Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Jin felt her heart ache at the news of her son being a marksman, following her footsteps and taking up the bow. "That's wonderful news." She smiled weakly, scrubbing her face.
Jin shook her head. "I am proud, I'm very proud... I just wish I could've trained him to use the bow.." She muttered softly, sitting in the warm water, relaxing. Jin took Kojurou's hand, holding his hand with her own frail hand.
Jin nodded her head. "I only hope he will allow me-" She started to wheez, then cough rather violently, her whole body shuttering. "K-Kojurou-sama...?" She turned to face him, blood covering her hand and lips, dripping from her mouth.

Irohahime loitered in the shadows by her father, a soft frown on her pale face. "Otou-sama, why is everyone running around in a panic, ever since that woman came, who is she?" She asked, but was more curious than angered.
His eyes widened in horror, "D-Do you feel all right? Does your chest hurt?"

Masamune looked to where he heard his oldest speak, "An old friend that went missing some time ago.."
Jin could only answer in a pained wheeze, nodding her head and coughing a few more times, causing some blood to drip into the bath water.

She was quiet for a moment, adding to her often strange behavior of hiding in shadows and almost appearing within the blink of an eye, or even being able to sneak up on even Masamune, but most simply brushed it off as her quiet presence, or the fact that she was a Mage. "What are you going to do about it?"
Kojurou rushed off to get the healer, already beginning to fear the worst.

"Treat her with the same respect that she deserves. Of course, we need to figure out who did this and why, but that will take some time." He answered.
((Ditches them for now.))

"...Hai." She spoke softly, before leaving the room, her foot steps actually audible this time to show she had left. Irohahime made her way out of the keep, heading down to the Ratways where she often brewed potions and grew herbs. Entering her small hide-away room, she locked the door behind her, moving to light a small lantern. Her hair was black and straight, like her mothers, and her face also resembled that of her mothers, but she had much lighter skin, and odd red eyes that somehow seemed eerie. Hunger pains had set in again, and made it feel like hot iron was in her belly, and she had long since run out of potions, she had no choice.
Setting up the Black Sacrement, she used the body of a sick elderly man who frequented the Ratways, calling upon the Dark Brotherhood.
"I need you to bring me a recently expired body, anyone will do, as long as it has no diseases, drugs, or poison in it." Irohahime was becoming restless, her fangs aching and her ability to control her hunger weakening. "You can't have them die of exsanguination though."
"I'll pay you three thousand for every fresh body you bring me." She said, holding out a rather full coinpurse. "All I need you to do is kill the person, and bring them here. And it cannot be anyone from Riften or the neighboring villages."
Irohahime grabbed his wrist, her grip surprisingly strong. "I'm serious about this, it mustn't be anyone from the Rift." She said firmly.
He glared at her hand before pointing his glare at her, jerking his arm free, "Fine. But you owe me; for every kill, I will call upon a favor, and you will return it, or I will expose you."
Irohahime glared back, red eyes nearly glowing. "Fine." She hissed out, taking a step away from him. "Just get me the body." She growled darkly.
He huffed and disappeared in a plume of smoke. He didn't enjoy finding food for vampires, Babette was more high functioning than this and she has been eight for over two hundred years.
((But Babette wasn't a Jarls daughter and doesn't have eyes glued to her almost every minute of every day~))

Irohahime let out a frustrated sigh, sitting down in the cushioned chair by the door, waiting for the assassins return.
The young woman's eyes actually lit up orange when the body was dropped in front of her, her eyes widening and her teeth aching. Stumbling to her knees, she grabbed ahold of the corpse and sank her teeth into the soft flesh of her neck, drinking greedily. Blood dripped from her lips as she fed, trying to quench her insatiable thirst.
Irohahime ft hot tears drip from her eyes as she fed, draining the corpse in a matter of minutes. Sitting up, she wiped the remaining blood from her mouth with her sleeve. ".. Why're you still here?" She asked quietly, wiping away her tears.
Irohahime sat there for a minute, clearing her head before changing her clothes; she's have to take care of the body later, and probably should've had the assassin get rid of it for her.

In the morning, Jin was bedridden with an undetermined illness that seemed to be damaging one of her lungs, causing her to cough up blood on occasion and get dizzy spells. Minehime and Irohahime had joined Masamune down at the breakfast table along with Megohime, but Irohahime kept to her studies rather than eating, which often made her ill due to a side affect from her anemia medicine.
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