Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Yukimura stopped, hovering over her, his manhood throbbing with need. "Akihime.. Are you ok?" He asked, frowning softly. "If you don't want to do this, you don't have to."

Nori took the bottle and drank it eagerly, dropping the bottle when it was empty. "You can leave. Unless you want to stay and watch me dress myself."
Yukimura nodded and swallowed the lump in his throat, kissing down her neck and rubbing his throbbing need against Akihime's entrance, muffling a groan.

Nori glared at him before hoisting herself to her feet, walking over to the chest where she kept her clothing, digging through the clothes before pulling out a fresh pair of underwear. After pulling on a shirt and her undergarments, she sat sorely on the bed, holding the pair of trousers in her hand.
Yukimura entered Akihime slowly, letting out a soft moan of pleasure. "Akihime...~" He breathed, lacing his fingers with hers, waiting for her to adjust to his length.

"I want you to put them on for me." She held out the trousers, staring at him with an expectant look on her face.
Her breath hitched and she held his hand tight, feeling uncomfortable, but bearing through it.

"Nah." He answered, "I'm the Listener, not the Babysitter."
Yukimura kissed her lovingly, remaining motionless until Akihime told him to move.

"I want you to put them on for me." She stared at him, still holding out the pants, watching him expectantly. "And I don't believe it was a request, I demand that you do it."
Yukimura gave a slight nod, moving at a pace that he thought would be slow enough and comfortable enough to begin with, moving in slow, deep thrusts. A soft groan came from his lips as he moved, holding Akihime close, kissing her jawline gently.

"Dress me." Nori said, keeping her eyes trained on Sasuke, and even as she did so, she tossed the pants at Sasuke, unbuttoning the first three buttons on her shirt, letting it hang open.

Nana had been keeping herself busy with Motochika's paper work, something she had always handled on her own, but she especially buckled down on the work now that she was caring for a toddler and carrying Motochika's second child. Being stuck inside most of the day made her restless, but she burned off her energy caring for Motochika and her son, as well as the people of Dawnstar. Her stomach was only just starting to round out, barely showing, but it was no secret she was with child. Sitting at Motochika's office desk, she sorted through mounds of paper, Nobuchika puttering around the room with his toys.
She moaned weakly, holding onto him and doing what her body told her to do; rocking her hips sloppily with his, but it was still nice and enjoyable.

Sasuke threw the.pants on the ground, glaring. "No."

Motochika entered and moved over to her, kissing her head gently, "How goes?" He asked.
Yukimura's face flushed red as well as his ears and chest, his hair hanging down around his shoulders and brushing gently against Akihime's chest. Yukimura gasped and groaned in pleasure, fingers laced together with Akihime's, kissing the base of her neck. "D-Does that feel good?" He asked, a bit short of breath as he moved his hips at a steady pace.

Nori's expression slowly turned into a scowl and her eyes slowly shifted to look at the blood and gore on the floor of her room that had once been growing to become a human. "You know, it really broke my heart when Yukimura came in here looking for pleasure," She stole a glance at Sasuke. "He came late in the night while everyone slept, and when I refused him, he attacked me. He kicked me so many times in the stomach. Do you know how heart broken I was when I birthed my child far too early, the babe not even fully formed, forced from my womb because I refused to pleasure Master Sanada?" Her voice was as cold as death, and just as cruel as the slight smirk that played on her face.

Nana smiled warmly at Motochika's voice, leaning into his touch and letting out a content sigh. "Everything is going smoothly, we actually have money to spare this month, even with the newly added residents." She reported, looking up at him with a glint in her eye. "Things have gotten much better."
Akihime nodded quickly, moaning lowly and holding his hand tight, "I-It feels really good, Yukimura-sama...~" She breathed.

Sasuke looked unamused but his eyes were glowing with murderous intent. "You think some bullshit lie like that will hold up anywhere? He has a woman already who waits on him hand and foot. You're going to try and ruin a man's life because I won't dress you like the fucking child you are?"

"That's wonderful news. And how is my little tyke doing?" Motochika moved and picked up Nobuchika, tossing him into the air gently with a wide grin.
Yukimura felt his mind going blank, pleasure overwhelming him, his release coming closer and closer. He kissed her neck and chest, tangling his other hand through her hair.

Nori undid two more buttons on her shirt, the garment now completely hanging open, a crooked, amused smirk growing on her face. "It was only a thought, but we wouldn't want rumors to spread, now would we?" She purred softly. "Right now it seems like you want to beat me within an inch of my life, but instead why don't we do something we can both get something out of?" She shifted on the bed, opening her legs slightly. "Let's fuck."

Nana's smile grew. "He's growing everyday, soon, he'll be able to go outside on his own." She said, standing from her chair with slight effort. "And how are you fairing, my husband?"
She moaned his name, feeling an odd sensation building in her lower region.

Sasuke actually looked a little taken aback, caught off guard by her sudden sex proposal, "What, just like that?"

He gave a tired sigh, holding his son easily on his hip, "Sometimes I wish I wasn't Jarl.." He admitted.
Yukimura's movements quickened slightly, grinding his teeth, an unbearable pressure growing before he finally hit his release, moaning Akihime's name.

"Yes, just like that. Now are you going to just stand there or are we going to fuck?" She sounded mildly irritated, shrugging off her shirt.

Nana moved over to Motochika, resting her hand on his free hip, resting her forehead against his chest. "Aye, I wish that sometimes too, but I don't regret one thing that we've done."
Her mind buzzed and reeled as she bit back a loud cry of bliss, embarrassed by her own noises as she reached a sudden climax, her body going numb from the tip of her toes to the top of her head.

Sasuke rose his hands, "Yeah, no, not with you covered in blood. That's disgusting. Clean up first." He stated, "Everyone has standards and those are mine."

He made a noise of agreement, kissing her head, "Aye, same. We have a prosperous Hold, people are clothed and fed with roofs over their heads, the sea is bountiful and kind. And I have a loving wife with an heir and another on the way."
Yukimura shivered slightly, hovering over Akihime for a moment longer before finally rolling off of her and laying beside her in bed, catching his breath.

Nori made a scoffing sound, standing up. "And to think someone who enjoys being drenched in blood on a daily basis finds blood disgusting." She turned, pulling on her pants and her shirt before heading out to the bath house to wash up.

Nana smoothed out Motochika's coat, dusting off the snow that lingered on his shoulders. "You flatter me, Motochika-sama." A soft blush accompanied her smile, Nobuchika teething on his rattle.
"Wow..." Akihime breathed, "That was...amazing..."

"Fighting and being covered in blood is one thing. Having sex in it is something completely different." He replied.

"I know, I'm a real swoon~" He replied with a playful grin.
Yukimura gave a small nod of agreement, face flushed pink as he caught his breath. "Would... Would it be ok if I held you?" He asked quietly, shifting on the bed to look at her.

"Yeah, whatever you say." Nori muttered, retreating to the bathhouse to clean up before returning, hair dripping wet. "Happy?" She asked, half-clothed, she moved across the room, heading for the bed.

Nana had to stand on her toes to plant a kiss on Motochika's cheek, giving him a light shove, smiling warmly. "Hardly." She teased.
Akihime laughed softly in good humor, "Why would it not be?" She asked, looking him in the eyes with a loving gaze.

"Vaguely." He grumbled before moving towards and shoving her down onto the bed.

"Well, I see how it is...!" Motochika fake pouted, "I shall take my son and leave you, madam. Good day." He said and turned to leave with a giggling Nobuchika.
Yukimura wrapped his arms around Akihime's waist, pulling her closer and holding her close to himself. "I love you, Akihime." He said softly.

Nori made a soft noise of displeasure, laying back on the bed, watching Sasuke with dark eyes.

Nana snorted and let out a dramatic sigh, moving over to the bed and laying down, hand on her forehead. "Oh, how saddening, a poor woman, all on her lonesome - whatever will I do?"
Akihime smiled brightly and kissed from his cheek to his lips, "I love you, too, Yukimura-sama."

"You wanna fuck, fine. We'll fuck. But it will be unforgiving and hard, and I will not stop even if you cry." Sasuke hissed.

"Rule Dawnstar on your own. I sail away from this land forever!" He stated dramatically before leaving the White Hall. It would only take a few seconds before Motochika pushed open the door and crawled towards her, Nobuchika squealing and laughing on his back, "Oh, my love, forgive me, I couldn't bare the loneliness! Take this old fool back, I'll do whatever you ask!"
((Ditches Yuki))

"Aw, what, I don't even get a kiss?" Nori extended her arm, rubbing against Sasuke's groin to get him excited. "You can't expect me to always put out if you won't even kiss me, let alone tell me you love me~" She said in a mocking tone.

Nana laughed and sat up on the bed with some effort, leaning down to kiss Motochika, gently grasping his chin. "Of course, I'll always take you back." She said, cupping his cheeks and kissing him once more.
Nori waited semi-patiently on the bed, a soft scowl on her face, before letting out a sharp sigh. "Actually, I'm rather tired, I think I'll rest for a while." She said, grabbing her clothes off the ground and pulling her shirt on, waving him off.

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