Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Yukimura had again become unresponsive, simply clutching the bloody bag in his hands, staring down at it with lifeless eyes.

Nori and Sasuke had been discovered a while after Daihachi left, and though Sasuke was long dead, Nori still clung to life, though just barely. Sasuke's body was taken immediately to the hall of the dead, and Nori was taken to the Temple of Kynareth, struggling to live as death tried to take her. "Send a letter to Akihime-sama, she might be the best option available." One of the priests ordered the guard, working on healing the dying assassin.
"Also..." Daihachi stopped as he opened the door, keeping his back to Yukimura, "Daisuke's alive." He glanced back at his father and frowned a bit. "He's on the border of Windhelm and Riften with Irohahime."

"Of course." The guard nodded and left to send word to Akihime.
Few days had passed and Yukimura had taken himself to a healer just outside of Whiterun to regain his health, both body and mind. Nori remained in Dragonsreach, struggling to cling to the last shred of life she had left. Fighting a fever, and still not having regained consciousness, she lay restless and agonized in a cot. Her wounds weren't festering, but they weren't exactly healing either. A pained look on her face had been there since she had lost conciousness holding Sasuke's corpse, and still remained there. Akihime, having gotten word of her protectors fatal injuries, had returned to Whiterun. "Akihime-dono, the limit to how much pain relieving tonics we can give has already passed, anymore and it could kill her." One of the temples assistants relayed, frowning nervously.

Nana had recovered nicely, and except for the occasional night terror, she was doing quite well. She had busied herself making repairs on the mechanical city, keeping things in top shape and anything else that needed fixing, which meant she was always covered in dirty black oil.
Akihime frowned heavily and moved towards her friend. She reached out and gently touched Nori's hand. Her brows furrowed in what seemed to be pain, horrible images of a vast grassland and wolves chasing deer and elk with a tall well-built man with a stag skull mask wielding a tall spear radiating evil energies. She pulled her hand back and bit her lip, "I will pray to the Divines to heal her..." She said gently.

Motochika followed around Nana everyday, slowly remembering everything he had forgotten. "And we had sons? Two?"
Nana sat in work clothes, tinkering with the gears within Markarths stronghold, something had gotten stuck or something, making the gears stop moving and stop their conduction of steam that powered the city. Cringing softly, she nodded, still holding her tongue on their unborn child who never made it. "Aye, Morichika, our first born, and Nobuchika, the youngest." She said softly. "Though neither of them made it out of the attack on Dawnstar." She said quietly.
Nana felt a lump form in her throat, nodding slightly. "Aye." She murmured, unlodging a rusty bolt from the gears. As soon as the piece was removed, the gears started to turn again, Nana pocketing the bolt and wiping her hands on her pants. "There, finished." She said, standing and gathering her tools. "Shall we head back home?" She asked, turning to Motochika with a smile.
He smiled and nodded, "Aye." He replied. "Motochika." The Pirate Jarl turned towards Kanbe as he approached. "What is it?" Chosokabe asked. Kanbe smiled and clapped his hand over Motochika's shoulder, "I have some amazing news for you, friend."
Nana, assuming she had no part in the conversation, started to pack up her tools, cleaning them up and putting then in the correct place.
"You, too, Nana!" Kanbe seemed really excited for some reason, "Come, come, we'll speak in my chambers." "Uh..." Motochika seemed a little hesitant after that.
"Wait is it, Kanbe?" Though Nana trusted Kanbe deeply, she was still cautious around him. Touching Motochika's hand gently, she nodded that it was ok to follow Kanbe into his chambers.
"It'll be ok, promise. Nothing bad!" Kanbe said and ushered them through Understone Keep to his chambers. When he opened the door, Morichika and Nobuchika jumped to their feet in joy, "Mama! Papa!" They cheered.
Nana slowly came to a stop beside Motochika, her eyes widening, then filling with tears. "By the Gods.." Rushing for her children, she hugged them both tightly, shaking from her quiet sobs.
Morichika laughed, crying himself, "Don't cry, mama...! It's ok!" "We took everyone as far as we could, like you said!" Nobuchika said happily, "Jarl Ieyasu helped us keep everyone safe from the Legion!"
Nana planted kissed on both of her sons head, regardless that both of them were now young adults, holding them close for a moment longer before she took a step back to look at them. "I was told that the both of you hadn't made it." She wiped away her tears. "It's so good to see your faces again..!"
"I can craft you a new one." She said, overwhelmed with joy. "I'm just grateful that losing my children wasn't true."
"Your father was injured badly in the initial attack, he's lost quite a bit of his memories... But is slowly regaining them." Nana said, an upset frown on her face.
Nana, sensing his distress, took Motochika's hand, squeezing it gently. "It'll be alright dear, it will come back." She said softly.
Nana turned her gaze back to her children, knowing it would be deeply troubling that their own father didn't recognize them, assuring them as well all would be well. "Has Ieyasu allowed you boys to enlist with the Stormcloaks?"
Nana smiled in return, and upon glancing back over her shoulder, saw that Motochika had wandered away. "You boys stay here, we have plenty to discuss." She said, then turned and hurried after Motochika.
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