Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

The next two days dragged on, Irohahime keeping to herself in her cell, where no guards were allowed to go near, so she had nothing else to do but sleep. When they finally unlocked her cell, it was to transport her to Dawnguard.
The sun was harsh on her skin like it always was, but this time she didn't have her cloak to protect her skin, so by the time they reached Fort Dawnguard, her skin was red, almost like she had sunburns.
The Dawnguard took her roughly from the wagon and led her to her cell by crossbow, taking her down into the depths of the fort. A Redguard stood waiting, scowling hatefully at Irohahime.
Irohahime was stumbling over her own two feet as she was just about dragged down to the cell, which looked like it was set up specially for her. She had a flicker of fear in her dead-red eyes, which quickly turned into a flame when she saw what else was accompanying her cell. A metal stretching rack and a table full of torture tools. "Wh-What, no, my father never said anything about this, I was only sentenced to lockup..!"
"Unfortunately for you, monster, that rule only applies to the Jarl's daughter; and she's dead." The Redguard replied before motioning to the stretching rack. The two Dawnguards who had escorted her grabbed her and forced her into the rack, strapping her in tightly.
"No! You can't do this!" Irohahime struggled against the two members of the Dawnguard, but they were far more stronger that she was. She felt the metal clamp around her wrists and ankles and instantly her flesh started to burn. She only realized that the bindings were made of silver after they were closed and locked tightly around her wrists and ankles, tears filling her eyes and her body convulsing wildly as she tried to escape the restraints. "Please!" She begged, looking to Isran with pleading eyes. "You're hurting me! Please..! Don't hurt me..!"
Irohahime let out a wail of pain, clenching her fists and trying to block out the pain, but it fourth be ignored. "Please, stop!"
When Isran had finally finished with Irohahime, she was shaking hard, slumped against the rack, and covered in burns. Being taken off the rack she was dumped into her cell, where the door was locked behind her, and she was left to her own thoughts. Irohahime weeped softly, curling up into a ball and squeezing her eyes shut tightly.
((This all could have been avoided if she looked for a cure xD))

Weeks turned into months, Isran constantly demanding Irohahime to tell him where the rest of the vampires were; and if he didn't like her answer, he would torture her and burn her more harshly than before.
"I'm telling you, I don't know where they are..!" She rasped, voice hoarse from screaming. "I didn't stay in contact with them after the ritual; all I can tell you is that they don't all stay together in one spot, and they only go to the shrines for worship and Rituals." She repeated for the umpteenth time that week. Her eyes were slightly swollen, from both crying and because of her earlier beatings. Drying blood still dripping down from her nose in a slow bleed. "Please, that's all I know, I swear."
The Dawnguard trainee who had been ordered to wait in the room with Isran moved over, unshackling Irohahime and pushing her toward her cell, closing and locking the door behind her. Irohahime crawled to the far corner to rest, unfathomably hungry, so she did what she had been doing for the past few weeks: feeding off of herself. Her blood tasted putrid, and gave her barely any nutrition, but it helped.

"Masamune-sama." Jin stood before Masamune and Megohime, bowing before the seated Jarl. "I have an urgent request to make, one that is very important to me; please, Masamune-sama, allow me to have an audience with Irohahime so that she might fix my arm."
Megohime flinched when Masamune shouted, but she scowled heavily, recovering quickly. Jin was completely rigid, eyes wide in horror. "P-Please, my lord, if I could only regain the use of-" "He said no. And I second his decision."

Minehime had left Riften's walls to blow off steam, going off in the forest to hunt frostbite spiders. Her mind was reeling, and her chest heavy, a soft frown on her face.
((Daihachi went with her to Riften, yeah?))

Masamune glared lightly at Jin, "I don't ever want to hear you ask something so stupid ever again. Is that clear?"

Daihachi followed her, frowning, "Hey, you ok?"
"Y-Yes sir." Tears of anger and frustration welled in her eyes, but she clenched her fist and nodded. "I understand. Please excuse me." She stood abruptly, and left the keep.

"Hm? Oh, yeah!" She smiled, but it was tired and stiff. "Just feeling a little cramped inside the keep, ya know?"
Jin only stopped once they were outside the keep, still looking shaken up from her confrontation with Masamune. "I want to shoot an arrow again, I want to pull back the bowstring," She turned to look at Kojurou. "I want my arm back."

Minehime felt a soft twinge of sadness and shame. "I guess it's still getting to me, sorry, I don't mean to ruin the mood; lets just hunt, ok?" While the two where talking, barely audible footsteps could be heard from all directions, the scent of silver in the air, things only Daihachi would be able to notice.
Kojurou frowned and kissed her head gently, "I will take care of this, Jin...I promise."

Daihachi felt his blood run hot in his veins and he pulled Minehime close protectively, "We have friends."
Minehime wasn't sure if Daihachi was joking or not, but she readied her sword regardless of not being able to see any enemy. She did notice that the woods around them were deathly quiet, and she could feel something bad was about to happen, causing her to tighten her grip on her blade. They almost materialized out of the trees and bushes surrounding the two teens, weapons at the ready - and each blade was made of silver. Minehime clashed with the closest attacker, it being a brute of a Nord woman with one eye and a Mohawk.
"I don't think I've seen this pup before, maybe she's freshly turned." The woman remarked as Minehime shoved her back, only to lock blades again.
"Whatever the case, kill her too, leave no mutt alive!"
Minehime was on pretty even ground against her opponent, but then another man attacked from behind, three more of the Silverhand members going after Daihachi. While the Nord woman kept Minehime's attention, the Breton man was able to club her over the head with a mace, making Minehime drop like a sack of potatoes. Minehime wasn't knocked unconscious however, and was about to stand when the Nord jumped on top of her, slamming her fist hard into the teens nose and causing it to gush blood.
Minehime was overwhelmed and dazed.
The woman didn't stop there, she just kept swinging and swinging, hitting Minehime in the face over and over, her face becoming a bloody mess, and her struggling becoming weaker and weaker.
Daihachi lost it. His body began to change and morph, bones breaking as he took on a more lupine form. Becoming a werewolf, he roared and.howled before beginning to tear the Silverhand to shreds, almost ignoring the sliver that dug into his flesh.
Minehime's attacker saw Daihachi transform, and she instantly fled, fearing for her life. Minehime coughed, spraying droplets of blood onto her swollen and bruised face; rolling over onto her side, she crawled for her weapon, half-dragging herself across the forest floor.
Minehime grunted and groaned when Daihachi jumped onto her pummeled body, her hand on the handle of her blade. "D-Dai...hachi..." She wheezed, but made no moves to use her sword on Daihachi.
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