Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Jin shook her head, smiling tiredly, having spent most of the night coughing up her lungs. "Something to help me sleep would suffice." She said softly.
Minehime, being the adventurer that she was, often went off on her own, or was accompanied by Shigenaga, but as she neared her fifteenth birthday, she grew closer to Yukimura's youngest son, Daihachi. They'd spar often, resulting in both of them returning home bruised and bloodied, but with a wide grin on their faces.
On that afternoon, the two had gone out hunting, and were resting among the rocks that dotted the plains surrounding Whiterun, enjoying the shade.
"Ne.." Minehime sat up, scratching the back of her head, running her fingers through her shoulder-length hair. "I've noticed that lately... You're different." She said, looking at her friend.
"Well for starters, you sometimes smell like a dog, and you don't have a dog. And you're seriously hairy all of a sudden." She flopped down beside Daihachi again, looking up at the sky. "Hey.... You're a werewolf, aren't you?"
Minehime didn't respond, an awkward silence falling over the two. Then Minehime's iron gauntlet-covered fist smashed into the side of Daihachi's face. "If you're gonna lie to me, you better train some more!" She sat up quickly. "Jeez, you don't have to lie about it, I'm not gonna tell anyone." She muttered.
Minehime laughed loudly, grinning widely. "Aw don't tell me you've gotten soft, I thought you outgrew being a milk drinker~" She teased.
"Gomen, gomen." She grinned widely, hoisting herself to her feet and pulling her blade onto her back. "You ready to take on some bears?"
"Well, I actually might be back at the Bannered Mare resting from my long travel, and he's sitting watch outside the room." She grinned mischievously, letting out a snort of a laugh.
They walked in silence for a little ways longer before Minehime spoke again. "I want you to know that you're still my Shield Brother, even if you are a Werewolf. Nothing could ever change that, so don't worry, ok? You're still my friend, and I won't tell a soul." She smiled warmly, bumping her fist against his shoulder lightly.
The two Shield Siblings would finish up their day after tracking down two bears, skinning and gutting them, then returning to Whiterun. Once home, they enjoyed a meal with plenty of bear meat, Minehime and Daihachi scarfing down as much food as they could before passing out in the next room.
The next morning, Minehime would recieve and earful from Shigenaga, but she mostly just took it.
"Your father would be furious if he found out that you had gone out without supervision!" Shigenaga seethed, embarrassed and angry that she had abused his trust.
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