Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Akihime smiled sadly, "I haven't been able to speak to the Divines for a while, I just wanted to be sure you both were ok...Otou-sama is doing what he can to help, and so far it's working a little...I felt great danger pointed towards you, Minehime-chan, and I wanted you to be some place safe."
"In Riften with my family is the safest place I know, Akihime-dono." She bowed her head slightly. "But to ease your worries I can stay here for a few days, if that's what Daihachi will do."
"Kaa-san is usually spot on about-" "Sanada Daihachi." The young Nordic looked as multiple guards approached. "What's going on?" "Step aside, Oracle. We have arrest him." "For what?!" Daihachi snapped, "I just got here!" "A kinsman told us you had killed one of the guards. Your Skyforge dagger was in the guard's spine." The guard explained, "We need to ask you to come with us."
Minehime felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. "He was with me the whole time, there's no way in Oblivion that he would've killed a guard, let alone stupid enough in front of someone!" She said, moving to stand between Daihachi and the guards.
Minehime watched Daihachi move to the guards with a shocked expression on her face. "I'm going to speak with Mitsunari or Yoshitsugu about this." She said stiffly, then walked quickly down a corridor and dissapeared without another word.
"M-Minehime, matte!" Akihime called and attempted to give chase. She froze and gasped in horror, seeing Sasuke holding Minehime unconscious in his arms. Their eyes met and he gave a faux apologetic smile from under his mask, "Best to stay out of this one, Prophet. Dana wouldn't be super thrilled with me if you got hurt, too." "Let her go, Sasuke!" Akihime ran forward to grab Minehime, but Sasuke quickly vanished in a plume of shadowy smoke.
Minehime only awoke because of how cold she had grown, struggling to figure out what had happened and where she was, she opened her eyes to see Sasuke locking her wrist into the metal cuff above her head. She was on a cold metal rack she immediately recognized as a torture rack, she didn't have to see it, she just knew. With pure instinct and adrenaline, she swung hard at Sasuke, actually managing to strike her fist against his brow with her only remaining arm free.
Minehime's head throbbed, her vision getting spotty and her head falling forward. She groaned and tried to pull her arms and legs free from her captor, but the steel cuffs didn't budge. "Why..?" She croaked. "I haven't done anything, so why?"
"Dana wants Masamune to hurt something fierce. Sadly, he's picked you to be the thing to break Date. I would've gone with Megohime but it isn't my call." He moved away and opened a pack of torture tools.
Minehime felt like every cell in her body froze, picking her head up and staring at Sasuke with wide eyes. She was full of fear and rage, she was tired of being scared, angry that she was the one being targeted. "If he's so angry with my father then why doesn't he get off his ass and fight like a true warrior! He hides behind assassins and the walls of Whiterun when his son isn't even dead!"
"Are you telling me that the Housecarl of Whiterun is so power hungry and stupid that he didn't even try to look for his sons corpse?" She let out a snarl of laughter, shaking her head and laying back against the cool metal once more. "Eat shit, find him yourself."
Minehime surged forward as a scream of pain nearly escaped her, but she bit it back, trembling hard and exhaling through her teeth. Thankfully, he had left on her leather armor, which slowed the knife a bit and kept it from going too deep, but a good amount of blood still leaked down her pant leg.
Sasuke took special care the next few hours torturing her; pouring healing potions over the wounds to close them, only to reopen them before they could heal all the way. "Let me see...how shall I torment Date? Hhmm...I have always been a fan of the pliers." He said as he looked over the tools before holding up rusty, blood caked pliers.
Minehime was shaking hard, wheezing and nearly at the brink of tears; Sasuke was getting closer and closer to breaking her. Her armor had been cut off and lay on the ground at her feet, the only clothing she had left being her under garments. "Just kill me already, asshole.." She muttered, doing her best to keep herself sounding strong, but she wanted so badly to cry and scream for help. Her speech was starting to slur, her body at its limit and going into shock, even though she hadn't lost too much blood, the trauma was enough to make her fade in and out of consciousness.
"No, not yet...but I will help you match your beloved father forever and always~" He gripped her chin firmly and held her head in place before driving the pliers into her right eye. He was not slow, he was not gentle, he looked to be enjoying the sight of her blood pouring from her now dead eye.
Minehime let out a wail of agony this time, stiffening hard, tears mixing with her blood. She thrashed out of agony, making her see white spots in her only remaining eye. Her pupil turned into a slit and she did her best not to struggle too much, feeling the pliers still deep in her eye socket.
With a hard jerk of his arm, her eye came free from the socket. "Has anyone told you how beautiful your eyes are?" He purred before setting her eye aside.
When Sasuke pulled her eye from her socket and severed the optic nerve by tearing it out, she actually lost consciousness, head lulling forward and allowing blood to drip freely onto the ground.
"Hm. Well, this won't do." He mumbled. He shrugged, wiping the pliers off before going to take her other eye. He was halted, however, when the door was thrown open and Daihachi tackled Sasuke to the ground. "You son of a whore!!" He snarled, "I'll kill you this time!" "Not today, Daihachi-sama." Sasuke vanished and Daihachi slumped to the ground before looking back to see Sasuke holding Minehime's eye, "I need to make a small delivery first." "Stay where you are, Sasuke!!" He jumped up and rushed at him again but the assassin vanished in a plume of smoke. Daihachi growled before hurriedly freeing Minehime and rushing her to see Akihime.
Minehime remained unconscious for most of the time Daihachi carried her, light as a feather in his arms. She was covered in gouge marks, burns, welt marks, and bruises, but the worst of it was her eye. It was completely removed, and it hadn't been a clean job; ocular fluid and blood had begun to dry on her face, as well as small bits of tissue from the optic nerve.
Daihachi got her to his mother as quickly as he could, hoping she could do what she could. Akihime and the healers worked on Minehime for hours, cleaning her wounds and healing them as best as they could, cleaning her eye gently to prevent infection.
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