Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"I'm so sorry! I promise, I won't ever do anything like that again." She promised. "I'm sorry, I'm just so hungry.. I can make blood potions after I eat.."
"Irohahime-dono, really, it's fine! You just startled me!" He reassured, though the fear in his eyes when she jumped him would haunt her for days to come. "I'll bring in the elk and you can feed, it's all right...!"
Irohahime nodded, going to find a knife for the elk.

Nana had been restrained in her cell, her hands put in the shackles attached to the wall, not having been on the Fugaku in two days.
Nana almost looked like she was dead - almost - the only indication that she actually was alive, was the small rise and fall of her chest. Her eyes were closed, eyelids swollen and red from crying, her cheeks stained with her tears.
Nana grunted with each hit, wincing and grinding her teeth in pain. Welts, bruises, and splits covered her skin, one of her eyes swelling closed.
Nana had been beaten bloody and unconscious, her nose crooked and gushing blood, one of her eyes severely swollen shut, and a little bit of blood dripping from her mouth. A deep split on top of Nana's head oozed blood, dripping down her face and soaking part of her hair.

A week or so had passed before Mitsunari returned to Nana's cell. He approached with a heated blade and ordered a couple guards to hold her head still. "Your final punishment is now, Chosokabe. Don't struggle, or it will only hurt worse."
All the swelling in Nana's face had gone away, but the bruises sure hadn't. When the guards grabbed ahold of her, one holding her arms behind her back, the other wrapping his arms around the top of her head and under her chin, she panicked. She struggled against the guards, but as soon as Mitsunari got closer, she simply stiffened up, closing her eyes tightly.
Mitsunari began to cut into Nana's face with the hot blade; cutting her eye and her cheekbones, her chin and her nose, anywhere that would mar her easily.
When Mitsunari started to cut into her flesh, the guards had to tighten their hold on Nana considerably, one having to grab a handful of her hair and keep her face up. Though she was in agony, Nana refused to cry out in pain, clenching her teeth hard enough to make blood drip from her mouth, she endured the punishment; but she couldn't stop the tears that came to her eyes. The cuts were deep, but there wasn't much blood, for the hot blade cauterized her wounds before much blood could be spilt, as for her eye, she couldn't see out of it, but she had lost some vision from her earlier beating as well, so she hardly noticed.
Mitsunari continued for what seemed like an eternity before finally stopping when the blade had cooled. He waved his hand and the guards released Nana before they left her in isolation once again.
Nana's entire body shook, crawling to the corner of her cell and feeling her face tenderly, hands trembling hard. She used her bandana as bandages, tearing it into strips and wrapping them around the worst parts on her face.
((*ditches Nana for now*))

Kojurou had gone out hunting to help clear his thoughts. Jin had become considerably depressed since Masamune had told her she could not go to Irohahime, and he had no means to help remedy the situation for his beloved wife.
Irohahime had been living in the abandon cabin with Daisuke for almost a week now, and with him bringing her plenty of elk to feed from, Irohahime had regained some of her strength. Only allowed to leave at night or before the sun rose, Irohahime left the cabin to collect alchemy ingredients so she could work on blood potions for herself, and health potions should Daisuke ever need them. After bidding him goodbye, she set off down the mountain in the early hours of the morning.
She made it all the way to the bottom of the mountain, first heading into the hot springs to collect Jazbay Grapes and Dragon Tongue, then heading into to woodlands to collect Thistle and other wild mountain flowers. She kept her hood up, always worried about sunlight and travelers who might see her face, but now she was focused on digging up some roots. She was so engrossed in her work she hardly noticing the deer jump over the fallen log - and her - before scampering away. What she did notice was the scent of human approaching her, which made her stiffen before ducking behind the large fallen tree.
Kojurou came out after the deer, arrow notched but he eased the tension on the bow string when he lost sight of it. "Shimatta..." He grumbled. He was so distracted that he couldn't even hunt properly.
Irohahime kept herself pressed to the forest floor, her eyes widening at the sound of Kojurou's voice. She squeezed her eyes shut, shifting closer to the log to hide herself more, praying he wouldn't find her. How far had she gone? She couldn't have gotten too close to Riften, she made sure she didn't; but this time she had mistaken.
Irohahime flinched when the arrow struck the wood, her heart dropping into her stomach when he ordered her to come out from behind the log. Slowly, she rose her hands to show they were empty, getting to her feet as carefully as she could, sure to not make any sudden movements, her back to Kojurou.
Irohahime slowly turned around to face Kojurou, a look of fear in her eyes, and her entire body shaking. As soon as she actually saw Kojurou's face, she panicked and ran, leaving behind her basket of herbs, bolting through the trees as fast as she could.
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