion armor Akihime had shipped from Cyrodiil for him. The guards did not appreciate him being there, he could tell by their body language, but he was sent to speak with Masamune on behalf of Jarl Shingen.
Irohahime could feel the tension in the air, and even smell the young man who had just walked through the door; she knew everyone's scent. Setting down her quill she stood and moved to the doorway to see what this idiotic - if not suicidal - Legionnaire wanted with her father.
"Jarl Masamune?" The young man spoke up, tone firm but it was obvious he was nervous. Masamune didn't look very happy with some Imperial in his Keep, but motioned for him to speak. The young man bowed out of respect, "My name is Sanada Daisuke, and I have come on behalf of Jarl Shingen to discuss-" "Where's your old man?" Masamune interrupted. Daisuke faultered, "My...? Oh, my father? He's preforming his duties as Housecarl and was forced to sta-" "I will only speak to Sanada Yukimura." Masamune stated firmly.
Irohahime could see Daisuke was losing his nerve, and she didn't blame him, almost everyone lost their nerve in front of her beast of a father. Making a soft noise, she exhaled through her nose and left the safety of the Court Mages establishment. "Otou-sama, perhaps you should let him speak. I doubt he would be here if the matter at hand was trivial." Irohahime stopped beside Masamune, putting her hand on his shoulder.
Daisuke couldn't help but stare, cheeks flushing. Masamune sighed and waved for the boy to talk, but he was frozen. Masamune scowled, "Hey!" He shouted, the Keep shuddering from his Voice, "Speak up, Imperial!" "R-Right! Forgive me! Jarl Shingen wishes for your aid! Dragons have been spotted in Whiterun, and the people are afraid of what they might do." Daisuke implored. Masamune gave a heavy sigh. It had been years since he had done away with Alduin, but Dragons were still a problem for everyone in Skyrim. "Tell Shingen that I'll get to it." He grumbled. Daisuke looked taken aback, "G-Get to it? But, my Lord!" "You can stay here for the night and then leave tomorrow. Now go." Masamune stated firmly.
Irohahime hovered by her fathers shoulder for a moment longer before moving back into the room she had been studying in, retrieving her notes and heading for the door. She wanted to work on a few new spells and potions, but she needed more alchemic ingredients - that and she was running low in her stock anyway. She winced at the sunlight, but had no choice but to tough through it; her mind kept wandering to the young Imperial, whom for some reason she vouched for. A soft laugh bubbled up in her throat when she thought about the whole situation; he really had flailed when he saw her. Irohahime simply chalked it up to the fact that she looked nothing like her father or mother, her skin as pale as snow and hair as dark as Oblivion itself.
"M-Miss, wait!" It was Daisuke, the Imperial, chasing after her with a love struck gleam in his eye, "F-Forgive my forwardness, but you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. M-May I ask your name?"
Irohahime grew flustered at the sudden attention the young man was giving her, she never really had any suitors, she wasn't open enough, or really charismatic at all. The poor lad didn't even know that she was a monster, but really, how could he know? "I-Irohahime desu.." She said quietly, turning on her heel and heading for the gates. She had to focus on her work.
"Matte!" He continued to chase her, "I-I'm sorry if I'm being rude, I mean no disrespect! Can I buy you dinner tonight? Or maybe a drink? You can tell me no and I will bother you no further."
Irohahime fiddled with the leather strip she used as a bookmark, keeping her eyes down. She had to say no, she couldn't say yes, and yet she did. "Drinks sound... nice." She shouldn't. She mustn't. What if she tried to feed off of him?
He lit up like the night sky, a grin splitting his face, "Wonderful! I'll be in the Bee and Barb, obviously...you may come whenever you wish! I won't pressure you!"
Irohahime nodded meekly, heading off to collect her alchemy ingredients. "What is wrong with me?" She thought to herself, doing the best she could to calm the fluttering feeling in her chest. She'd just have to drink from a few rabbits, which she didn't hate, but disliked to do so to a great degree. After collecting her herbs, and draining a few rabbits, Irohahime cleaned herself up and readied herself for her date with the Imperial. "What am I doing... I only just met him... And I really shouldn't..." She shook her head, sighing softly as she dressed herself in fresh clothes. Heading out in a clean pair of robes, she headed for the Bee and Barb, stomach doing flips.
Irohahime entered the Bee and Barb, closing the door behind her, she moved over to the table Daisuke was at and sat across from him. Already she could feel the stares of the townsfolk aiming past herself and at Daisuke instead. Once she had regained her composure and settled her nerves, she was finally able to ask him the question that had been gnawing at her. "How can you ask me on a date so quickly when we've only just met?" She had a soft frown on her face, concerned that he may have ulterior motives - but the way he had looked at her; no he was a love struck fool alright. "You don't even know me. Or is it that you wish to court me because of the status I wield?"
Daisuke laughed uneasily, "Yeah, I'm sorry for being so forward. I honestly did not expect it myself. But you truly are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I..." He paused and played with his tankard, "I haven't been out passed Whiterun before, so I've known everyone and seen everyone come and go. I don't want you to think this as a date, just...I want to get to know you and become friends..."
Irohahime had to digest what Daisuke had just said, thinking carefully on what she were to do next. She could be friends, she could do that; he'd keep his distance and she'd keep her secret, and he didn't have to end up dead in the process. "Alright." She nodded, ordering a spiced wine from Talen-jei and pouring some into a tankard.
Irohahime only drank her wine, unsure of what to do really, they probably had little to nothing in common, and she was really only good at speaking at formal events and meetings.
He sat silently, feeling quite foolish for asking a Jarl's daughter on a date. What was he thinking? He made a small noise of disappointment before drinking his White-Gold Tower; this was a horrible idea.
Irohahime drummed her fingers against her mug lightly, her face flushing the more embarrassed she became. "Ano... I have been having trouble in gathering slaughterfish scales, they always shred my nets or sever the line... Maybe... You could help me gather some?" She asked, hoping to break the tension; having a friend would be nice after all.
He looked up and nodded, "Absolutely...! Slaughterfish make it difficult for us soldiers when we're in camp, so we know how to deal with them properly."
Irohahime gave a genuine smile, nodding. "I appreciate the help, in honesty, I've never been able to catch them." She admitted, cheeks flushed. "If when you catch them, you could bring them to me, that'd be wonderful."
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