Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

((We can come back to them in a second~))

Jin had stayed with Kojurou all through the night, and for the next few days while he was unconscious, only leaving his side when Masamune forced her to go to the healer and to bathe. She refused outright to eat or sleep anywhere she couldn't see Kojurou, making sure he was never alone for a moment.
Jin had been dozing off when Kojurou woke, making her stir from her own slumber, gasping softly. "Kojurou-sama!" She stood, moving to see him closer. Her hair was loose around her shoulders, not in a braid like it usually was kept, since Kojurou was usually the one to help her with her hair.
Jin nodded and quickly retrieved a bucket of water, filling a cup full and helping him drink. "Do you need the healer?" She asked, worry showing on her face just as clearly as the dark circles under her eyes.
When Kojurou finished the first cup, Jin filled a second one, hands shaking slightly, but she was careful not to spill any water.
She set the water aside, holding his hand gently. "How could I not worry when my husband lay wounded because of me?" She asked softly, kissing his knuckles.

After a couple days and stopping a couple nights in Bruma to recooperate, Akihime and her small party finally returned to Skyrim. Akihime welcomed the cold happily, grinning from ear to ear.
Yukimura took a deep breath, enjoying the crisp Skyrim air, itching to move ahead to Whiterun. "I think we'll be able to ride to Whiterun by nightfall." He said. Nori was back in her Dark Brotherhood armor, having shredded the dress Sasuke had packed for her after changing. "Good." She muttered stiffly, ready to be on her own and away from Sasuke for a while.

Megohime had been expecting her due date any day now, her stomach having swollen to a round bump that stuck out rather noticeably. When her water broke, it was during another quarrel, Megohime stopping mid-sentence to announce that her water had broken. "I said my water just broke." She repeated, hissing through clenched teeth, her dress skirt wet.
Megohime breathed sharply through clenched teeth, death-gripping Masamune's hand as her contractions started, growling softly.
The birth was relatively quick and easy, but rather painful, leaving Megohime in an exhausted state once she was finished and cleaned up. "It's a healthy girl." The healer handed Masamune the freshly cleaned and bundled baby, who squirmed and fussed.
The baby seemed to be upset by his words, before finally settling down, gently hitting her hand against Masamune's own hand. She had red eyes, just like Megohime, as well as her black hair. "Looks like you're a baby whisperer." Megohime joked, laying in bed.
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