Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

((Fuckin' loser~))

More months passed, and with all the same friction and tension between both the Empire and Stormcloaks, but in Riften, it was a much happier day. Jin was in the process of giving birth, though everything seemed to be going rather smoothly.
Jin had a rather easy time birthing their son, taking only a few hours for the newborn to be screaming and kicking outside of his mothers womb. Jin lay tired on the bed, watching the healer clean her newborn son. "He's perfect." Jin said softly, giving Kojurou's hand a gentle squeeze.
"Master Katakura, if you'll join me in the next room?" Jin kissed Kojurou's hand, smiling softly. "Go, think of a name, you can tell me what our sons name is when you return." She said.
Jin rested her head back against the bed, letting out a deep sign and closing her eyes. She seemed to have only drifted off for a moment before she woke with a start, sitting up and looking around. How long had she been sleeping? It was dark in the room now, leaving her with little to no visibility, but she did sense ones presence. "Kojurou-sama?"
Jin sat up, the hair on the back of her neck rising. "Mitsuhide." She hissed out. "What are you doing here? What reason could you possibly have to be here at such a time?" She sounded angry more than scared, a scowl on her face.
"Your home...?" That's when Jin finally felt the cold steal enclosing her neck. Stumbling to her feet she moved at a fast pace toward Mitsuhide, only to be yanked to a stop just short of him. She reached out, straining against the chains, a look mixed of fear and desperate realization on her face. "Where am I? Release me!"
"You're going to be staying here with me for a while~ I missed you so~" He said. "Your son is rather cute, by the way. He'll grow to be a real strapping yong man~"
Jin felt her heart jump into her throat then drop into her stomach. "Release me." She said, her voice strained. "I've suffered enough just by having once being companions. Don't you dare drag my son into this." She kept her voice steady, but tears had built up in her eyes - she didn't even know her sons name.
Jin had struggled to break the chains, screaming and screaming for anyone who might be nearby. From what she could gather, they were in a cave somewhere, most likely deep underground. For days she struggled and called for help - spitting threats and insults at Mitsuhide when he came to visit - but only ended up tired. She downright refused to eat anything Mitsuhide brought her, only drinking the water that dripped down the wall. A fortnight had passed, and she still refused to eat, drinking only the cave water. In her weakened state, all she could manage to do was keep count of the day's the best she could, sitting in the far corner, tally marks carved into the wall.
"I'm not eating, Mitsuhide." Jin said softly, but firmly, knees pulled halfway to her chest, resting against the wall. She refused to look at him, or even use the new name he went by, spitting at him if he got too close.
"I refuse to eat any filth you bring me." She muttered hatefully, turning away slightly, a scowl ever-present on her face. "Leave me if you refuse to release me."
Jin gagged and sputtered, her body seizing up in surprise before she began the trash, choking on the food he had crammed into her mouth. Luckily the potato he had rammed into her throat was cold instead of scalding hot, but still, she refused to take any food from him; plus he had put way too much in her mouth at once. Hitting him in the face with her balled-up fist, she managed to spit out most of it before breaking away from Tenkai, moving away hurriedly before coughing up the rest.
Jin's head spun when Tenkai slammed her head into the hard stone floor, feeling the skin on her forehead split and blood stream steadily from the gash - still she refused to eat.
Many more months would pass of Jin refusing to eat, only for Tenkai to beat her or force feed her, sometimes both. Months turned into years, and with each year that passed, Jin slowly grew more compliant; although she'd eat, it would still require many prompts to get her to do so, and once she did, she'd eat in silence, all the while tears streamed down her face.
Seven years had gone by and Jin had been mute for quite some time, eating just enough to keep herself alive, spending most of her days sleeping through her depression. Even when Tenkai visited, she remained on the small hay pile where she slept, not moving, speaking, or even refusing his commands. She had grown weak, losing enough weight to create sunken cheeks and protruding rib-bones; no longer having the strength of willpower to try and groom herself - and being chained inside of a cave - Jin would often be covered in dirt, but Tenkai would usually help her clean when he did visit.
Tenkai sat with her one evening, humming a nameless tune as he brushed her bronze colored hair; his long slender fingers weaving through her hair easily enough before he would begin to braid her hair. He enjoyed it, the gesture seemed to cause Jin even more depression, which he practically fed off of.
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