Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Don't hurt him!" Irohahime screamed in a panic, rushing forward to Daisuke to see if he was hurt, fear in her eyes. "Daisuke!"
Irohahime didn't dare touch her father, not if she wanted to lose her hands. "Please, I'll remain in seclusion away from any villages, cities, or settlements, but please, don't make me go back!" She pleaded with her father. "They tortured me, they starved me, please, don't take me back."
"It's for your own good." "Get off of her!" Daisuke jumped up and rushed Masamune again but the Jarl turned and used Fus, sending the lad toppling over. "Stay down, kid."
"Daisuke, don't!" Irohahime felt the air rush from her lungs as she watched Daisuke go sailing through the air and onto the ground. The sound around her died into a dull roar in her ears, before she brought her foot up hard into her fathers groin. She felt an uncontrollable urge to protect Daisuke, and it easily overwhelmed her fear of her father.
Thankfully his armor sucked up most of the blow, but he still grimaced before kicking her hard in the side. Daisuke stood and tackled Masamune, only to be punched in the head.
Irohahime's vision went red, and she instantly jumped up, moving toward the two who were fighting on the ground. Masamune was tackled again, but wasn't taken down to the ground, instead Irohahime was on Masamune's back. Before he could really register what was going on, she started to claw at the armor around his neck, trying to get the steel armor off and get to his neck and shoulder to more than likely sink her teeth into his neck.
Masamune grabbed her by the hair and used all his strength to throw her off his back. He tossed her to the ground and used Ice Form to keep her still.
Irohahime hit the ground with a heavy thud, rolling halfway before she was frozen to the ground. Her skin burned, not frozen solid, but a thick sheet of ice covering her and keeping her stuck to the ground.
Irohahime did her best to look for Daisuke out of the corner of her eye, shaking when she saw his bloodied nose. "Then leave..!" She cried as she tore herself free from the ice, staggering to her feet and sending two powerful bolts of lightening toward Masamune.
His eye turned to a slit before dodging the bolts and stepping towards her, pulling a steel dagger from the small sheath at his thigh. He grabbed her and burried the dagger deep into her abdomen; the dagger was enchanted with magicka damage, he had it crafted special just for her. "I know full well this won't kill you. And that's fine. I want you to live, I want you to wander Tamriel with the guilt and suffering of your actions weighing heavy on you. I want you to live with the shame you have brought upon your mother and father." He seethed.
Irohahime screamed in agony as the blade slid easily into her belly, blood soaking through her dress. She staggered to one knee, gripping her fathers arm so she wouldn't fall over from the pain. Coughing up a good amount of blood, she tripped his arm tighter, wheezing. "I feel no shame... For you or mother..." She growled out through clenched teeth.
He ground his teeth and just started wailing on her, punching her full force. "No shame?! You piece of shit! You shat all over the Date name and have dishonored me! Your mother cries herself to sleep nightly and refuses to go anywhere near the Keep where your room resides! She blames herself because she believes she neglected you and caused you to take this path! I hate you and I wish you were never born! You're not my daughter and as far as I'm concerned, you never were!"
Irohahime felt the dagger slide to the side and agony made her vision go white, falling to both knees as Masamune beat on her hard. His armor cut her face when he struck her, and easily split her skin, and trying to shield her head with her arms barely helped, for her only strength laid in her magic and potions.
Tears stung Masamune's eye, his heart breaking as he beat her until his arm hurt. He stopped and stepped back, wheezing and fighting tears. "I hate you...I hate you so much that I don't even care what you do from this point. But I promise you, if you come near Riften - if your pet comes near Riften - I will behead you and set your body on fire. I will feed your head to my fucking dragon if I even catch word of you in my Hold!"
Irohahime was on the ground by this time, her nose and mouth bleeding profusely, her face swollen and bruised. She groaned in pain, trying to crawl away from Masamune and toward Daisuke. The dagger remained in her stomach, leaving a easy-to-follow trail from the amount of blood loss.
Irohahime lay bleeding heavily on the ground, barely balancing between conciousness and unconsciousness, groaning weakly. Her vision blackened and came back, as she laid in the grass, unable to move closer to Daisuke.
At one point when her consciousness left her and came back, Daisuje was sitting over her with his sword to his wrist, "Iroh, you need to feed..!"
Irohahime shook her head slowly, reaching up with a shaking hand and slowly pushing the blade away from his wrist. "No.." She croaked, her brow split and swollen. "I-I'm not gonna drink from you.."
Tears slipped down her bruised face. "I can't take anything else from you." She said quietly; the dagger still protruded from her stomach, a puddle of blood gathered beneath her.
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