Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"It's so nice to hear your voice, Ama..." Akihime said gently, "I haven't talked to you in so long, I missed you." She then registered 'troubling news' and felt her heart sink, "Wh-What's wrong? Is everything ok?"
With a twisted smirk on her face, she told Akihime everything - everything that she knew anyway. "Yukimura-sama and Sasuke-sama have been targeting Date Masamune ever since Daisuke-dono fell in battle. He's already made two attempts on her life, and was nearly successful had Daihachi not shown up. Mistress, Yukimura-sama plans to continue his actions and seek revenge for his son, at the cost of Date's entire family."
Akihime's eyes widened in horror before shooting up and rushing off to find her husband, tears in her eyes. No, she had to be lying; there was no way her noble husband - the man who would give his own life selflessly for others - would do something so horrible. "Yukimura-sama!" Why was this happening? Why were the Divines punishing her like this?
It was almost like Yukimura was hiding from Akihime, like he didn't want to be found by his wife or anyone else. Akihime eventually found Yukimura where he spent most of his days, inside there house; he was startled, watching Akihime slam through the doors wide-eyed and crying. "Akihime?"
Yukimura frowned heavily, brows furrowed. "Tell you what isn't true?" He asked, standing up and moving over to her. "Akihime what's wrong?"
"Y-You asked Sasuke to kill Masamune-sama and his kin! You made a contract with him because of Daisuke!" She was shaking, in fear and in heartache, "Why...?! I-I knew you were grief-stricken, but this is madness!"
"Akihime.." He spoke calmly and surely. "Daisuke was killed by Masamune. He visits Riften for some unknown reason - during a war, and on the opposing side - and days later we get word he's been killed? The only logical answer is that he was slain by Masamune. From who did you hear of this anyway?"

Nori had heard Akihime screaming her head off, and had been waiting on the roof of the Sanada's residence, listening to everything unfold with a smirk on her face.
Akihime felt her heart shatter once more, "It doesn't matter who I heard it from! Daisuke went to Riften to seek Masamune-sama's aid! He is too honorabe to kill someone in such a cowardly fashion!"
Yukimura felt a frown tug at his lips. "Date was the one who killed dishonorably first, allowing Daisuke into his hold and then slaughtering him? How can you forgive your sons killer so easily?"
"He didn't kill Daisuke!" She shouted, tears pouring down her cheeks. She wheezed softly and bit her lip, "This path you're taking is dark and misguided and it is a path I cannot follow..."
"Akihime, how do you know who killed our son, how are you so sure in your ways when even the Divines have abandoned you?" He felt cold to the world, numb, and his love for his wife was gradually being misplaced with faux love, tainted by hatred.
"I know in my heart that Masamune-sama would never do something so cowardly." She said, voice cracking. She looked down in despair and closed her eyes, "I can't...I love you so much, my husband, and doing this breaks my mending heart straight to pieces once again but...I'm going to return home, to Solitude. This path you walk is not a path I dare tread. I will pray for you, even if I can't hear the Divines, I know they can hear me." She bit her lip and moved to get passed him so she could pack her things.
Yukimura stood frozen to the spot he was standing, letting Akihime pass him and gather her things. He stood listening for a while, staring down at the floor of their home, not able to move or speak at all.
She gathered her things in a small bag before moving to kiss his cheek gently, muttering a small 'I love you' before leaving and heading out the door to the stable.

Daihachi made a noise as he divided the money for the Outpost and to send back to the Companions. He wasn't all there, focusing on other things. "Daihachi?" The lad looked up at a courier and nodded, the courier moving and handing a letter to him, "It's from the Oracle." Daihachi's eyes widened and he gave the courier a septium before ripping open the letter to read it.
Minehime had been working on some minor repairs on the roof from the heavy rains earlier on in the week, and was busy tarring and tiling the roof while Daihachi worked inside on the money, something they usually took turns doing since it was such tedious and boring work.
There were a couple thuds on the roof, before a soft grunt outside and the door opening. "Your mom?" She wiped the tar off her hands the best she could as to not get anything inside dirty, but she'd need a good scrubbing before that happened. "Is she ok?"
"She...she left Yukimura. She went to Solitude, she left him." He told her, "She...wants us to go see her. Should I...should I tell her about Daisuke?"
Minehime deflated slightly. "I, uh... I don't know." She made a face, the only thing in her mind at the moment was Sasuke. He terrified her down to the very core and mother even the idea of being near him if Yukimura had him follow Akihime. "When are you leaving?"
"A couple days, tops." He answered, "If you don't wanna come, I understand...someone needs to man the Outpost and I'm sure Shigenaga is a capable guardian...but I need to see her.."
Minehime realized how in odiferous she was being toward Daihachi's feelings and shook her head. "If you need me to come I can, you shouldn't go alone, I'm sure Shige can handle the post on his own."
"Thank you, Mini. This means a lot. I know you're still nervous about Sasuke but he hasn't tried anything in months...and even if he's plotting, I'll protect you. You're my Shield-Sister after all." He told her.
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