Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Irohahime gave his hand an unsure squeeze, not wanting to leave him outside to fend for himself, but not wanting to face the Dawnguard again. Hurrying into the house, she closed the door behind her and peered through the curtains out the window, trembling slightly.
Daisuke turned back to where the hoof beats were coming from and the color drained from his face when he saw that it was Mitsunari and a small group of the Imperial guard. Instinctively he dropped to one knee and bowed his head, "Lord Mitsunari! What an unexpected surprise to see you here! I'm honored.." "Hold your tongue." The coldness in Mitsunari's tone filled Daisuke with dread, and he immediately knew the reason as to why the Imperial General was there.
Irohahime could barely hear what Daisuke was saying, nor could she hear what the other man was saying, but still she kept herself pressed against the wall listening to what she could hear.
"Lord Mitsunari, let me explain...!" "You abandoned your post at the Eastmarch Camp without a word of absence. Such an act must be punished." Mitsunari stated, reaching for his sword. Daisuke stood, scowling, "My Lord, please, you don't understand! I had to leave!"
Irohahime's heart jumped when she saw the skinny man draw his blade, a tingling, numb feeling spreading from the base of her skull and in the pit of her stomach. "Daisuke.." She gripped the curtains, grinding her teeth.
"Desertion is an act punishable by death." Mitsunari said and dismounted his horse. Daisuke stood his ground, scowling, "The Oracle would have the Divines punish you for slaying her oldest, my Lord." He tried to threaten, but it didn't seem to bother Mitsunari. "The Oracle betrayed the Empire as soon as she left and bore bastard children." He stated. Daisuke trembled, clenching his fists, "I would ask that you do not say such things about my mother and father. Allow me to fight for my freedom, then. I will accept my punishment should you defeat me." He stated. Mitsunari narrowed his eyes; Daisuke was a skilled swordsman, trained not only by Yukimura but Jarl Shingen as well. He made a disapproving noise, but nodded, "Very well."
Irohahime trembled, they were going to fight for freedom? There was no way Mitsunari would agree to something like that, in the end he'd go back on his word. Her hand hovered over the door handle, chewing nervously on her lip, all while losing track of the other men who had traveled with Mitsunari.
Daisuke took a breath, taking the sword that was offered him by one of the guard. He knew he had no chance in Oblivion against Mitsunari, but he had to try. Mitsunari made the first move, charging forward with his notorious swiftness, Daisuke barely able to block at first.
Irohahime couldn't stand it any longer, gripping the door handle, she pushed open the door, only for it to swing the other way in toward her. She was met face to face with one of the guards, who stared at her in surprise before grabbing her tightly and dragging her outside onto the small field. "Lord Ishida! There's a woman in this cabin!" The guard called over, Irohahime fighting against the man.
Daisuke looked over quickly, eyes wide, "Irohahime!" He grunted when Mitsunari hit him over his head, dropping to the ground with a thud. He refused to black out, fighting to stay conscious, "L-Let her go...!"
"Don't touch him!" Irohahime snarled at Mitsunari, trembling with both fear and rage. "Don't you ever touch him again! He isn't your property!"
Mitsunari moved towards her and Daisuke struggled to stand. "So, you must be the reason for his desertion." "Don't hurt her, please!" Daisuke yelled. Mitsunari ignored him and gripped her chin firmly, forcing her to look up at him.
"What does it matter to you, half breed scum?" She growled, her blood red eyes piercing straight through his own eyes, her skin cool to the touch and her teeth much sharper looking than a humans.
"A vampire. Disgusting." Mitsunari commented befire raising his sword. "No!" Daisuke shot up and rushed at Mitsunari, forcing him to pull his focus towards the young Sanada.
Once Mitsunari had turned his head and taken his attention off of Irohahime, she attacked the guard who had a hold of her. Sinking her teeth into the mans wrist, he let go of her with a wail of pain, and before he could do anything else, he was silenced when she tore a bite-sized hole in his throat.
Irohahime, misjudging her willpower and being stopped frozen in her tracks at the smell of the blood, was easily taken down and restrainded. Though she tried her best to get at the pool of blood by her, the guard pinning her to the ground refused to let her drink his friends blood.
Daisuke was easily overpowered and knocked down, Mitsunari proceeding to kick and beat him. He refused to make any sound of pain, trying to protect his head.
"Stop it!" Irohahime screamed and screamed, clawing at the grass to try and get to Daisuke, body shaking with effort - she had only been living off of animal blood, so she was rather weakened in her hungry state - wishing to help Daisuke in anyway at all. "I swear on Molag Bal, I'll personally turn Toyotomi into a wretched low-blooded vampire like the low-blood he is!" Tears of anger and fear ran down her cheeks, trying to turn Mitsunari's attention off of Daisuke.
"You heard me!" Irohahime was filled with rage now; she wouldn't let anyone harm Daisuke, she wouldn't allow it, not now, not ever. "I said I'll turn him into a thrall and allow my undead brethren to partake in his blood like a used whore before I myself will sire him, turning him into a low-blooded, undead scum!"
Mitsunari moved swiftly and stepped hard on her head, "It looks like you would die in his place." "Get away from her!" Daisuke struggled to stand but toppled over in his daze.
"I'm already dead." She growled out, grinding her teeth from the pain of him pressing her head into the ground. "I do not fear death, I've already died once before, do you think I will not come back once more?"
"I could just remove your head from your shoulders." He told her, "Would that keep the life from your corpse then?" Daisuke struggled to stand once again, rushing a Mitsunari like a drunkard, "Leave her alone!" He swung at Mitsunari but his attack was dodged, causing him to fall on top of Irohahime. Mitsunari scoffed, finding this to be a waste of time. "Let's be off." He stated dully, and his guards moved to their horses. "I will be sending word to your father that you are dead. Because that is what you are to the Empire." He told Daisuke. The young Sanada fought a wave of hot tears, chest aching and heavy with shame for dishonoring his parents. Mitsunari said nothing more before he left with his guards.
Irohahime helped Daisuke off of herself with a small noise of pain, holding him gently. "Daisuke-san, are you ok? Where does it hurt?" She asked, worried he was hurt badly.
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