Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Megohime sat up with a soft grunt, holding her arms out to take Irohahime. "It suits her." She smiled softly.
Megohime held Irohahime gently, gently letting the baby's head with one finger, worried she might harm the child. "She looks just like me.." She whispered. "I mean, except for the newborn part - having no teeth or hair thing." She said, blinking tears from her eyes.
Megohime quickly wiped her tears away, face flushed. "As if!" She scoffed, quickly turning her attention back on her child to change the subject.

((Wanna do Yuki and Aki now~?))
((So just kick us on ahead to whatever part you wanna go with, we can roll with it, or just do an update sorta post, then we can move on?))
((I'll do a timeskippy post, we'll do some fluffy smut, fastforward a bit through preggers Aki and then we can do the thing~))

Akihime spent most of her time helping Yukimura with his trial for Stendarr, and the time they spent pushed them closer together. Soon they took their relationship to a more romantic level, dispite Nori's near violent protesting. It would be months before they decided to wed and begin their lives together. They had been married for a few months, Akihime shyly approaching Yukimura during his training. "Ano...Yukimura-sama...?"
Yukimura had been training to put on some more muscle mass, and even though he was rather strong, he was still a bit scrawny for his age. "Akihime." He lowered his weapons when he heard her voice, stopping his training for now to speak with her. He still had time left in his training before he'd have to meet up with Shingen once more, so he didn't mind spending the last of his training with his wife.
Akihime gulped and looked shyly at the ground, "Um...this is very forward and I'm not used to such interactions, but..." She paused and took a breath, "I...wish to bear you children..." She said softly.
Yukimura didn't know how to respond really - of course he wanted children, he had thought of it many times before, but had never been able to bring it up to Akihime. After a while of silence, he finally answered. "Ok. Then let's have children." His face burned red, and his entire stance was awkward, but he was sincere.

Nori had been missing all day, which was occasionally common, but today something wasn't settling right. An uneasy feeling squeezed at Sasuke's stomach, causing him to be fidgety.
Akihime's face lit up red as well, "R...Really...?" She asked, disbelieving.

Sasuke gnashed and ground his teeth, playing with his blade as he stared at the wall, trying to distract himself.
"Of course I want you to bear my children... I just didn't feel right asking that of you.." He moved to return his weapons to their rack on the wall, busying himself as to not grow even more flustered.

The heavy, metallic scent of blood found its way to Sasuke's nose, a clear sign there was blood, and a lot of it somewhere nearby.
She blushed and smiled brightly, "Please, if anything, it is inappropriate for me to ask.." She giggled.

He shot up and rushed off, following the scent like a trained war hound.
Yukimura chuckled nervously, his heart racing and his face flushed with embarrassment. He didn't know the first thing about what to do in this sort of situation, so he stood awkwardly for a moment longer. "Sh-Shall we retire to your sleeping chamber then?" He asked.

"Shit, shit, shit...!" Nori lay on the ground, her thighs and the floor beneath her covered in blood, the Dark Elf completely nude except for the cloak she had half-pulled around her shoulders, and her chest wrappings. She had just finished the ritual to purge her body of the bastard that had been dwelling within her for a few weeks now, but somehow, something must've gone wrong. Her entire body shook with pain as she did her best to crawl to her desk, where most of her potions sat.
Akihime nodded, unable to form proper sentences. She held out her hand for him to take, shaking slightly from anxiousness.

"What the fuck have you done?" Sasuke growled, watching her desperately crawl across the floor.
Yukimura took her hand, following Akihime to her bedroom, feeling like every guard they passed knew what they were up to.

Nori didn't look up or stop trying to crawl to her desk, grunting and panting with effort. "I fucking...cleaned up your damn mess.." She ground out.
When they reached her bedroom, she shut and locked the door behind them, fidgeting with her sleeve.

"Well it's a good thing you were kind enough to send Sithis a fetus. The Void is so much fuller now." He stated sarcastically.
Yukimura swallowed the lump in his throat, taking a short breath before stepping forward and lifting Akihime's chin gently, kissing her softly.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you wanted it." She snarled, then grunted and took a ragged breath. "Are you going to just stand there lecturing me, or are you going to help me?"
Yukimura held her close, hands on her hips, his eyes closing as he moved over to the bed, sitting her down and caressing her gently.

"If you aren't going to help me, then why the hell did you come?!" She hissed, unable to reach the bottle with ease, but when she finally did touch the bottle, it was knocked off of the table.
She shyly began to work on his armor, hands shaking with her anxiousness. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she acted on pure instinct.

"My insatiable bloodlust brought me here.." He replied blandly, lightly kicking he bottle in her direction.
Yukimura helped her remove his armor, unbuckling straps and belts, pulling his shirt over his head after his chestplate was removed. A tension started to grow in his loins, making him moan weakly, helping Akihime out of her own clothes.

Nori grabbed ahold of the bottle, working at the cork, only to fail. Her hands shook hard, and we're slippery with her own blood, keeping the potion from her. "Please..." She finally said, lowering her head. "Just help me... Please.." She begged him, voice so quiet, one couldn't be certain she had spoken at all.
Once they were finally undressed, Akihime laid back on the bed. She shook lightly, both in anticipation and anxiousness. She blushed and exhaled softly, trying to calm herself.

Sasuke looked annoyed but took the bottle and uncorked it, resisting the urge to just dump it on her before handing it to her.
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