Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Ren pouted, making an offended face. "You're so cruel, Motochika-san." He grumbled, but it was all in good humor.

Nana froze where she was, a strangled gasp being torn from her when his blade plunged through her middle. Then she started to scream. Pulling herself away from the blade, she collapsed to her knees, clutching her stomach, agony and horror setting in. She was unable to form any coherent sentences as she tried to grasp what had just happened. "Why..?!" She was able to choke out.

Irohahime gave a small nod, then with the help of a spell, she vanished, disappearing into thin air and away from where they were meeting.
He merely chuckled and continued to pull the wagon with little difficulty, finding it a good way to keep his already defined muscles toned.

He wiped the blood from his sword before sheathing it, "There is no room for bastard children in my Hold. Any heirs that filthy pirate could have had are now dead, and you will continue to work until you join them."

Kojurou left immediately to Riften to begin working on Jin's new arm.
Nana felt her blood run cold and her heart break, pain overwhelming her; she started to go into labor. Ordered by guards to be taken to her cell, she spent hours on her own in pain, until her body finally gave up. She miscarried early in the morning, the dead child being taken away almost immediately after she had birthed it, and after a healer had made sure to heal her wounds and make sure she'd live, they left her to be on her own.

Jin only ever left the safety of her room when nighttime came, often going for walks on her own inside the city walls, or going out into the forest to listen to the night. She hated be unable to fight, being nothing but dead weight and useless, but with the loss of her dominant arm, there wasn't much she could do.
((*ditches Nana briefly to work on angry Masa*))

When Kojurou returned to Riften, he began to tirelessly work on Jin's arm, the project taking almost two whole days before he completed it. He stared in awe, hope and pride blooming in his chest before rushing carefully to show his wife. He knocked before entering their room, hiding the prosthetic behind his back and shutting the door with his foot. "Ne, Jin, how are you feeling today?" He asked gently, moving slowly closer.
Jin had just bathed, and was in the process of brushing the tangles from her long golden hair, still damp and smelling softly of lavender. "I'm doing well, the healer says my illness has gone dormant for the time being.." She said, setting down the brush and turning to look at her husband. When she noticed he was covered in black oil and his hair a mess, she looked puzzled, noticing he had something behind his back. "My husband, you're a mess, are you alright?" She asked, concerned for his wellbeing.
He couldn't fight the grin any longer, moving closer and kneeling before her, "I have something for you. Something that I know will make you feel so much better." He told her.
Jin looked confused, not sure what her husband had been up to for the past few days, or why he seemed so delighted. "Kojurou-sama, what's this about?"
He took a breath and presented the prosthetic to her, "I acquired the means to make this from a friend. It takes very little magicka to use to keep the Soul Gem powered, as well as the arm."
Jin stared open-mouthed at the golden arm before her, shocked silent and awe-struck. "Is this... Is it for me..?" She whispered, letting her fingers brush over the cool metal of the arm. "Can I try it now?" She asked, her eyes holding tears, but shining as bright as the sun with joy.
"Absolutely. Here, let me help.." He stood and helped her attach the arm, explaining to her how to use her magicka to control it just like Irohahime had told him and noted with the schematics.
Jin stood there, rolling her shoulder before actually moving her prosthetic arm, moving each finger and bending her arm. She broke out in a sob, throwing her arms around Kojurou and holding him. "Thank you..! Thank you!" She sobbed, holding him tightly.
Jin shook her head, pulling away from Kojurou. "You've given me my arm back, how can I think nothing of it?" She then looked giddy. "I want to try firing a bow." She said, moving past Kojurou and out of the bedroom, heading out to the yard to retrieve a practice bow and try some targets.
On her way out of the hold, she passed the large fire place, her golden arm gleaming in the light, reflecting brightly, catching the Dragonborns eye.
Jin was ripped from her momentary happiness, brought into confusion when she was seized by the guards, looking around before her eyes fell on Masamune. Her smile slowly faded when she noticed just how angry he appeared, not understanding what she had done wrong. "Masamune-sama..?"
"I told you that you could not see her. You went behind my back and did it anyway. Is it worth it? Was your pretty new arm really worth all that trouble?" His tone was deathly calm, but he was beyond livid. Kojurou had come out to watch Jin practice when he came upon the scene, eyes wide with dread.
Jin felt confusion first, then fear, but she set her jaw and steeled her nerves the best she could. "Yes." She answered quietly, she wouldn't ever imagine giving up her husband, it just never occurred to her - and simply put, it wasn't an option.
Masamune's hand shot out and collided hard with the side of her face, trembling with anger. Kojurou burst forward and shoved Masamune away, "Don't you dare lay a hand on her like that again, Masamune-sama!" He hissed. Masamune glared and shoved Kojurou aside, "Don't get in the way."
Jin let out a soft gasp of pain when Masamune struck her, tears welling in her eyes, but she was frozen in fear, unable to move other than her body trembling with fear. "K-Kojurou-sama.." She looked up with fear in her eyes, something she hadn't shown since she was in the clutches of an angry dragon.
"I was the one who sough Irohahime-dono's help! Not Jin!" Kojurou snapped. Masamune whirled on him, even more furious now; Kojurou would never lie to him about anything, there was no need for him to start now. "You disrespectful son of a bitch." Masamune hissed. Kojurou glared, "Let. Her. Go."
"Kojurou, don't! This won't help anything!" Jin sounded rather distressed, worried now for her husbands wellbeing; she should've told him to leave while she had the chance.
"Jin, go back to the room; do not come out until I return." Kojurou told her. Masamune held up his hand, "She goes to the stocks." "She's going to our room." "Don't argue with me, Kojurou."
"I'm not going anywhere." Jin stated, not wanting to remove her eyes from her husband for even a second now, albeit still shaken up. "Masamune-sama, please." She tried to plead with him.
"Kojurou-sama!" Jin tried to twist away from the guards, but now that she had two arms to hold onto, it was much harder to escape from their grip. "Please, Masamune-sama! Don't!"
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