Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Irohahime brought her hand up, level with the monks head, but she simply couldn't kill him. "Please don't make me do this..." She turned away from him, ashamed of herself for threatening a monk. "Please, just help us, please.."
"Please make sure all eyes are off of us, we just want to live in peace. Please, will you honor my request?" The vampire pleaded.
Irohahime bowed deeply to him, apologizing and thanking him repeatedly before letting him back upstairs, and leave the cabin.
Irohahime closed the door and locked it behind the monk, slowly turning to Daisuke. "I couldn't kill him." She spoke softly, looking down at the ground. "Please forgive me."
She gave a small nod, and moved to clean up the spilled animal blood on the floor, still shaking from her experience.
Daisuke stood and moved down into the basement where he kept small shrines to the Divines, locking himself down there as he usually did to pray and beg forgiveness.
Irohahime busied herself with work while Daisuke prayed, often feeling guilt for having dragged him into this situation. Heading outside to dispose of the blood soaked rags, she moved out to the fire pit which the burned most of their garbage in. Hood over her head to keep her skin protected from the sun, she moved to sit in the shade of a tree.
Megohime watched with untrusting eyes, scowling softly at the monk for a moment before leaving to fetch her husband from their bed chambers. "Masamune-sama, a traveling monk has insisted an audience with you." She spoke through to door, sounding annoyed as per usual.
Masamune gave an equally annoyed noise before standing and going to entertain the monk. Sitting at his throne, he waved his hand. The monk bowed, "Greetings, my Jarl. My name is Tenkai and I come with unnerving news." "What village does a dragon plague now?" Masamune droned. Tenkai frowned under his mask, "It is about your eldest, my Jarl." "My eldest is dead." Masamune replied.
Megohime hung back behind Masamune as she usually did, and of course was unhappy to hear the so called unnerving news about her eldest daughter. Scowling heavily, she glared at the monk now. "If you've only come here to tell jokes, do it outside with a pissbucket to collect your money."
"I just came from her new residence. She is living in a cabin with a young man-" "Silence!" Masamune shouted, "My daughter died sometime ago, and I will no longer entertain such nonsense. Leave my keep at once!" Tenkai bowed and left Mistveil without another word.
Masamune's wife was trembling with anger and heartbreak, but said nothing as she moved and sat stiffly beside her husband.
"You don't actually believe what the idiot monk told you, do you?" Megohime almost sounded angry, but really just more surprised.
Megohime seemed rather upset at this, but there wasn't much she could do, so she didn't press the matter any further.
Masamune made his way to Fort Dawnguard to make sure Irohahime was still there. The last time, they refused to let him in because she was in a blood frenzy, or so they told him. But he would see for himself whether they liked it or not.
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