Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Minehime stopped once more outside of the temple to vomit again, before she was brought inside to Danica, who had her lay down on one of the beds, the temple empty except for Danica that night. After minutes of futile healing, Danica looked to Vilkas and Farkas. "The potions and healing I've administered have all failed to cure her, I don't know what type of poison would be immune to all of these treatments, but it must be one that isn't common around these parts." Minehime, who was in immense pain, groaned weakly, curled up on the bed clutching her stomach.
"There has to be something..." Vilkas said, trying to sound hopeful. The doors opened and Daihachi stepped in, holding a small vial, "Here. This is the antidote." "How did you come by that?" Farkas asked suspiciously. Daihachi bared his teeth, "I know a guy. Here, Danica."
Danica glanced to Farkas and Vilkas, before taking the vial from Daihachi, moving over to Minehime and uncorking the antidote. "Alright, Daihachi-dono, I'll pray this is the actual antidote." She said before pouring the entire thing into Minehime's mouth, holding her mouth closed until she swallowed it.
It took a few minutes before the antidote took full effect, Minehime relaxing slightly and resting more easily. "It seems to have worked, but she should probably stay here for the night so I can keep an eye on her." Danica recommended.
Daihachi nodded and the two brothers apologized to their Shield-Brother for doubting him. Daihachi waved it off, shaking his head, "Priestess, if it's all right with you, I would like to stay here and watch Minehime in case her assassin returns.."
Danica nodded. "Yes, you can stay, but I'd rather not have too many people crowding around her, it might impede her healing." She said, bowing for the three before retreating to her room within the temple.
Minehime rested on the bed, and though the antidote was administered, she still had mild fever-like symptoms, but they wouldn't prove to be a problem. On account that Danica had giving her a potion to induce sleep so she wouldn't be in so much pain, Minehime barely stirred, all except for the slow, rhythmic rise and fall of her chest.
Daihachi was about to fall asleep when the heavy stench of death entered the room. His eyes shot open and he looked towards Minehime, eyes widening slightly when he saw Sasuke slowly approach her.
Minehime was sleeping, blissfully unaware of the approaching danger, but Sasuke's bloodlust bothered her very core and shook her from her slumber. Opening her eyes, she stared up at the ceiling in a daze, before turning her head slightly to look at Sasuke, barely registering the scene that was about to unfold.
Sasuke twirled his blade, "Nothing personal, kid." He muttered as he rose the weapon over her chest. "Sasuke." Daihachi growled, making Sasuke freeze, "What are you doing?" It was more of a demand than a question. Sasuke turned and sheathed his blade, "Nothing, Daihachi-sama. You should go home, there is dire news waiting for you." "Come with me. And if I see you approach Minehime with murderous intent again, I will rip out your throat." Daihachi stated darkly. Sasuke narrowed his eyes but nodded, following the lad home.
Minehime, in her fevered daze, passed the scene off as a hallucination, or even a dream before closing her eyes to resume her slumber. Sleep came quickly, the young woman's body working hard enough already, and her mind needed a rest.

At the Sanada residence, Yukimura had put Akihime to bed, and was in the process of cleaning the house he had destroyed, looking like he had been dragged a thousand miles and back.
Yukimura stopped momentarily from cleaning to look up at his son, and Sasuke who stood behind him. "No, your mother is in her room." His answer was short, and his eyes tired. "I thought you would be at the celebration tonight, I didn't expect you back until morning."
"Someone hired your dog here to kill Minehime. He told me to go home so I forced him to come with so I could keep an eye on him." "Just because I was given the contract doesn't mean I am the only one who can fulfill it, Daihachi-sama." Sasuke stated. Daihachi punched him hard in the gut and snarled at him, Sasuke wheezing and grunting before letting out a small chuckle.
Yukimura glanced at Sasuke, a slight glimmer of dissatisfaction showing in his eyes before he returned his attention to his son. "Don't worry about Minehime, Daihachi, go to your mother. She needs you right now." He returned to cleaning the house. "Grievous news has come today, about your brother."
Yukimura fell quiet, but didn't stop cleaning, sweeping up the broken pottery. "Your brothers dead." He said simply, almost like he felt nothing at all, and almost like he simply didn't care.
Yukimura turned his head slowly, locking eyes with his youngest son, but what Daihachi was met with weren't the eyes of a father who did not care, but one who had been completely broken, and was now hollow. "Go to your mother." He didn't fight back, he had no will to. "She needs you now."
Daihachi's heart sank and he nodded, hurrying off to see Akihime. Sasuke bowed his head, having a feeling that he would be scolded as quietly as possible for failing. "Forgive me, dana. I did not anticipate Daihachi to be in the room when I went to finish the job."
Yukimura would express anger if he had the energy. "Finish the job." Was all he growled out at Sasuke, before he went to Daisuke's room to grieve.
Sasuke nodded and vanished, going to devise a plan that also accounted for Daihachi. Said lad was with Akihime, praying with her and trying to keep her from breaking down again. "Where is your father...?" She croaked. Daihachi shook his head, "I think he's still cleaning..." "Bring him...I want us to be together." She said. Daihachi nodded and yet to find Yukimura. "Tou-san, Kaa-san wants you-" He stopped when he saw Yukimura in Daisuke's room and fell silent.
Yukimura had bee sitting on Daisuke's bed, head in his hands when Daihachi entered the room; waiting a minute before he finally picked his head up, Yukimura gave a small nod. "I'll go to her." He said softly, eyes red as he passed his youngest.
Yukimura moved over to the bed he shared with Akihime, sitting beside her and taking his wife into his arms once more, but this time, it seemed like Yukimura was more holding Akihime to comfort himself. "You should be asleep by now." He whispered.
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